I was planning a new character to play, a character who uses the necromancer class pets, and taking a look at the different masteries, I found Flame Touched to be an interesting skill. Next step, damage conversion.
Korvaak´s Burning-Blade has a 100% Vitality to Fire conversion feature for Flame Touched and I don´t fully understand how it works. Flame Touched doesn´t add vitality damage to attacks.
1- Does it convert the vitality damage of the skeleton pets when they are affected by Flame Touched?
2- Does it convert the character´s weapon damage to fire if the weapons damage is vitality when Flame Touched is active?
3- Or does it only work to convert the vitality damage added to Flame Touched by other skills or items like Corruption of Gargabol (The only item I found in grimtools database which adds vitality damage to Flame Touched)? But Corruption of Gargabol also converts damage so it would not synergise well with Korvaak´s Burning-Blade.
conversion applied to buffs only apply to player, not party members, in this case not pets - this is to prevent mismatch interchanging conversion in multiplayer
to get conversion to pets it needs to be either direct conversion modifier to that pet (ex fire conduit for skeletons) or as part of “bonus to all pets - vitality dmg converted to fire”
dammit - you´re sure ? why? All %dmg, flat dmg, resists, whatever DO apply to pets if they come with an aura that extends to pets.
Converstion not - really?
As for the Vitality to fire conversion provided by Korvaak´s Burning-Blade, how does it work? That weapon adds fire damage and +% fire damage to the base attack, which makes sense if +% damage is added to the attack only post conversion. But I don´t understand the Vitality to fire conversion feature. Does the vitality damage has to be provided by other skills or items and only applies when Flame Touched is active?
This statement is correct. As long as you have Flame Touched active, all flat Vitality damage you get from skills / items / devotions will be converted to Fire. For Necromancers, specifically, this covers Vitality damage from skills like Ravenous Earth, and devotions such as Bat, Wendigo, or Revenant. It will all get converted to fire.
Then, as you mentioned, these converted skills then get increased damage by your total %fire damage, so your dagger adds an additional 100% Fire damage or so to bolster all of your fire attacks (including the ones that are converted to Fire)
Otherwise, Gnomish is correct in that this conversion only applies to player skills and pets are unaffected, so their Vitality damage is not converted to Fire. In order for Skeletons to have their Vitality damage converted to fire, you would need the Conduit that explicitly converts the damage for Raise Skeletons.
Ah, maybe also a new fact for you, skeli (learned it recently myself; started out with pets recently):
If pets have conversion and proc a dmg devotion, the dmg from the devotion gets converted accordingly.
Sounds logical, but still didnt think of it.