[] Tactician - Gunning down crucible, sound weird?

Thank you for all the advice. I changed setup, and although I lost quite a bit in dps ( on paper ) , my sustain is alot higher.
What stats should I be prioritizing on
a. My weapons ( 1h ranged )
Like is it important that it does piercing and/or physical damage, armor piercing, should not convert physical to “x” elemental damage
b. Gear

Once again thank you

It depends on gear you have available. Ofc you shouldn’t use weapons with phys to some other dmg conversion and try to use low armor piercing guns, tho in early stages 2nd is not so important.

What would you use as a proc on living shadows? and what would you use in the meantime while gathering mats for seal of blades on blind fury?

The proccing ability for seal of blades will no longer work starting next patch

I dont use living shadow, its not worth it imho. You need seal of blades mostly because of ADCTH, blind fury works just fine on bursting round like I mentioned earlier.

Isn’t this a dps loss?? Maybe Blind fury on Cadence and Assassin’s mark on bursting round??

I dont have any specific gear waiting, just wanted to know if I should prioritize for example attack speed, OA%, etc.

So with guns I want lower piercing armor ? meaning 15% armor piercing is better than 25% piercing armor ? If so can you please explain that to me.

Thank you once again, learning so much from this.

Why does Blind Fury even work on Bursting Round in the first place? It says it requires a melee weapon, and equipping it on Cadence or Bursting Round shouldn’t proc it, seeing as they’re using a ranged weapon and a ranged WPS, respectively.

No, but binding AM on bursting round would be single target dps lost.
You want your RR applied as fast as possible and best way to achieve that is binding it on auto attack. Dummy kill time can show you maybe different result but dummy is target with highest HP pool in game, so not applying your rr asap can be offset considering the time you need to put dummy down and 18 s long AM influence. For that testings as a reference I used vanilla Fabius.

With high OA that this build posses and considering AOE of bursting round you have assured proc of blind fury if there is more than 2 targets that get hit by bursting round, if its less than 2 targets its not 100% chance but than again in that case you dont even need it since you need it mainly for dealing with multiple targets as source of AOE.
Also considering high atc speed (number of hits per sec), chance of triggering bursting round and CD on blind furry, even if you bind it on cadence or seal of blades or w/e it wont proc significantly more.

About prioritization w/o exact same amounts (amount of OA, attc speed) and state of the build I cant tell you what is more important. For instance 1% atc speed is more important than 1 OA but is it more important than 100 OA? That question is hard to answer and it depends of the current state of build. Same with other things.

Yes, as lover armor piercing as you can get, cuz armor piercing on weapon converts your physical dmg to pierce. If you have 25% armor piercing 25% of your physical dmg gets converted to pierce if its 15% AP than 15% of your phys dmg gets converted.

You are welcome.

You tell me. Game seems very broken and unclear in terms of mechanics atm.

Just to bring some light on atm part, blind fury was working like that since I play this game and that’s a long time :wink:

I bet, but i just discovered this and it makes me rethink how much i actually like certain things about this game.

This and many other things.

Same here, for instance I really dont like the concept of blades of nadaan. Imho ranged builds should also have possibility of enhancing AP ratio trough devotions not just melee sword users.

Good example. If i’m not totally mistaken, melee is still superior at least in terms of damage output. Never liked this in TQ either where the gap was even bigger because of the limited usefulness of OA mechanic.

I kinda like the “traditional” approach more where melee deals about same if not lower dps than range, but instead range is not as durable and must rely more on high dps and CC/kiting.

Well, generally speaking yes melee is superior dmg output vise, tho not melee in classical terms of speaking but rather high % weapon dmg skill users that are using melee weapons.


Been having a lot of fun with this build but having trouble getting Hydra on the Devotion tree. I am thick and can’t work out how to activate it. If I select another constellation to get the requirement for it, then I do not have enough left to finish it let alone put remaining 3 in Scales. And it wont let me remove earlier constellation as it becomes a dependancy for Hyrdra.

As far I am aware, all of my devotions are the same as the Grimtools linked by Yourself/Jov, obviously bar the Hydra! :frowning:

What am I miserably failing at guys?

EDIT: Hmm think I have solved it, I hadn’t fully completed Hyrda (was missing one point) so couldn’t remove the earlier one as wasn’t getting bonus for Hydra completion. Maybe I’m not that dense after all lol

JoV, did you go Keymon or Vigil ?

Pick one on elite, max rep, stockpile augments and than change sides on ulti.
Or just check augments I used maybe you dont need them from both sides.

Hello JoV and thanks for sharing your build.
I’m fairly new to the game ( not on this type of game, though ) and I’m rushing through the content with no issues at all.

I went full elemental Word of Pain and I’m annhilating everything in my path till now ( just killed old final boss and starting the expansion right away ). Word of renewal is insane. Also took Warcry because I needed something to put my Hand of Ultos devotion on.

I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly but I’m going like a train.

I was thinking, since I don’t have any gear, when do you think I should respec to your final build and what gear should I get. Maybe something like Devil’s Retribution, I don’t know.

Thanks again for your time.

Have you tried mythical watcher of erulan in a build like this? I’m using it on my tactician and it’s suprisingly strong. It is less sexy than dual pistols, but it’s got a ton of attack speed (24%!) and movement speed, and gives you access to on block devotions like targo’s hammer, which is great for damage and leeching health back. And block in general is obviously just really strong.