[b]This is a something I tried long ago and now remade into what seems to be the most powerful ranged build in GD currently. The Avatar of Ulzuin set has been in the dark for long and now it’s time to show it’s true potential.
To this build I also include two melee versions, one with offensive setup for fastest possible kill and one more defensive for people who want to be tankier or venture into crucible and HC possibly.[/b]
Update - included different class combination suggestions at the end of the guide with videos of MQ
Avatar of Ulzuin:
The swirly lightningy stuff around there is the set proc. The proc is basically Flame Torrent/Agrivix’s Malice on steroids. 8.5K Fire damage (9.1K with Prismatic Rage on) and lightning damage is ~7K . In battle you will have 3 of these up constantly and in longer fights even 4. This adds up in no time with other procs like Flame torrent, Pyroclasm, Rings, Meteors and finally Fire strike, enabling you to melt single targets and at the same time trample through masses of mobs.
Note that I am using Elemental Balance rings. This means resistances are a pain to get and will offer options according to specific situations (notably pierce res for ulzuin setups)
Screen with Wyrbone: https://i.imgsafe.org/1b889881aa.jpg
Screen with Justice Hands: https://i.imgsafe.org/1b9a9b226d.jpg for pierce resist vs Fabius or anyone concerned by dps sheet, though you shouldn’t be for this build
I optimized for damage and quick kills. If you are put off by the lower Aether Resistance use Aether Soul in Medal. As for Pierce resistance, use Justicar Gloves - see Fabius video explanation
Mad Queen (9s, measured from the moment I start shooting at her):
No mirror was used, it’s not necessary. Let her burst you to proc Prismatic Rage and Blast shield. During Blast shield nullify her because her vengeance aura lastas 1-2 seconds longer than your blast shield. Activate Bloodthrister too.
A word on Prismatic Rage. This is an extremely powerful proc. You don’t depend o it but when it does proc it’s a 10% global damage increase, as multiplicative. Also gives 130 damage absorb for 8 seconds. This is as strong as Overguard in terms of absorption.
Fabius (15s measured from the moment I start shooting at him) :
He has high fire resistance so it lasts longer. Use Justicar Gloves instead of Wyrmbone to have safe pierce resistance for this fight. Nullify is Pneumatic Burst and thus also reducing his cold dmg.
Shar’zul (17s measured from the moment I start shooting at him):
He has stupid high fire resistance so it’s a bit longer than Fabius but still good. the video was my first encounter with him, I activated mirror a bit too late at the end but you can be wiser. Don’t forget to Nullify him to reduce his Elemental damage. Video includes the entirety of entropy too to see some clear speed. It’s very fast, even faster in places like Port Valbury.
Fire Strike -> Flame torrent
Flash Bang - > Meteors
Thermite Mines -> Elemental Storm
Eldritch Fire - Black Water Cocktail
Worldeater Ulzuin (Offensive setup):
Screen with Wyrmbone hands: https://i.imgsafe.org/1d807387d9.jpg
Screen with Justice hands: https://i.imgsafe.org/1d6e09c8e5.jpg
Setup made purely for fastest kill speed. Don’t be put off by the very low HP and DA. Used right it will destroy. You just need more focus. Again Juticar gloves and Aether Souls for Pierce/Aether issues.
Mad queen (7s measured from the moment I poker her with my stick:) ):
By far the fastest kill speed of this build vs large targets (more on this, proc cons of Worldeater at the end of the guide). Mirror is needed because we have lower health than full Ulzuin. Because of this her first burst is a 1shot kill. Mirror+ Nullify towards the end.
One trick to mention, it’s a 1 shot kill on you only of meteors fall on her. At the end of the mirror i let her burst me for 1 sec to activate Prismatic Rage, then nullify right away, and then activate Shar’zul Wrath to which Meteors are bound. This enables Massive burst in damage half way through the fight. Without Prismatic Rage the fight is 8 seconds. You don’t NEED to do it. I just show in the video how you can go about doing it.
Fire Strike -> Flame torrent
Sahr’zul’s Wrath - > Meteors
Thermite Mines -> Elemental Storm
Eldritch Fire - Black Water Cocktail
Worldeater Justicar (Defensive Setup):
I realized that the offensive setup might not be to everyones tastes to I included a more tanky version. This has More reliable DA more HP and is much easier to handle resistances with.
Grimtools:http://www.grimtools.com/calc/4NOQ3eVn poison res slightly better than screens. Made a small change. Pierce should be 80%
Screen : https://i.imgsafe.org/1db25d341d.jpgwith Wyrmbone
Screen: https://i.imgsafe.org/1d928eee3d.jpgwith Justice hands and Essence of Beronath Amulet for full DPS version. For anyone wanting large dps numbers but I say again, it doesn’t need that. Howver the option is there. Set proc and Medal proc on
Mad queen (10s measured from the moment I hit her ):
Still a solid kill time. No mirror is needed because we have enough health to let ourselves be burst to activate Prismatic Rage and Rely on Blast Shield. Nullify her during Blast Shield.
Fire Strike -> Flame torrent
Sahr’zul’s Wrath - > Meteors
Thermite Mines -> Elemental Storm
Eldritch Fire - Black Water Cocktail
This defensive setup will perhaps appeal more to HC adventurers than the other one.
So why does Worldeater work so well for MQ but less so for Other bosses:
First of all we use up tp 50% conversion from physical to fire to make use of the massive physical damage on the weapon ability. After conversion and Prisimatic Rage you are looking at over 20K fire damage per fissure. Enemies with large hit bosses like Mad queen eat 4x Fissures heavily debuffed. That Hertz:D
On the other hand bosses with tiny hit box and even fire resistant mmm…not so much. You will have far better results with Full Ulzuin set version.
-VS mobs it clears well. Ulzun set will be better at it in the long run but is fun nevertheless.
About Amulets
I chose to mazimize fire conversion with Alzara’s ruby that also gives flat fire damage and +1 demmo. This offers the best burst damage and consistent damage when not critting. But you can use Peerless and Essence of Beronath still. One gives crits more often and a bit more %crit dmg and the other more dps. In longer fights the come out roughly the same. Alzara will hower offer the highest burst damage to Sharz’ul’s Wrath ability which is were I banked everything for the melee versions. You can even use Apocalypse amulet and it’s ability
Alternative builds for melee versions:
Sorcerer is best for the ranged version but , for melee, those who seeks different options with their own particular advantages here are a couple of videos showing what other class combinations can do.
Elementalist (MQ 10sec):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrRUjKnv77Y
Lightining conversion is cool for this build as it helps meteors, worldeater weapon and it’s ability. Crits will be on par with sorc but much less OA. For this reason we are kinda forced to use Perless Eye of Beronath and lose Alazra’s fire conversion. Mark of Divinity is a must for non sorc to save us after BS ends. For this reason Justice set hands are used to have more hp and make sure er are not insta-killed.
Tankiness is more straightforward with a larger health pool and totem unlike sorc who needs good timing on BS and Mirror.
Pyromancer (MQ 11sec):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atbMVY1SUrg&feature=youtu.be
Kinda same as above but instead of high cris and conversion it has more OA, rr from CoF and more OA. Tankiness is manageable due to Possession. Overall I find Elementalist more interesting but pyromancer is well rounded nevertheless
In Closing:
I still beleive that the Weapon needs more balancing to suit all the game content so that it won’t have such spikes in increase or decrease of efficiency. If it won’t be changed then you can have good fun still.
As for the full Ulzuin set, like I said in the beginning, it’s the most powerful ranged build I personally have ever played. I find Sorcerer very balanced in offense and defense but you can still try Pyro or Elementalist, perhaps even commando.
Reserved, editing etc…might fully finish tomorrow as this took a longtime