Updated for 0.6 for more Damage. Look below for new Grim tools.
How you Lifesteal/Dps in Campaign:
Bare in mind it’s with Kuba reduce dmg debuff. Otehrwise it’s 140k up to 160K vs human targets. Max dmg:
How you Lifesteal/Dps in Campaign:
Hungering reach damages up to 5 targets, stealing life and procs Aetherfire like crazy
[i]Ever since Necro mastery was first announced I was taken with Uroboruuk set looks and knew from the start I’d make him an Apostate. I delayed this and I am glad I did since only recently did it receive a much needed conversion mod, in part thanks to Jov’s Dreadwalker DE build.
The set + class combo is an absolute beast and takes DE to a whole new level once equipped:
- DE total damage is 2.5x increased
- Energy is suddenly manageable
- You suddenly feel so much more durable (the proc is sweet too.[/i]
[v1.0.5.1]Video: 150-170 Gladiator (10:30 min)
It would have easily been 10 minutes but I had 3x very aether resistant Nemeses at the end (Reaper+2x Valdaran who also throw me around with teleport a bit). This is the first full 150-170 full video I’ve made. I figured Uroborruk deserves enduring all the lag. I’m a bit retarded at 154 and get bursted a bit but it’s just smooth sailing after that
MQ vid: TBC
NEW Grimtools: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2BOYaKV
- Over 480% Aether damage. This is pretty huge
- 4% Phys res
- 4 Mark of Torment
- Cast Speed is still over 195% with decent rolls
- 250 DA. We don’t need stalwarts any more. We have 3.2K DA and massive OA shred. It’s fine
- 500 HP. You still have plenty an also better MoT which you can also overcap to lvl 18, I recommend it
OLD GT: Grim Tools:https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2MmDnW2
Devotion Binding:
Drain Essence -> Aetherfire (very important)
Ravenous Earth -> Arcane Bomb
Reap Spirit -> Time Dilation
Word of Pain -> Hungering Void
Deadly Aim & Hungering void up. Dps and OA can pushed a bit in campaign with 2xOucast’s Wrath. Notice that I am using Master of Death Instead of Harbinger of Souls. Since we can attain 200% Cast Speed harbinger becomes redundant. I also used Arcane Harmony leggings for skills disrupt resist vs mobs and Grava. Not being able to DE is bad. Also has amazing spirit and DA
Why Apostate and not the good old spellbinder?
Let me answer that with a question. What is the point of being nearly invulnerable when you can DPS/Lifesteal with this kind of damage, getting full HP in a fraction of a second while still being able to cast 2x Mark of Torment? Extra RR for this build = survival+awesome clear time if played right. Also also a lot more fun in campaign. On to Gameplay:)
Mobs: Cast your RR spells all around and start draining + Siphon. Easy. Only back off when you are too surrounded and have too many pools of crap under you.
Nemeses: Position yourself so that you can get most of them in a cone. Don’t fight two in front and a reaper behind you. Cast mark of torment when you are in a good position and just Drain/siphon+ refresh RRs/Debuffs.
OA shred. Coupled with good DA is amazing. DE+Blood Boil= 442 -OA(included medal) Add Arcane bomb(95) and Seal of destruction(70) and Wrath of the Ascendant (95) and you get a whopping -702OA
Aetherfire stacks and procs amazingly with DE. It’s also quite potent with Cord of Violent Decay
Will have to wait a bit as usual
In closing:
I love this set and build