Wolcen now on Early Access on Steam

Yup and blizz did the same thing with D3 yet the game survived and is still streamed and has lots of YouTube videos and a large following.

If they care about their product they will fix it along with feedback. If not, move along I say. Lots of games coming out, especially of the Arpg kind:

Last epoch
Slormancer (which I am super excited for)
Sanctum Breach
Chronicon (almost done, in EA)
Torchlight 3

Not to mentioned the ones that are already out.

wow, did not expect that, Wolcen is good for GD it seems :smiley:

seriously that translates to a lot of money… wonder how Crate will spend that to “improve” Grim Dawn. :thinking:

Quin69 review .

Epic review. I’ve been posting it over on the Wolcen Steam forum. As far as I’m concerned it’s a must watch for anyone that has doubts about getting the game.

I’m actually pretty amazed the devs haven’t banned me there yet. I’ve been giving them 10 kinds of hell from the start of the launch. I did receive a “warning” at one point tho for something ridiculous to receive a warning for.

:smiley: They have more pressing issiues outside of one old rampaging troll :smiley: .
I remember armor bug from Alfa, when your equipment stats didn’t match the tooltip. But now its getting better https://www.reddit.com/r/Wolcen/comments/f7hrfh/maximum_health_shenanigans/ =)

I dunno guys but for me the worst thing by far is the voice acting for the male protagonist :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s pretty damned ridiculous. The shitpile just gets bigger and bigger. It’s absolutely insane that they truly thought it was…

  1. A good idea to release it like this, and…
  2. Paid a bunch of top streamers to “sponsor” play the game for launch, and thus, putting Wolcen squarely under the microscope for all to see.

It staggers the mind that they couldn’t see this coming even tho it was right in their face the entire time.

Even funnier, they extended the original release date by two weeks with this to say…

… if the game is this bad right now, how much worse could it possibly have been without the delay?! :exploding_head::fu:

I’m not even sure if delay did anything. Most of bugs origins from alfa version and are 4-5 years old. Nice tree is F# and was in the same state for years.
Heck, personaly i don’t rly care for few bugs, servers and to a lesser degree to balance, but, man the core of gameplay is horrible clunkfest, the amount of content is non-existant and there is simply nothing to do in the game once you finish the story. The boring senseless story with horrible voice acting >_>

Haven’t been following Wolcen’s development, but how hard could it be to simply be transparent to the players, especially the backers, about what’s holding them back and what they are doing about it even if that results to more delay?

Sure, it’s going to irritate most but this isn’t some kind of software issue that’s going to negatively affect the life of an individual or halt the operation of a business. They simply have to hustle and be transparent about it.

It seems like someone or something has pressured them into releasing the game into its current state.

They’ve simply chosen the pay to test revenue model.

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So basically only few minor problems like… everything :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I don’t have the system to run it but I was looking some videos and read about Wolcen, good idea mixing classical ARPG and modern elements (tooked from Diablo III and PoE) but amount of problems and lack of fixes pre release is mind blowing. That’s for sure disappointing for the loyal backers.

Me neither :slight_smile: I hoped for Wolcen to be one of these games that have nice combat and feel to them like Diablo 3 and also itemization/progression not as dumb as D3 and not as complicated as PoE (where you probably need 1000h to leave the noob phase and grasp everything).

We desperately need Jason Schreier to write an article explaining the whole Wolcen situation.

It actually runs better than GD. Until it doesn’t…

Combat is nice. Itemization sucks. Uniques (equivalent of GD’s purples) - with very few exceptions - are either so op that they’re BiS for any build or so lacking that they’re useful for no build. All other items are random stat sticks. No MIs, no predesigned affixes, no nothing.

Character progression is like this: build without Bleeding Edge -> build with Bleeding Edge -> end of progression. I dunno if it’s more or less complicated than PoE but it’s sure full of surprises. Like I equipped a new item with cdr, reloaded the game next day, and my cooldowns were actually higher than before :rofl:

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I’ve seen it mentioned that there are only 25 uniques total in the game. And by all accounts the majority of those aren’t all that unique.

Another one. I finally leveled enough to take a passive that gave me my last ailment type (ailments is ridicilously op/miscalculated shit that gives you dmg multipliers in the THOUSANDS lmao). Toxic Emanations. And yeah it worked great. On the first map after loading the game and then not. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

lords of refund indeed, I did refund this game which cost me a staggering 8 usd on sale (which i honestly believe is too much for an asking price cause, heck I believe this game should be free to play

then I used that money to buy the Grim Dawn Soundtrack for roughly the same amount. 10/10 best decision ever!

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Quin69 said it was good voice acting

Grim Dawn still RULES!

I have now spent quite a lot of time in Wolcen and initially it did tweak my interest as some of the concepts and play were initially very cool and it did actually look great.

I must admit that I have not personally experienced any of the multitude of hardware crashes reported out there and am quite honestly confused about this as ALL my equipment is well over 10+ years old. I have been able to play long hour sessions using MEDIUM settings with no overheating or other black screen crashes? Lots of bugs and weird shit though - YES.

Now comes my main issues - (@Powbam : a lot of your gripes and anger are now clearly apparent) …

This game is NOT open world and is actually on rails where all progression is like a linear one way portal - dungeon, portal - dungeon (recursion) … did I say recursion?

The first boss fight (Edric) was ridiculous as it appears that even though you adequately fought your way there you were on a hiding to nothing without changing your whole build.

Googling seemed to suggest 1 or 2 builds to handle him. D3 mentality! - only 1 or 2 builds which everyone then vies for to take him down.

Grim Dawn does not do this to you.

In Dawn, the quest bosses you encounter as you level are usually manageable as long as your build has progressed nicely and you are adept in using your allocated skills. Yes, Grim Dawn does has “Super Bosses” that will really tear your heart out and eat it in a few seconds, but they are OPTIONAL and NOT part of the main quest! You also need to regear most times if you want to take on any of these monster challenges, but it is NOT essential to the main campaign.

Maybe Wolcen should consider making Edric an optional Superboss that you can elect to fight, or just escape and continue with the campaign, much like Ravager and Mogdrogen in Grim Dawn?

The areas are also very short and narrow, nothing like Grim Dawn’s sprawling environment.
They have just 3 areas. I have only done the 1st short act 1 yet, and running in act 2, but I think it will be just as short and the end boss just way above my capability.

This game could have been a world beater, but sadly I think it has fallen to the modern trend of that if it LOOKS GOOD, then it will work and sell, F**K the actual gameplay.

Stopped playing now while watching and waiting what patches and bug fixes are upcoming.

Jumping back to a REAL game, Grim Dawn really puts it back in perspective. Wolcen graphics at the end of the day are not really that more impressive than Grim Dawn, and DEFINITELY the balance, scope and stability of dawn is something they are going to take eons to address.

Hats of though for them trying to take on the corporate giants like Blizzard etc. We need more of this style of game development.


Glad to see you embrace the light :smiley: Wolcen’s graphics, if your system can even handle them, are certainly nice to behold. But it doesn’t make up for the way too short campaign, the horrible balance issues with the Gate of Fate and the lackluster and poorly balanced items, or the way that you are very much railroaded thru the game.

It might be better in time perhaps. Guess we’ll see. It should have been better to begin with tho and it could have if they hadn’t of mishandled early access so badly.

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