[] Guardian of Death's Gates - Ritualist Skelletal Master 150-170 in 10 min(no lag)

Is there a leveling guide? I’m not that good with this game

necro is easy to level.

level 50? pur necro?

after you max the skeleton stuff is just a walking simulator till act 5 elite :smiley: if you want you can spend the points different after maxing the skelly stuff.

Have never played a pet build, but now Fluff has finally succumbed I’m going to give this a try.

Hi Superfluff;
thanks for all the great guides^^

What are your thoughts on Wendigototem for some extra vitality damage and more survivability?

Blood pact totally recommended in campaign for good kill times. You can try to squeeze it in crucible too. The colossal lag that this build has with like ~25 pets in crucilbe or more makes little difference for me but to you it should be good vs nemeses etc.

I want to try this build but want to level and gear it legit if I can. What is it like leveling and what gear do you look out for?


What relics should i use when leveling this character?

Really like your build ! But what do you mean when you say “2x Wraith” ? Thank you !

Reap Spirit:)

Uuh thank you !

It’s been a while and I always lusted for a pet build that can clear Gladiator somewhat comfortably. You are THE man!

Is Instinct worse than Bysmiel but just an option you mentioned for the fun factor of having so many pets? Or if you computer can handle it would you say they’re about the same?

Pretty much this. Only I find Bysmiel is a lot more fun vs nemeses due to the massive bursts it provides.

It’s actually very hard for me to gauge this build’s efficiency in kill times as it is by far one of the worst lags i’ve ever experienced especially while recording. However it does not die in spite of 3 FPS sometimes

Also i’m honored the Doom God likes it so thanks:)

I made a high roll version that breaks 20k hp, has a bit less elemental resist over the cap but more of the other resists, and has really good rolls on the pet stats. If you’re interested feel free to let me know if you think any of his items could be high rolled better. I got lazy on the %armor from the boots.


I’d br happy to look at it. But have you tried Dammit’s GrimTools? You can upload your char there and look at it in your browser kinda as you would in game

It works with the seed and everything? It’s identical to your build just has good rolls on the items. I’ll try it out.

ah no rolls but, you can set average and min/max attributes in settings.

OH. Well yeah no need for me to use grimtools to share still. I posted my file because it’s identical to your build just with really good rolls, in case you wanted to see if it made any significant difference.

Like he got 83% pierce resist with 7% over max when the average would have him at just 80%. Little things like that help him suffer less from crucible mutators. It didn’t make a big difference on this build but on some others I’ve noticed high rolls can make a large impact when compounded for every slot.

In what order you had chose them in this build. I tried almost every order , but there are not enough in the end. I miss like 3 points to finish your build …

do you have the quest rewards?

I dont think so. There are extra points from quests ? How much extra points can i get from quests ? Cause i lack of 3 points…Nope , i try to find any info.Everywhere is written that is max 55 devotion points , they are not enough for your build :frowning: