Yo I need help with my lvl 97 Ultos primalstrike warder plz

Hi I need help with my build (well I need more focus on my devotions cause idk if mine is good or not) I just finished everything on elite now going into ultimate and I just need some pointers for my build, its not that I dont kill things effectively its just that I think I can get more out of it :slight_smile:
(btw idk why but my stats are a bit wrong on grimtools but the rest of the stuff like my gear and stuff is correct)

Build: Warder, Level 97 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Welcome to the forum!

This is my all-time favorite game. I have an embarrassing number of hours in it.

I see a couple of things that you may want to look at:

  1. The resists all need to be at 80. Look at your faction rep and see what augments you have available.
  2. Armor absorb at 70% with 6% phys res. is a no-go for ultimate. Since you probably won’t have high phys res with your final build I recommend scaled hide component for legs and shoulders until you have blueprints for the other armor absorb components.
  3. In devotions you must take widow. The points in hourglass should be taken out and put in widow along with the one point you have in stag. For this build with a nice 2-hander I recommend the spear constellation since you will be at 20 points blue already. While ultimately not optimal, spear is a great passive boost for survivability. I would switch out Korvaak for that one. But absolutely take widow. You need the RR.
  4. In skills, max raging tempest. -%RR is the biggest damage boost you can get.

damn thx man I’ll do that I really like this game and its mechanics and warder is by far my best character lol, I wanna ask if you maybe you could modify my currant builds gear so-that I know to what I should grind and build or could you maybe link a other build whose gear I could use with my build plz

oh nad might I ask whats %RR?

you said to use widow should I put a point in the last node? and if I must on witch ability should I assign it?



thx I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Welcome to game and forum! Ultos Warder is a staple.

-%rr (resistance reduction) is one of the most important damage stats in the game. When granted, it reduces enemy resistance to said type of damage. Warder has raging tempest, (which should be maxxed like others said) and Widow (devotion constellation). Grim dawn isn’t very flexible in regard to this mechanic, you have to max both here regardless. You also need a source of flat rr (doesn’t stack, highest applies-examples could be revenant and scales devotions). Your build probably wants to take Elemental storm in Devos.

Doing this alone will boost damage considerably. Another easy boost is to bump attack speed up. GT link says 145%, this is holding back so much damage. You’re leaving 55% of your damage attacks behind. Look for of Alacrity suffix on weapon, maybe get gloves with higher attack speed, 9% is pretty low, use consecrated wrappings components in gloves as well.


ahh ok thanks!

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GT takes average (or lowest, not sure?) of stats; so if in game you rolled for example highest resists possible on all gear, GT still takes average or lowest rolls. I think it’s average. But anyhow, that is probably why stats don’t exactly match between the two.


ahh ok makes sense cause I have max resistances ingame (exept piece) but a few of my resists are wrong on gt lol, thx