[] Markovian/Warborn Commando - Juggernaut - high physical dmg shield build + Crucible farmer

Is the new patch “positive” for the build ? :slight_smile:

Indeed it is

Flashbang would consume a little extra energy but that isn’t an issue (not a major one that is)

I’d still not recommend using the Markovian set and sticking to Warborn


Could be wrong about Markovian, waiting for final word from Fluff

Where do you see flashbang in this build ? :slight_smile:

I think his calc is still broken

I recall he told me he dropped one of the two - flashbang or blast shield but the current calc has points in neither of them. So i am as confused as you are

No Flash bang for this one. PAtch 0.9 is STILL not available for GOG so no updates today

for your information ^^.

Cool, Tanks. Didn’t see the edit. Will update this weekend or if i’ll be off from home, monday at the latest. Wanted to do it this morning but no luck

Hey there.
Coul you please tell me prefix and suffix of a Cronley’s ring? One my friend playing followimg this build and I farmed a ring few days ago, so probably I have one that he needs :D.
Thanks and best regards.

Well can be either gollus or cronley now. Starting from the coveted Incorruptible to more accessible prefixes like Purging/Warding and of Readiness is best suffix on this guy

So I noticed that I actually had a level 75 Commando which I hadn´t played in a while and thought I might give this build a try, because it seemed okay.

It is alright.

Thank you for this. :slight_smile:

Thanks. The update will be better in some aspects in spite of big DPS loss after patch 0.8. I can’t see the first tab on your character but you can expect more health more DA and OA than the original

I am actually still leveling the devotions and my gear is not optimal, yet I killed mad queen in under 2 minutes. First time ever i killed that bitch on Ultimate.
Had to kite a little bit, but still. Wow. :cool:

Hmm. Tabe BLast shield to lvl 9 or 10 and pivot between Blast shield and Overguard against her. Time your Bloodthrister in between. You should be able to face tank her.

Cool :).
Where do you drop the shield “Siegebreaker”. Do you need to do a specific boss ? I made hundreds of Gladiator runs and never dropped.
Is there an alternative to Siegebreaker ?

Vanguard of the legion is a solid alternative and easier to cap resists with.

Shieldbreaker can drop as recipie or the item itself. Check if you don’t already have the recipe at a blacksmith. Who knows. No specific boss just rng

Build updated with some heavy changes for the latest patch 0.9.

You will find all gains and losses explained within the build which is now more polished in terms of stats and devotions.

In the Warborn section you will find a newly recorded video in crucible with Sharz+Sentinel at wave 149. I recoded 6 times to get any Fabius/maiden/Valdaran but no luck. I do take on Valdaran and enraged Benn at the same time

whats the highest damage output you managed now?

Shieldbreaker can be crafted, if u can’t craft it urself I am happy to help you

Cool looking forward to it hit 75 yesterday and had alot of fun fixing resistances and so on :slight_smile:
Tried Mad Queen for a bit but not being at max level yet I stopped to minimize my Xp loss :open_mouth:

Great build over all love it different then the other 4 build I have

I will check when i do crucible again. I forgot to reset my max hit:eek:

Just the average of regular crits will suffice. dont really care for that 1 time out of proportion crit :stuck_out_tongue: