Commando DONE 13/13
[Ranged] [] (g3) Dual-ranged Barrelsmith Commando - 100% Lightning (Belzzzz) 48677
[S&B Melee] [] © (g3) Double - Blitz Commando 2.0 (Nandi) 48255
[S&B Cadence Melee][] (vid)(g5)© S&B warborn commando with some twists (StrUktO) 46180
[2H FW Caster][] (vid)(g5)© Unimaginative Fire FW Commando (Sir Spanksalot) 46155
[Melee S&B][] (vid)(g3) Dark Physical Commando - Lazy Farmer - Facetank Lokarr and John Bourbon Clones w/o Healing Pot (Belzzzz) 44345/2
[Melee][] (vid)(g3) CUTE The Blood Knights Commando (DW / S&B) - The Unstoppable Bleeding Force - Bloody Knights Unleashed (Tz Tz) 45613/2
[Melee][] (vid)©(g5)(l) Infernal Healer V2.0 Commando tank build really safe game and HC (AdamNavel) 45393
[Physical Caster] (l)(g1) 2h-Forcewave Pure Physical Commando (Chthon) 36578
[Retaliation] (g5) Avenger - Retaliation, Reflect, “Counter-Hit” Retaliation Commando (Chthon) 36622
[Melee, Caster][] ©(vid)(g5) Blitz/BWC/Blitz Commando (actuanpanda) 43543
[Melee/Caster][] (hc)(c-)(vid)(g3) Burning Commando For HC Gladiator Farming (Pyroscar) 41733
[Melee][] (vid)(g3)© DoubleBlitz Commando - 100% faceroll, 99.9% unkillable (jajaja) 42169
[Caster][] ©(vid)(g5) 2H Firewave Commando - The Gift of Korvaak (BladeAndShadow) 43352