Original (Wave 150)
No Greens -
With Greens -
For Ravager -
Wave 170
Initial 3 green version -
Goal 5 green version -
Original (Wave 150)
No Greens - Crucible Extra Spawn Wave 140 - 4:07
Ridiculous Gear - Ravager of Souls - 5:36
Crucible is done with 2 Blessings and 1 Banner.
Wave 170
Initial 3 green version - 13:27
Purge your enemies with flaming Forcewaves while wielding a big weapon. It can smoothly clear most content without green MIs. Kiting is needed for tougher crucible waves. Greens are needed for Ravager and waves 150+.
Keep BWC on Iron Maiden and don’t forget Shar’Zul’s Wrath for large crowds.
Thermite Mine bounces off enemies - They can also bounce off your feet. So if you want to improve your play, consider paying just a little more attention to placement. With the default camera angle, the mines deploy in the same general direction:
Original (Wave 150)
2 Combustion Bands = 20% chance. However, you want to overcap resistances and the Invoker’s Burning Hand helps with that.
Greens to consider are the Solael-Sect Legguards, Living Ring, and the Stoneplate Greaves. I’m using greens with the of Kings affix (for stun) but you can also look for Thunderstruck or General’s.
I put 10 points into spirit in case you don’t have gear that gives you spirit (see pants).
Sigil of the Bear King does proc off Forcewave if the enemies are in melee range. Also, the Internal Trauma damage gets converted to a burn. You could also consider Mark of Divinity for HC. You can consider Blood Sigil of Ch’Thon (non mythical) for the human damage in the crucible. Iron Maiden is (was) our worst nemesis so it helps put her down.
Arcane Spark or Ectoplasm if you don’t like using energy potions.
Wave 170
We need greens that give more health while maintaining our other stats. I also switched to Traveler’s Boon on the rings for the slow resis and armor. There are several really nice affixes but I prefer Light Bringer’s for the casting speed.
You will probably be doing mostly physical damage with some fire damage as you level, but it depends on what weapons you find. Either Kymon or Order of Death is fine. However, we like Korvaak’s power so pick Kymon :).
1 point into Forcewave
1 point into Tremor
Max Forcewave
Max Flame Touched
1 point into Blitz
1 point into Rending Force
Max Field Command
1 point into Internal Trauma
Max Oleron’s Rage
Max Temper
1 point into Blackwater Cocktail
1 point into High Potency
1st Rhowan’s Crown (requires Crossroads, Quill, and Hawk)
2nd Chariot of the Dead
3rd Solael’s Witchblade (requires Jackal or Viper)
4th Ulzuin’s Torch (requires Scholar’s Light)
- Casting speed on gloves
- New greens drop at about levels 35, 55, and 70. If you need a weapon try farming for the Troll Bonecrusher (troll boss in East Marsh or Smuggler’s Pass) or the Obsidian War Cleaver (big Chthonians with axes). Or craft the 2H maces with blueprints from Kymon’s Chosen.
- In order to cap resistances, my components usually look like:
Helm - Runestone
Chest - Sanctified Bone
Shoulders - Silk Swatch
Pants - Silk Swatch
Belt - Antivenom Salve
Gloves - Restless Remains
Boots - Mark of the Traveler
Amulet - Aether Soul
Rings - Frozen Heart and Corpse Dust
Medal - Black Tallow
Weapon - Purified Salt or Imbued Silver
[spoiler]The Ravager build gives suggestions for gear with greens that include 1 rare affix and 1 magic affix. You can also use greens with 2 rare affixes if you are lucky.
Basically, you want anything that will reduce the amount of physical damage you take and help give you health. Most of the damage you take will be physical but there are 3 versions of Ravager. I fought Souls so overcapping Aether helps. This is also with 30%+ ADCTH.
Now you need the potions:
These are the buffs that will last the entire time. The fight will be over in 450 seconds one way or the other…
5 different Royal Jelly potions
Spiritbane (or similar) - help overcap Aether resis
Elixir of the Ancients, Ugdenjuice, and Ugdensalve - too expensive to make, only use if you can get Ravager to 50% health without them
Temporary buffs that you need to alternate:
Slithblood Tincture - 10 sec duration, 75% fumble
Courageous Tincture - 30 sec duration, 10% DA, 20% Armor, it has a long cooldown so save this for when it gets mad
Hungerer Oil - reapply every 25 secs, 8% ADCTH, this is the only cooldown icon you need to watch besides your skills. Or, just spam it every 5 flashbangs.
Cursed Tincture - 6 sec duration, -5% Life Leech resis
Aether Cluster - I don’t like to farm these, so I would only use if it is close to dieing
Arcanum Oil - for energy
Stay calm and figure out which cooldown you can use next.