Xbox one release

I’m sorry, and the following i mean unironically in all seriousness, but you really give me a loud laugh. Oh boy… especially the last part about Diablo 4. You would wish it would go that fast…

Boi… that’s not conspiracy… it’s facts. Don’t be weird about it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is PoE2 even announced for Console. And if so, should it be released that early?

And about Torchlight 3, as much as i love that game already and can’t wati for full release… i don’t see how it’s in competition with GD, even if both are HnS, they are quite different… and have a different appeal.

But i guess that’s only me…

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Yes PoE 2.0 is confirmed for consoles. It’s being built within PoE 1.0. As for a release date, they said beta possibly at the end of 2020, so a release in early 2021 doesn’t seem too far-fetched.

It’s simple - one person, one coder - has been tirelessly working on this port this entire time. Much of that work is very VISIBLE in the PC version. Controller support/UI was improved, x64 version is another byproduct of that work, Deferred Rendering and host of other odds and ends.

I’m not sure how much more “transparency” you really need. What’s footage or pictures gunna show you that you can’t already see with the current PC version? They are going to be pretty much identical. The Facebook post 2 weeks ago spells it out plainly. It’s in the last legs of certification, they had a few minor issues that were already taken care of. Again, it’s almost there now.

PoE2 and TL3 have nothing to do with it and are no relation to a GD Xbox version. You won’t buy it if they miraculously hit console before them?


Oh well?

I just checked… there is no Facebook post in April or that timeframe of 2019 mentioning certification or the Xbox port. Care to link?

Nevermind… I found medea’s quote that you imagined claimed they were in certification:

Seems you misread. As you can see here when you compare the above quote from last year it lines up with their January FB post where they said that a 2019 release might have been a little ambitious. Zantai at the time of that stream quote clearly thought they might hit it at that point. They didn’t. They made a post about it in January with revised information saying it would be happening in the coming months, two weeks ago they updated that information.

I am completely unsure what more you need from them that they haven’t already given. It’s almost here. They aren’t going to base the release of it around the fact that you won’t buy it if something else comes out first. That would be ludicrous of them to do or to even care about doing for one or a few people so why even go there? Who do you really think you are that you imagine that you are that important?

Scroll up in this same thread and you can see they talk about testing and certification.

medea_fleecestealerSuper Moderator

May '19

“Nothing that hasn’t already been said. Working it’s way through testing and certifcation. Crate want to offer it as a bundle (base game/expansions). Crate will let us know as soon as they’re ready to release it to Xbox users.”

Here’s another thread from May of 2019 where Medea says it’s being tested and going through certification.

Keep in mind that medea isn’t an employee and that she only knows what she sees/reads (pretty much anything that’s already been publicly mentioned) and might occasionally make mistakes in relaying any information she’s gleaned. Somehow I don’t think it’s been in certification that long.

If they said that they were almost there (and they did 2 weeks ago) I see no reason that they aren’t almost there. It’s not a conspiracy. They aren’t out to get you. If that changes for any reason I feel pretty confident they’ll mention it.


It’s just kind of unbelievable that they have been in certification for that long. I remember back in June of 2018 they said they were going through the certification process also, but then they decided to release everything in one package. We’ll see if it actually comes out anytime soon… hopefully it does.

They also never said it is almost there, they just said it is progressing through certification smoothly currently.

Nobody was claiming that they were out to get anyone. I simply said something might be going on behind the scenes that is preventing the release at the moment and that they might not want to talk about.

They have been giving us misleading and infrequent info about the Xbox port for years though, so who can blame us for being skeptical?

Anyways, I just wanted an actual response from a Crate employee giving us some concrete information on a possible time table.

Exactly. I find it kinda unbelievable myself. Which is why I feel like that was a mess up on medea’s part with that particular message at that particular time.

As is their right. They owe you or anyone else nothing.

Wrong. Nothing has been misleading. It’s game development. Delays happen. Issues happen.

It’s in certification and as my evidence of Google searching Xbox certification above reveals, certification “varies” - how can they give you a timetable while it’s in cert if the process itself is somewhat unpredictable? Accounts on the internet reveal it can range from days to months… it all depends on if issues arise or not and what that entails if they do arise. I imagine once it clears cert that they will then be able to give an actual timetable more safely.

Aw, powbam, you should know me better than that. Not that I don’t make mistakes of course, but …

27th July 2018 stream:
"StrUktO:how are you doing on the xbone port?

It’s kinda going through the certification process. We have to check all the boxes before it can be put up on the Xbox marketplace effectively."

7th December 2018 stream:
"kenm130 : How is the xbox port progressing? Any updates?

I don’t have any major news for you in that regard. It is progressing, Rhis is working hard on that. It’s basically going through all the certification steps. Actually I think most recently it’s had some testing requirements which need to be done followed by more certification stuff. So it’s coming, it’s rolling."

However, as I said right at the beginning of this thread Crate want to do the Xbox port as a bundle, i.e. base game and both expansions rather than sell them separately so of course until FG is finished they can’t do that. When Crate said it was going through certification back in 2018 they hadn’t decided they would bundle the game for Xbox.

14th September 2018
"PeredurJoL: is there a release date for the xbox version of the game?

The Xbox version is coming along. I will tell you that it will almost certainly come out after Forgotten Gods. The reason for that is that it would make sense, most likely, what we’ll do is actually make the Xbox version a bundle of all expansions and the base game. That way there’s not going to be any fragmenting of the community on the console version."

We also don’t know what requirements may be being added/changed for the game to pass Xbox certifcation. These from May and June 2019 respectively.

"Stonewall6915 : xbox version ever coming

Yes, it is absolutely coming. We’re sorry we’re not giving you more active updates in that regard, but it’s just not at a point where we can tell you confidently it’s coming out this day. Even just talking to Rhis, one of our programmers who’s involved in the Xbox port, just last week and there’s actually potentially going to be some more optimizations coming to the game, again courtesy of the Xbox port, but it does mean several things have to happen before we can even get into releasing the Xbox port for you, but don’t worry it’s coming. It’s great. I hope you guys enjoy it on console."

"EnemyEX : any news on the Xbox One version yet?

The work on that is obviously not finished. Just with this patch actually you guys got voice chat functionality built into the game and that was something that was required for the Xbox. I have a feeling, not 100% confirmed yet, that there’ll be some optimisations coming next patch. Not like the next hotfix, but the next big patch we’ll be doing that should include optimisations that are aimed for the Xbox, but will benefit the game. Specifically involving lighting calculations and lighting has been actually very taxing on this game in the past so should actually have a notable improvement on that for people in the game."

@pbfloyd2112 and @Kenm130, I remember medierra saying that most game companies keep their projects hidden from the outside. They only start to talk about it, when they are almost ready and can begin their media campaign. This has never been Crate’s way, and they have kept sharing bits and pieces with us on a more informal basis.

While many of us here appreciate this kind of transparency, it has put you on a tantalizing wait. I’ve been on their forums for almost eleven years, and they delivered anything they had confirmed before. Often they were too optimistic on the ETA, but that was because they have prioritized the quality of their product. Stay tuned and enjoy other games in the meantime.


Sorry I don’t know how to quote. @pbfloyd2112 I respect your opinion, and I will not say in what you are feeling is wrong. For me, I rather have a great product and if that takes time so be it. I am anxious to play this on Xbox and want it NOW, but as I said, I don’t want another Fallout 76, Anthem.

Yes it sucks that Crate announced the certification process and it’s taking so long, but if quality is coming out of this, then I rather wait instead of paying for it now, it doesn’t work and or is very buggy and then the name gets ruined.

Now if the game is buggy when it’s released then I will never understand Crate mentioning they are in certification process and taking so long.

I see your view. I was like that as well. Now I am sick and tired of things “it just works” when it doesn’t and then a great game gets ruinded

I am curious. Maybe this will not get released on Xbox One, but maybe on the Xbox Series? Well by that I mean it will release on Xbox One, (hope I don’t have to buy it twice) but is waiting for the Xbox Series to come out and maybe just maybe we have greater improved graphics and Crate wants it as a surprise for PC users as well?

You never know what Crate was able to make with the Xbox Series and implement it for PC as well.

Most likely I am wrong. All I hope is when it is released on Xbox One, it’s not buggy and is the best product Crate can put out for console.

The game has been in certification for a few weeks, which is what we posted on social media.

Up til that point, we were working on getting the game to meet certification requirements. Things such as how UI functions and is displayed, FPS standards, multiplayer infrastructure (hello Steam GOG cross-play, you can thank the XBox port), etc.

Keep in mind also that most of this work was done by one programmer (a substantial % of our staff when you consider we are a team of 13).

If some people are losing their minds over this, I’m afraid we can’t help that.

It’s too bad the comments about how some other game in a series that’s been on console since forever, developed by a AAA publisher-backed studio, went through certification quickly are gone. It’s almost like the two scenarios don’t remotely equate.



Seems pretty transparent and clear to me.

Don’t think we are obligated to give people (boring) weekly updates. Or do people really need to know how Xbox certification website and documentation are like playing Myst and how without any errors to work off of one of our devs spent hours just trying to figure out why the store listings wouldn’t submit until an error finally showed up that certain text sections, in other languages, were over the 200 character limit, so he had to go back to the translators and have them make changes.

You know, exciting news-worthy stuff.


Okay, thank you for that clarification. I think the main issue is people thought that the game was in certification since around May 2019 because of a few mod posts.

This is the communication people would like to see.

As for your second post, we got that, but we were under the impression that certification was happening in May 2019. Then that post came in January. Followed by 3-4 more months of silence up until the comment about two weeks ago. You guys aren’t obligated to tell us everything, but posts like your first one here help to clear things up.

Anyways, thank you for the clarification.

Still, if Zan’s mentioning store listings we must be getting close, right? Right? :upside_down_face:


Hopefully! Sorry about the confusion, I just thought one of your posts last year implied it was being certified last year and so did other people apparently. Can’t wait to play on Xbox when it’s ready.

Did anyone not notice the cross play? We might have xbox with Steam and GOG? If not, at least the PC crowd can thank a console for giving them Steam and GOG play. :slight_smile:

Where are you seeing crossplay mentioned? I’m not seeing it and not recalling mention of it. Steam and GOG yes… but with Xbox as well, not finding that.

How do you quote someone here?

@powbam I saw the cross play when Zantai said multiplayer infrastructure,(hello Steam GOG cross-play, you can thank the XBox port) got me thinking if the Xbox port was able to do PC and PC, it might be able to do , Steam, GOG, XBox cross play as well, or at least they tried and found a way for Steam and GOG.

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