[] Tactician - Gunning down crucible, sound weird?

Wouldn’t this technically work with a 2H as well? This concept was what I had in mind, shying away from the elemental aspects of inquisitor and focused of phy and pierce dmg with Gutripper. The Mythical version has very scary dmg stats.

I just avoided the dual-wield route, since I already had a Physical dual pistol Commando.

Lol :smiley:

I adjusted grim tools, In original build I have squad tactic 12/12 and lower lvl on scars of battle, word of renewal/vigor and still im not on 200% atc. Thought it was my gear rolls.

Depends how you want to lvl it up, Im not in the lvling guides to much.

I was hoping for stonehide of the kings, but even this ones are more than ok :wink:

Technically yes but I wouldn’t go with Gutriper.

Hello JoV,

Sorry for my English but why do you take oleron and blind fury in devotion while to use it you need melee weapons

thank you for the build

Your English is better than mine so there is no need to apologize, about your question I urge you to try it and to see for your self :wink:

And both of your english a lot better than the native speakers these days with their weird words

Thx :slight_smile:

/10 chars

What are the gladiator crucible clear times?

Tbh didnt measured, but its comfortably under 25 mins. First run was something like 23 mins (100-150 wave), later, when got into it bit better, was even faster, but noting stellar cuz lets face it, its DW gunner :wink:
For now I did ~15 runs with it, not a single fail.

Thought I answered you on that.

amazing build

DW! Physical! GUNNER!! Facetanks all gladiator crucible!!!
My mind is blown. JoV, you are genius.
Sick build.

Any leveling advice?

Thx guys, Im glad you like it :wink:


i was looking for a dw build, was considering this one http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61616 before checking your thread. Now im confused again :frowning:

does your build have any aoe?


Another toon I have to level… :smiley:

Nice build as always jov
also nice choice of illusion, one of my toon look exactly the same :smiley:

Cadence 100% chance to pierce, bursting round, blind furry and I find that enough. If you need more you can invest in storm spread, tho its not worth it imho.

Thx :slight_smile:

Good day

Trying this from early levels.
What would be the best components to put on weapons ( 1h ranged )lvl 25-50 ?

I am currently prioritizing Cadence and its 1st follow up, already have the 1st 2 passives from Inquisitor, now moving up to 3rd passive.

Here is my link:


Any advice/help will be great.

Uhm i thought blind fury requires a melee weapon?

Is whirling blades counted as one?

I wouldn’t change components it doesn’t pay of that early. What you are missing is ADCTH to have more sustain. With that goal I changed your devo setup so you can get it from devotions. Also changed some skill points allocation, there is no need to invest that heavily in FF on start.

Try something like this: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZoXm0dN

Advance slowly towards deadly momentum and max it when you reach it, on the way pick up war cry and break morale, than move to inquisitor and go for steel resolve. Devotion vise move toward oleron and pick blind fury ass soon as you can. If you feel some weakens, compensate with devo or skill points change, also there is absolutely no need to invest in cunning that early on.

You can bind it on bursting round, it works like that.