[]Cold Ignaffar Infiltrator - The Mage Slayer

Im making an Infiltrator - I put 1 point into traps and rushed Aura of Censure - Censure carries you from lvl 27-50 just from the DoT as it procs all on hit effects.

You can also rush BLade Spirit and let that annihilate everything.

Most of the guides written on this forum are this way, assumed you have the best items the game has to offer - its ironic…if you had every BiS item you dont need a fucking guide

The point of the guide is to present a build’s concept, guides have nothing to do with items.
Guides are generally made by players who have sunk thousands of hours into the content, their purpose is to show what combination of items, devotions and procs would net you the best possible performance
If you think BiS items is enough then go hunt those, rather pouring salt in build guides

To me it seems like some players sink many hours into excel and item database to create concepts and then test them through editors. Since almost anything is viable if you reach certain item threshold, many posts are just showcases what can be achieved in the end, with some extra spin.

I don’t see any claim how the gear was acquired and it’s good to actually see some gear combinations, especially now with the amount of new unique items and the skill mods on them.

w/e you say

I’ve died zero times. That’s not my issue. I’m saying everything in this build is non viable until way way later and everything else is underwhelming and boring.

Your logic then applies to all builds because in xpac a lot of lvl 94 items define a build. Is it anyones fault? How one gets there is something each individual player has to think about.

Also i don’t know if you noticed but most builds posted on this forum are just that, builds. But not general Class leveling guides. I can’t write an essay on every build i post. There is plenty of information about that on this forum if one is willing to look for it.

And lastly, in all your posts you never included a grimcalc/ grim tool calc. You are assuming that you’ve done everything right and everything sucks, Link ur build, you might be surprised. Doesn’t matter if you haven’t died. If your build feels like too much work something is wrong and it’s never the class combo build’s fault. I had tons of fun with ABB+LA and random guns and later on Cold rune+Chillsurge. This is my last response unless you link ur build btw.

So completing 90% of the game with 1 point in 2 skills at a very fast pace (2hours) is non viable… ok then… what’s your definition of viable…
Rune style is extremely fun you can even play cat and mouse for shits and giggles, lure and explode or you can simply tank and explode.
From what people have said Ignaffar with whole skill line maxed deals stupid amount of DoT

I’d have 0 death if I was wasn’t such a careless player. I don’t even look at the screen 60% of the time while playing as I’m usually watching anime/tv at the same time

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Basing this on what exactly?

Just because you lack the skill to do something doesn’t mean others do as well. This applies both to this game and real life.
As Superfluff said, build guides aren’t leveling guides. They’re meant to present a concept of how the build is supposed to be done. If you want leveling tips then please ask for them or maybe post your GrimTools link rather kicking and screaming that the OP cheated
The community is more than happy to help players but your attitude might make them change their attitude


You do realize the guy posting this is a play-tester right? That’s why he has this many items and builds at high level because these guys have been playing the content months before you have.

, many posts are just showcases what can be achieved in the end, with some extra spin. It’s exactly what 90% of builds on this forum are And that extra spin you cassualy speak of takes a lot of testing which i did. Around 30 Recordings and many other crucible runs. Don’t confuse an actual build that someone worked on for days with a grimtool theorycraft.

I don’t see any claim how the gear was acquired and it’s good to actually see some gear combinations, especially now with the amount of new unique items and the skill mods on them. Crucible!!! I’m also showing a crucible video. You get 7 legendaries per run there and i’ve been hoarding since testing phase…There are also other experienced players that have hoarded 100 new legendaries in just 3 days. Call them cheaters too pls.

While i’m glad AoM brings new players in i don’t remember Grim Dawn vanilla bringing forth such stuff…jeez

What would you say your bigger damage source is? Rune or Flames?
The Runes seem to have a re-arm time, yet you describe them to be good. Any tips on using them especially against small hitboxes?
What are the strong points of Cold vs Fire/Lightning Ignafar?

Why even take the time to respond to drivel like this. Anyone who actually plays the game knows how easy it is to get gear.

You are correct, but it took me off-guard with the non sense, also new AoM players might beleive him and miss out on a great class. But, at the end of the day all must make up their own minds…

Only thing that takes real time, sweat and tears in AoM is new components. They are painfully expensive to craft.

Legendaries are easy (except mi legendaries), just run 2-3 men crucible for couple of days - you gonna have every legendary there is.

Hey, at least you admit to using a editor to level. But it’s OK cuz you’re a “play tester”. Doesn’t invalidate my point.

As for the “lack skill” comment"…sorry, there’s no skill in this game, don’t be delusional. When a skill does POOP damage and relies heavily on certain items I’m just calling it as it is. That has NOTHING to do with skill. Nothing what so ever. As for gear is so easy to acquire comments…uh ya, sure it is, even though Crucible hasnt been patched to drop lvl 94 stuff right?? Show me how to get those lvl 94 legs in Crucible! Oh wait…you can’t.

Come on people. Gee I wish I was as cool as you guys. You sure know how to right click.

What on earth are you talking about? Playtester simply means i had access to farming these items earlier than others. You comment on crucible and know nothing about it. Crucible drops EVERYTHING and has dropped everything since testing phase.

Clearly you are not interested in advice on your build and just wish to prove the earth is flat so that you can throw poo at it or smth. Since you’ve made up your mind about stuff pls do everyone a favor, including yourself and stop posting on this thread.

I have a small question, I searched everywhere on ur build but I might have missed something, how does ur Rune of Hagarrad have more than 5 projectiles? Can’t get my mind over that

Chillsurge adds +projectiles:p

What’s your opinion, I’m doing a Mage Hunter using both runes, currently using Aura of Censure but wondering if maybe I should go for Star pact for the cool down.
What do you think?

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Each one has it’s benefits

Censure gives you the much needed RR
Conviction gives you Physical Res
Star Pact reduces time for Mirror and other defensive devotions and hence improves tankiness

Imo, for a mage hunter you should go for Star Pact since Storm Box (through modifiers), relic and devotions should give you somewhat decent RR
For now stick with Censure though, mainly cause you might lack the gear.

Also, fluff?

What would you say your bigger damage source is? Rune or Flames?
The Runes seem to have a re-arm time, yet you describe them to be good. Any tips on using them especially against small hitboxes?
What are the strong points of Cold vs Fire/Lightning Ignafar?

Alright thanks.

I’m my experience at least runes deal more damage then flames and small hit boxes are no issue they have a large enough “sense” area that even an ant will get hit and on the off chance you misplace one you can just lead them into it

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What about arm time? Doesn’t that prove to be a hindrance?