[] Dracarris Incarnate - Pet/Fire Hybrid Pyromancer, 6s Mad Queen, Solo Gladiator Extra Spawn

[QUOTE=DaShiv;525487]No, there’s no alternative to substitute for the large RR provided by Thermite Mines. This is why virtually all fire-based demo builds use this skill.

I would practice and learn how to use them effectively. The key is to see the enemy coming, anticipate where the battle will be, and toss them with enough lead time for the mines to properly arm themselves.[QUOTE]

So be it , just saying i dislike the mine mechanic :undecided:

EDIT: Maybe the skill visual and sound not enought impactful, idk what ,but for now i use fire strike lvl 1 and the explosive lvl 9 modifier for a little aoe of 3m ( 10 points used) and a lvl 65 legendary 1 hand fire gun as placeholder ^^ .

True, I also tried this build, but I couldn’t handly all those buttons. It was too much for me

Hey guys,

I’m all new to this game and am trying to run this build on my first toon.

Currently lvl ~30 and struggling a bit with dmg, haven’t been able to find any proper weapons - so I’m running a 2H axe with some fire dmg and burning dmg bonuses. I have almost no gear with pet bonuses.

Any ideas on how to improve this? Any particular bosses with drops I should be going for at this stage, or is lvl 30 still so low that it’s a matter of “whatever, doesn’t really matter at this stage”?

PS. What’s the typical playstyle/skill rotation for this build, do you cast all debuffs and use all skills on all packs? Some packs are going down really slow for me.

I would start as a Dreegs Evil Eye poisoner, and lvl up to maybe 50 / 65 or 75, and the respec back to the pet build.

The thing is that none of the “all those buttons” actually require critical aiming or precision of any kind - the most demanding part is simply hitting skills to maintain cooldowns (especially for attached devotion procs). The lack of precision required means that when I’m using this build to farm for MIs, I’m clicking vaguely in the direction I’m supposed to be heading and mashing on my hotkeys while watching sports or Youtube. Then, I’ll look back to Grim Dawn and discover that I’ve been accidentally walking against a wall for the last 30 seconds, but I’ve still managed to create a pile of dead heroes around me and maybe some random loot. Once you’re geared, there’s no precision required at all during the vanilla campaign, except for boss/nemesis fights.

After you’ve played more characters, you’ll discover that having fewer skills that require precise execution (often with life-or-death consequences), such as Pneumatic Burst, Mirror, or even aiming AAR, is actually far more demanding than simply spamming buttons on a pet build.

Moose and Zantarin are pretty easy for pet builds in general. Fabius and Iron Maiden tend to give pet builds more trouble. See post #55 for additional tips on nemesis fights.

Don’t waste time farming at such a low level. Just keep leveling.

In terms of items, you’ll reach nice power spikes at levels 35 and 40, especially if you can craft the Savage relic and/or obtain the Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh. Other items to shop for at faction vendors include:

Level 35:
Rhowari Cuirass
Death’s Visage
Rhowari Shoulderguard
Death’s Advance
Rhowari Deathtouch

Level 40:
Rhowari Lifecaller
Devil’s War Seal

For more details, refer to the “Equipment Priority” section of the Guide.

This isn’t a “piano build” that requires precise skill rotations. Simply spam all your cooldown skills in the general direction of the enemy, and use your non-cooldown skills (like Thermite Mines) as needed. Pets will take care of the rest.


Problem with these faction stuff it’s the fact that lacking of survivability for the player even in normal difficulty since pet don’t tank at all for us ^^ .
While my lvling i mainly used self loot (magical yellow yeah lol and/or better, Mi, epic etc…) and common merchand cheking for found item that gave me life/ resistance, hight armor and finally,last ,pet bonuses to keep me going.Also i attempted to stay ranged with a pistol and Greater fire blast componnement.

I didn’t have issue the others have for playing the build, binding some low cool down skill like, flash bang, curse of frailty and sigil of consumption to my mouse and the others active skills ( BWC, hellhound, pet Attack ) binding to 1 2 3 4 5 keyboard using also the secondary skill bar for aura). Then i easily became used of my setting, no problem.

Atm i’m lvl 71 in act 4 Elite with no issue and having some fun.(Thank for this build btw).

Edit: The only faction item i use is the Lvl 40 life caller amulet from Rhover .

I do agree that there are better items than faction items for the build, but faction items are great for leveling. Not only are they easily attainable, but many faction items do provide survivability on top of pet bonuses. For example, the items I had previously mentioned:

Level 35:
Rhowari Cuirass: +26 Physique
Death’s Visage: heal proc
Rhowari Shoulderguard: +220 Health, +32 Defensive Ability
Death’s Advance: +235 Health, heal proc
Rhowari Deathtouch: +18 Defensive Ability, heal proc

Level 40:
Rhowari Lifecaller: +160 Health
Devil’s War Seal: +3% Health, +32 Defensive Ability, +5 Health Regenerated per second

In addition, Legion Conjuration Seal provides very well-rounded bonuses and Legion Mark of the Void provides a massive +10% pet OA that makes it a must-consider for any endgame pet build.

None of these faction items (other than the Mark of the Void) will last into endgame, but they can provide a baseline of pet bonuses for those who are just starting out, regardless of their luck with RNG drops.

+1 to this :slight_smile:

I’ve found faction gear pretty good for a number of different builds, even well into the game. For example, the pet build I have in my sig has faction items in 4 out of 13 slots and it completed the entire vanilla campaign, along with SoT and BoC in HC ultimate. The run through most of ultimate was pretty quick, as well.

I enjoy the game, but I’m not an expert at it. So, it isn’t so much the driver as it is the gear.

I’ve updated the main build post with ArmoredOtter’s video review:Grim Dawn Build Spotlight: Dracarris Incarnate. The video presents a concise overview of how the build functions, and also has much better-looking gameplay footage than my own hardware allows. It’s definitely worth your while to check it out!

Hey there, awesome build and definitely has been fun to play so far only that…
I am currently level 75, in act 3 (Ultimate, 50/50 devotion points), and I am kinda stuck here; I simply keep on dying so much, especially when I try something a little bit challenging like the Conflagration (and I couldn’t even get the Herald of Flame to lose one fifth of his health). My build is generally close to the end game one, with no active or passive skill missing. Just need to invest some points in Possession (only missing skill I have probably). I think one major problem is my HP (6140, a bit low I guess?). Any suggestions for better survivability? I keep on running around bosses hoping the pets would do the job but they take forever and I end up dying from making any minor mistake or from just simply getting hit by anything. The pets I have are: Hellhound, raven, and the pets from Fiendmaster Raiment, Will of Bysmiel, and Necromancer’s Deathgrips (can’t post links because this is my first post, sorry!). Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Holy smokes that’s low health! You need at least 9k or so. Keep in mind the original build solves this problem by having 2 Gollus Rings (and I believe the Wild suffix gives more health as well), and 2 items with the “Of Vitality” suffix. If you don’t have these, you need to look at faction gear or your stash for items that give either flat bonuses to health or health percentages. Common beginner mistake is to go ham equipping legendaries just cause they have them and forget that they need greens and yellows for resists/health/OA/DA.

Good luck!

I’ve had that same experience Xterminator. The build starts to shine when you get Primal Instict for the damage and Mark of Divinity for survivability. After that, the extra HP will keep you afloat. Ultimate became easy when I acquired those two items. I’m also trying Fiendflesh Mantle, giving me huge survivability in exchange for a small drop in damage. Buy a lot of Wrath of the Beast Tincture to have that huge spike in damage against bosses.

I’m loving the build so far but finding it difficult in ultimate right now. Don’t have the deathgrips or a primal instinct blueprint and most of my resistances are mid 40s in ultimate. What should I do to become more survivable?

First of all, you’ll want to provide Grimtools links for your characters to receive feedback from others on this thread. Use plaintext if you don’t have the post count to post active links yet.

Second, follow suggested items and item priorities as described in the Guide section to make sure you’re equipping properly for survivability. Many of the suggested items (such as Surcoat of Mogdrogen and Wildshorn Legguards) provide both huge survivability boosts and pet bonuses, and even Gollus’ Rings without useful pet affixes can be extremely helpful for survivability.

Lastly, survivability is a topic that comes up frequently. You should peruse this thread for some relevant suggestions offered in previous posts to those who have shared their characters, such as post #141.

All of the suggested MI alternates provide either flat health, +% health, and/or multiple resistances for survivability. “Of the Wild” does not provide any health. As you mentioned, faction items are a good source of survivability as well.

Here is my character
w ww.grimtools.com/calc/r2BbAz2A
as you requested. As you might have guessed, I have tried boosting my stats quite a bit since I last posted, and I have succeeded in reaching Loghorrean, but I can’t seem to get past the phase in which he spawns tyrants (last 30% or so); they are simply too many/spawn too fast, and the tentacles only add more to the trouble. Totally open for suggestions. Thanks in advance!

Holy smokes those resists! It’s really a testament to the build that you could even get to Log in Ultimate with such low resists. I apologize that I told you to focus solely on health in my last post, because yeah you really need to balance that with good resistances. Your Breath of Life augments are wasted with their Vitality resistance bonuses, and I’m not sure why you’re overcapping your Poison resists by 57% when all your other stats (particularly Chaos) are suffering so much. I would spread out the resistances; pick augments with resistances that balance out what you need. Even if your health drops a little bit it’s worth it.

Also, your rings and relic are definitely the biggest liability in your gear. Chillsurge Ring fire resist reduction does NOT work on bosses, and I think even Savage relic would be better than what you have now (should be easy for you to craft if you have the recipe). Find Gollus rings or even craft rings that have decent resists and you’ll be much better off.

EDIT - Yeah I got “the Wild” confused with “the Untamed”. Thanks Avyctes!

My little bit of advice regarding this is to look for “of the untamed” items, pet stats and a ton of flat health and OA. It’s the best suffix for a surprising amount of situations and most of those don’t involve pets at all.

Xterminator, I think your biggest problem is not having any swarmlings. They really do a significant portion of the damage, without which, you are forced to supplement at the expense of survivability.

How far are you from crafting a primal instinct relic? If you don’t have the blueprint, but do have the resources, I’m sure someone can craft it for you. Alternately have you considered trading for one, even just the blueprint?

On a side note:
Anyone have advice on optimal Bloodsworn Vestments farming?
I have been focusing on the 3 Bosses from Blood Grove to Darkvale Gate, and then most of Tomb of Korvaak, skipping the non-Chthonic section.

Does the BoC vendor sell them? If not, you’re pretty much forced to do your run.