[]A Blood Knight never dies - 150-170 Galdiator 11 min

One of they key thinks about crucible is getting used to it.

Then comes getting used to the build. Having played many necro builds, some a lot less tanky like the Aether SS reaper, this one felt like a breeze

Valguur gloves gives +2 to Spectral Wrath though, I use it in my setup and still got 26/16 BH.

Btw, for offhand I use Mythical Skull of Gul’Amash instead as the % OA and 10k physical damage absorption are pretty nice I think, plus extra CDR always helps.

I use double Signet Fallen instead of the Voidheart, the latter seems very mediocre somehow, offer very little except for extra health.

Also, just solo Mad Queen for the first time, dropped after 10s (it’s me who dropped). Sad!

This is my setup now: Grimtools

More flat damage from a 2nd signet is nice, but does not come close to another 10% vit reduction especially on a build that doesn’t have huge rr.

Not sure I really see the point of using an offhand on this build :>

Signet of Fallen gives -15% vit res?

My choice of offhand is to ensure things like Iron Maiden’s Blitz or Alek’s meteor won’t instakill me from god know which corner. You can always go for that MI shield for more frequent lifesteal from Counter Strike, and extra 23% phy res is super good. Each choice has its own perks I guess. And again, extra CDR is always nice.

If you mean using two for the -15% Vit res, they don’t stack since they are the same skill. That’s why people use Voidheart, it stacks with Signet of the Fallen.

Don’t honestly know how an offhand will help you with Iron Maiden and Aleks. A Colossal Fortress shield with Durable/Impassable/Immovable for 20+ Phys res helps a lot more against those two than an offhand.

Unless it’s for Mark of Torment? Weird. You also don’t get Menhrir’s Will with an offhand, need a shield or two handed weapon.

The damage from two signet of the fallen procs will stack, but not the resist reduction. This holds true for all items that debuff enemy resists or OA/DA

The proc on amash is cute, but it’s horribly unreliable and that damage absorb can be gone in an instant. Shield is a consistent high damage blocker and an excellent green like fluff’s can provide sooo much more

edit: shield also gives you menhir :stuck_out_tongue:

My bad, I just notice Menhir’s Will doesn’t activate with offhands. Feel so stupid now.

Definitely look forward to the S&B Witchblade once you give a Grimtools link.

Just as a reference point Inhibit, I’m running a DW vit build that is similar to this (DW focused of course), and Killing speed and survivability is pretty good so far. I have yet to optimized all my gear and my devotions, but it’s still one of my top builds in Campaign so far.

I dont use blitz or a gap closer. I pull with my haunt skill and let my minions and my procs/haunt to clean up trash. I was using chaos strike for awhile, but my axe had haunted steel in it when I switched over, and I was too lazy to swap it with something else. So far I don’t miss the gap closer, but mostly because I have a ranged puller in Haunt.

even with a lower % damage boost (mines around 2k as well), things still die fast. It’s the combination of all the extra damage sources that adds up. But I do agree that it’s tought at times to find vitality boosts and RR, although the new constellations help. Still trying to decide if i want to swap my affliction with Rattosh…the RR is attractive, but I’d have to switch a decent amount of my constellations around (I have like zero white).

If your worried about stuns affecting your leech, keep in mind that there are items that proc skills that can return life even when stunned. Wnndigo legs, Boneweave legs, Signet of the damned ring, etc. counterstrike does as well with the set bonuses. Unless procs don’t proc when your stunned (I assumed they did, but I’ve been wrong before). Vitality is one of the few builds that has gear that does this…one of the reason I enjoy it so much.

is there any specific bosses/ area’s to farm for the blook knight gear or is it more or less RND?

RNG. I’d do BoC if not crucible

finally found my last piece so ill try this out :stuck_out_tongue:

do you can recommend farm spot(s) for that shield please? thx you

At the malmouth MI vendor is the easiest.

I really like the concept on the build, and I tried a few variations on my own.

My Blood Knight variant


  1. Grava Thul Legguards and Cursebearer Ring to give +5 overcap to Spectral Wrath for more Vitality Resist Reduction.

  2. For devotions, I went for Solemn Watcher for DA, Oklaine’s Lantern and Panther for OA and Crit damage.
    This did mean giving up some Slow Resist from losing Sailor’s Guide, so only 58% slow resist. I also had to change resistances from losing Crane.

  3. Undying Oath seemed a better fit for me than Dreadchill Mark.You gain flat HP, HP regeneration, more Aether for overcap.
    The +3 Dread gives enough Vitality Decay to offset loss of flat frostburn to Bone Harvest. You do lose flat Cold and Vitality from +2 Soul Harvest.

  4. Stoneplate Greaves were for more resists and OA.
    I think Runeguard Greaves for the absorb shield, and Boneshatter Treads for OA, proc, and slow resist are still both competitive, and viable.

For the shield, I’m thinking if a Chronomancer’s for CDR would be competitive, but that would mean losing Physical Resistance.
I find 12% CDR gives very good uptime for Overguard already, that dropping some Stun Resist may not be a bad idea.

Go crazy with any changes but the medal you are using is so not a win.

If you think you are winning anything with dread, bare in mind that the massive brostburn “450 Frostburn Damage over 3 Seconds to Bone Harvest” is converted to Decay when casting Bone harvest vie set mods. Not useing Dreadchill mark is a dps loss no matter how you look at it.

I get that there is a damage loss, but I wanted to get some HP regeneration to offset HP loss from Hungering Void. When I first started running the spec, I’ve had times that I could not leech and died. Getting more flat HP and regeneration made my runs more consistent, which I prefer to more damage.

more dmg also = more lifesteal. But however you think. I find it really hard to die with this build

Only devotion I question ,I want you to explain why you took it?
Is scholars light tree ,You do no fire dmg ,Since your vitality mainly
or lil elemental dmg correct?

Unless fire dmg converts into retaliaton ,for Counterstirke skill .
If so I see why u took it.

One third of elemental damage is Cold, which adds to % weapon damage and gets converted to Vitality.

It;s really just filler to efficiently get 10 eldritch points. there is no better substitute without losing other important devos. The second node is good gor all chars though.