- Low density
- Awkward narrow corridors that you get stuck in
- Poor visibility
- Color palette is 50 shades of brown
Is there a chance it can be removed and changed for something else?
Is there a chance it can be removed and changed for something else?
other perspective; awesome for safe pulling and freebie corridor kills
windex+cloth = clean glasses
have you met grim dawn?
honestly, imo, /“not just trying to be a contrarian”, this is like one of the least offending maps.
I still vote for ex Forgotten Depths? map getting nuked purely based on the insane amount of traps and placement
Immolation is horrible because of asspull galore/uncontrollable pulling potential, with so much aetherground it can be rough to navigate even for an aetherfire experienced person
also, green maps in general annoy me, talk about poor visibility+50shades of X for aether attacks etc
I can’t say I disagree here. That map lags so much too with all the traps and those tornadoes.
Disagree, it’s a really fun map if you have the right build and a really hard one if your build lacks good aoe.
There is not enough Windex to see thru all that brown plus those disappearing roof textures make visibility and navigation really awkward.
How about Malmouth Outskirts map instead? Some theme of ruined city but with more space and a bit more variety in terms of colors
ironically it’s not an issue of too little AoE, but an issue of too much/“wrong” aoe
Immolation can be totally fine on an almost purely ST build; as long as you don’t ass pull.
Issue is, it’s so tiny with such a densely chain populated, that if a lightning strike, omen/plague, item proc etc decides to go off in the distance or wrong direction, literally the entire map can be pulled, and that just quickly gets not fun, even on the most extreme AoE capable build. Since you’re dealing with 3000 enemies and 5 nemesis, and floor that’s made of lava/equally out to kill you, as you try to find a decent position to attack from.
am i mistaken or isn’t that already in the pool?
i think the issue is you’re finding the candle district map “boring” not actually broken. Where i don’t think boring is an “issue”/thus think malmouth is fine(slower player/more safe etc) hence not “worst”; but have an actual gripe/ “balancing” issue with Immolation - aside from the brown vs green overlap “boring” ofc
The only map I hate is the small room with three Manifestations of Hunger. Unbalanced as f*ck compared to other maps… Absolutely hate it in high SR. And it ruins my runs always.
For me the worst is the Malmouth sewer map, long entry point and it splits into 3 area, a dense mob spawn, mobs and tornadoes, or mobs and crystal trap
Disable fog. Thank me later.
Worst map is the enclosed boss room with all four close together. Hard to kite properly
Worst is splendors of shattered realm with the chests you have to open to spawn mobs. The chests quickly become hidden by the bodies of previous mobs so they cannot be easily found. All the while the clock is ticking down…
Put corpse persistence lower?
That map doesn’t even come close to the top 5 worst maps IMO. Personally not a fan of timer waster chunks like Gazer or 3 Yugols, and Seeker of the Damned can straight up go die in a fire. If these at least rewarded timer for enemies killed, I’d be fine with them. Though Seeker is still an absolute chore.
Ignoring these, worse by far than Candle District are the small, hyper dense, often trapped maps like some of the caves, or Malmouth Sewers. I’m actually kinda ok with Immolation, even though it’s difficult, cause at least the layout of the aether ground is always the same and if there are traps it’s not too many so you can plan some sort of clearing strategy for the doompull that’s inevitably going to happen. And it’s not like all maps have to be at the same difficulty, I think it’s fine if you have some spikier ones like Immolation as long as the challenge is fair. But I hate maps where I’m confined to a tiny space, there’s huge clusters of enemies cause the map’s surface area is so small, and then I’m getting chased by tornadoes or there are volcanos popping up under my feet every fucking step of the way. Traps on a map like Steelcap District are fine, you got space to manoeuvre around them. But don’t put them on tinyass maps with narrow corridors and a nemesis breathing down my neck at the spawn point. Volcanos especially are pretty bullshit if you’re playing a fire build, cause then you may not even notice them since you spawn your own as well. /rant
The trick is to click on 7 chests very quickly right at the start, before enemies start spawning. Then you just kill the trash mobs that spawn and the map is done, you only need to clear 7 chests. The whole map can be done very fast with next to no timer lost and it’s hardly ever dangerous even on high shards.
Sphinx boss arena. Proudly ruining SR runs by bullshit aggro ever since release.
Maybe it is time to turn the camera by 180 degrees again
Thanks! /10 char
It is a bit of a dps check. It’s fun when you can take it before its next shield. With low dps builds fighting him does not feel good.
Low DPS builds, high-AoE low single target builds, and also builds that are just about keeping up with their sustain. The moment his shield goes up and your damage disappears, so does your sustain. At best the fight is a waste of time and timer with no challenge, at worst it’s a 2+ minute slog with periodic mad scrambles to heal from the summons. Like you said, it’s only really fun when you basically don’t have to deal with any of it.
Would still suck. The tiny area to kite, the sphinx wings blocking meteors, general visibility is horrid.
meanwhile me loving the sphinx map because you can use it to block enemy fire
*legit dont’ understand the aggro issue mention tho, not like you chain aggro bosses, and there is “plenty” room to move around the bottom without pulling the topside boss