[] DW ravenous earth cabalist - 10:30 170 clear

I understand you are sold on the DW thing but have yo tried a more classic approach?

You mentioned in the build that you kite a lot sometimes. It shouldn’t happen with this build as it has insane dmg mitigation.

  • Great absorb, both constant from set and skil and 2x MoT ( this is pretty insane )
  • GReat mosnter dmg reduction
  • Great lifesteal (i’d bind Fangs to RE. It way too good to pass imo and bind Rattosh to Ill omen since it has CD so much higher proc chance than pox or CoF - unless you do what I wrote below)

Belgo Relic proc is much more unreliable than you might thing for a build like this. And the damage. 130% vit dmg from relic is a huge deal. 130% per RE per each projectile from RE & crits…if you stand your ground. In fact, over 200%- 1x pandemic you catually lose 100% vit dmg with the Pants I linked. But still significant. I’d also use BH on M1 to add a bit of AoE.

Kinda pains me that partially converted fiend is not in there. Would be insane bound to RE and Fangs to ill omen since it’s way better than pox anyway. The downside is Rattosh on neither Ill omen or RE, But depending on how will the build goes you might not need fangs on omen and be able to put Rattosh on omen. I wouldn’t cry over lantern

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/gZwgxMJZ - or with your devotion setup, this is just what I’d do cause torrent gives RE the perimeter dmg consistency it lacks. You can even drop Siphon and stack sigils with this setup since you’d kite less. You also get quite a bit extra HP with this,

I went into detail a bit because this is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time now so if anyone would be curious, i’d also like to know how it all goes:)

I’ll test it out fluff.

I do recall trying out fiend’s resolve though. However, I can’t remember if it was on my fire/chaos defiler I was trying to craft, or on the cabalist.

You will probably have to replace might seal with blade s seal for some lifesteal.

You can facetank crucible with this build and banner (I only kite kuba for obvious reasons). Could possibly do without banner if I get my gear sorted out better. I don’t have pandemics and kiting with two bonespikes is a disaster, so it works out fine. I always go for crucible sands and stand in bottom right archway against nemesis waves.

Hey man. Crap.

Forgot to test the build out. Got caught up with IRL shit. Is the energy working out ok?

Oh, without buffs it can be a struggle depending on whether I can get some energy absorb going. Sometimes I just run dry and have to rely on pots. That doesn’t happen very often in crucible (most bosses trigger absorb quite well), but I tried running some world bosses and on bourbon (the old one) I spent like 90% of the time waiting for energy.

I only have like 90 energy regen baseline though, and tend to spam my buttons nonstop.

By the way, what about using symbol of solael on one of the weapons for 10% extra RR?

Oh, without buffs it can be a struggle depending on whether I can get some energy absorb going. Sometimes I just run dry and have to rely on pots. That doesn’t happen very often in crucible (most bosses trigger absorb quite well), but I tried running some world bosses and on bourbon (the old one) I spent like 90% of the time waiting for energy.

I only have like 90 energy regen baseline though, and tend to spam my buttons nonstop.

By the way, what about using symbol of solael on one of the weapons for 10% extra RR? Also, I’m using boneshatter boots, is ill omens really better? Phys resist and fairly high OA versus stun resist and low-ish DA, is the proc really that good?

Looks like a solid build.

I was thinking about trying this for my very first caster character, but i am not into playing the crucible. Is there an alternative devotion / gear setup for campaign? Less defense and more offense is usually the norm.


Sup homie. I’ll try and get back to you this weekend if that’s cool. Life’s been hectic recently and catching the flu didn’t help. ><

I’ll get around to testing fluffs suggested changes as well.


  1. seal of might is needed for crucy. We want to tank as much as possible to stack RE on the same target.

  2. mark of solael is probably great for MC. For more damage, I’d look at using rift wrapped gloves. You can get 90% chaos to bit conversionc, and a big ol boost to DB.

If anyone has tested out fluff’s suggestions, do lmk. It’ll save me some time

Thanks man!

This build had some energy sustain issues for me but nothing potions couldn’t fix. I really enjoyed it nonetheless because I hardly ever seen anyone using RE as their main skill. Bringing this toon out in multiplayer is a lot of fun because people often have never seen anything like it and are surprised by how good it is.

Anyone try superfluffs suggestions? I am not quite leveled to try it myself but wondering about the results.

My only issue is the number of active skills increases a lot with superfluffs changes, but I guess that’s not a big deal if you just stand your ground and mash buttons :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah that kind of turned me off from superfluff’s version also, too many skills to manage for me personally. I like the looks of other things about that version though, especially the extra health and life regen.

I know I keep promising to test out fluff’s suggestions but I’ve been slammed by too many IRL things, and had to keep postponing it.

What I could do is GDstash a toon with Fluff’s suggestions, and PM the character file to any interested testers out there.

Seriously, it’d help me out a great deal. :rolleyes:

This build had some energy sustain issues for me but nothing potions couldn’t fix. I really enjoyed it nonetheless because I hardly ever seen anyone using RE as their main skill. Bringing this toon out in multiplayer is a lot of fun because people often have never seen anything like it and are surprised by how good it is.

@adoomgod: Dude. This means a lot to me coming from you. :rolleyes:

Thanks man.

What’s up with the greyed out chillspikes in the GT-link and the video? An oversight or some sort of piloting trick? :wink:

Means he used chillspikes in a previous version of the buuild, dropped it but the item with the seal is still on the inventory and skill wasn’t removed in the hotkeys. Still can’t be used but will stay there until spanks decides to remove it.

It’s actually bone harvest. :smiley:

I was trying to stack flat damage for some other build I was trying - don’t remember which.

Any input on how this build might fare in the current game? I’m trying to build an RE cabalist for FG. Here’s where I’m at so far:


It really depends on what your end goal is? It’ll tackle MC ez though.

But honestly, you’re better off running blood orb as the offhand (if you don’t have it, I’m sure someone in the community will be willing to craft it for you should you provide the mats. A tip of about ~5 ugdenblooms is also normally given)

For the amulet you can either use the chaos amulet I was using in the link, or alternatively, the necromancer conduit which adds acid damage to RE.

Blood orb will also convert this to vitality.

You could increase your damage and survivability a good deal by trimming one point from Aspect of the Guardian, Possession, and Sigil of Consumption (a 4pt sigil is doing nothing for you) and dropping 10 points from the necromancer mastery bar and adding them into Wasting/Blood Boil. The extra OA shred from these changes, plus a bit of extra vit damage/vit decay should be noticeable.