[] Primal Ultos - A supercharged PS >Conjurer< of Storms 150-170 Gladiator in 8:50

No particular reason. Of the three i’d use malmouth heart in the end,

I guess heart gave Dmg and Hp too and thought it’s decent balance vs ravager eye in cruci

Nice build - I’ll have to get out my old Conjurer to level him up to 100. I love me some Primal Strike! So satisfying… and now with double 10-target chain-lightning!

Superfluff, what are you thoughts about adding Reckless Tempest? Is that worthwhile or will that not add any significant DPS? Something like this Devotion setup? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZoD1aGN (RT bound to either Upheaval or Wendigo Totem)

Hi there,
got couple of questions. First of all I must say I am nowhere near experienced player as Fluff, so pls excuse my ignorance:)

  1. My first question is simple: Why Ocultist subclass? There is just very little synergy for this pure lightning build. Like from Solaels witchfire the only useful stat is the AS, Blood of Dreeg - basic heal with some OA, Aspect of the guardian - again, only useful stat is the physical resistance and the poison resist, rest of the damage modifiers are completely useless for this build. Wouldnt Soldier subclass be much better for this build as there are like 3 times as many useful skills for the lightning Ultos build?

  2. Why Dying God? Those massive vitality and chaos damage modifiers are again completely useless for this build? Do we take this devotion just for the crit damage and AS?

Again, I dont have 100 conjurer so I couldnt test this build, I am currently in the leveling process, but it just doesnt make sense to me. Maybe I am missing something, could anyone experienced clarify this?

thanks guys :slight_smile:

Bad synergy?
-Vulnerability has -30% elemental res reduction. Which stacks with other -% res reduction sources (like Raging Tempest) resulting in a big boost in damage.
-Blood of dreeg gives a nice boost in OA and health regen that counters dying gods negative health regen. Plus it’s an active on heal.
-Aspect of the guardian gives a 12% boost to much needed physical res and gives you poison & acid resistance which allows you more freedom in gear and component/augment slots
-Solaels Witchfire is just taken for attack speed yes.
Main reason is obviously Vulnerability

Yep, in crucible when you have crucible blessings and a vanguard banner boosting your OA to heights you don’t see in main campaign, those extra 40% are a big boost in damage. 10% extra attack speed is just the cherry on top. Dying god also has nice nodes on it that give OA and a little DA. But it’s mostly for the crit damage

Ok, but lets take a look at Soldier: you get massive damage boosts all-around with Zolhans technique, squad tactics, solid boost to both OA and DA and armor from field command, Menhirs Wall is similar to Dreegs Blood minus the OA, you can get Blitz to move around (which is IMO incredibly useful). War cry provides great enemy debuff. Then there is Military conditioning that provides huge boost to life and Fighting spirit for massive damage and OA…

You have 4 useful skills in Occultist and like 10 in soldier. Is the vulnerability rly so powerful that it compensates for all those huge boosts to life, OA, DA, AS and armor that you potentially lose for not picking Soldier as 2nd class?

As I said, I cant test it right now as I dont have lvl 100 conjurer or warder for comparison, but it just seems rly weird to me.

Vulnerability and Aspect of the Guardian alone put Occultist over Soldier for this build. RR is easily the biggest damage boost you can get in the game.

In no universe will PS warder do more dmg than Conjurer:) Do not underestimate Vulnerability and 12% phys res. BTW ZT doesn’t work with PS, savagery is there to charge stats only.

If you want warder i recommend the bro of ultos Avenger build. You have proper synergy there.

As i’ve said before. Conjurer dominance was establisjed pre AoM and Druids too. WArder is a jack of all trade with Ultos. Nothing weird about Conjurer:)

Of the 4 ultos builds i’ve tried, Conjurer, Druid, Elementalist and Warder. I rank warder last for a melee Primal Strike ultos build.

Menhirs Wall is similar to Dreegs Blood minus the OA
It really isn’t
You can of course go the ultos warder route, it’s more than viable. But you’ll be trading alot damage for some sturdiness and some additional safety, which isn’t really needed in either main campaign and crucible. If you want a warder lightning build you’d probably be better of with jajajas light’s defender storm totem electrocute one

or I would suggest you wait for paladin mastery the best nastery to fill your lightning needs and will dethrone occultist for ps dmage:cool:

I doubt it.:slight_smile: also don’t make any preconceptions about what new class will be even if it has shield or not, or will be paladin like or not. Whatever WE think, it will probably turn out different

Fluff - how do you manage to kill Grava in MC with the build?

I had a 85 Conjurer and thanks to your advice i updated it - however i am steamrolled (read 2-3 shotted) every time - i feel like tissue paper…

That is with 30+ Phy res, 2100 armor with 100% absorb, 12% life leech, ghoul etc, all res overcapped, 3100 OA/3000 DA (especially Chaos since the dog does a lot of chaos dmg)

The build is probably the best AOE cleaner i have played with but sometimes i just get insta killed by a group of bosses - cant make anything out of this - probably i am clumsy with the healing part or the totem cant keep up with the insane dmg from Grava…

check this out. Best boss ever :smiley:

This build thrives vs 2x even 3x nemeses if you properly claim spawn point at the start of the battle and then claim balcony.

If grava spawns near ur banner ( always be near that spawn point at 160 and 170) you charge whatever is in there, preferably right at the entrance including grava. Grava likes to stay in his spawn point a bit and cast his aoe crap first. Just zerg him. You don’t kill him by the time his friends come he hould be 1/3 of his hp.

Then you claim balcony and block them there, finish him off. PS AoE will take care of him whether he will be the one attacking you on the balcony or any of his friends. For the rest, stuff like 2x Reaper is a breeze, Kuba to. You just need to get used to it, to zerg properely and know when to back out for a second towards balcony, and even in the balcony.

I’ve done testing with this build with even less DA then offensive setup in this guide to get more damage and I never die, because the build kills that fast

My problem is with Grava in Main Campaign - in Cruci he is a pussy :slight_smile:

Simple, when he does the nullify animation ball of doom thing just prepare to dodge it, you don’t need to run away from him. The ball can only home in some much. Once you get the hang of it it’s funny

Problem is the moment i engage him i get shredded - cannot live long enough for his ball of nulification.

I toy with him on 14 of my characters, and the only char i have serious difficulties with is my Korba Trickster (worse than tissue paper but i dont have BIS MIs) and this one.

2k armor seems to be very low and when you miss 50% of the hits you cant leech fast enough - at least this is how it looks to me :frowning: Or i am extremely unlucky…

Sounds weird. I did grava in beta AOM with BN and 11K hp, when he was totally OP. You shouldn’t die so fast

Hi Fluff,
I wanted to ask how important is the Widow devotion? And also, is the Dying God worth taking if I farm more in campaign than in Crucible? I am trying a bit different devotion setup (would rly love to get Revenant and Ghoul for life leech/survivability), cos I want to keep Riftstone in my weapon (I find the Shadow Strike immensely helpful for moving around the map), just not sure what to drop.

Thanks in advance


Yes Widow is super important. As is Resistance reduction in this game in general, There si no reason not to take it. Has %lightning, OA, and a massive RR.

Dying God will make campaign a lot more fun skyrocketing your damage. Bare in mind that more damage means better lifesteal so no need for regenant. Just take ghoul instead of jackal;)

Builds looks great in the video, i’m working towards getting all the items for the build :smiley:

But i do have a question. In the video you have 25k hp and you pretty much face tank most stuff (i believe?), but with my setup right now (i still need a few items before having everything) i have like 12k hp with aura buff, so are you using something extra to get more or is it just because i still need some items? :smiley:

Right now i have Weapon, Chest, Shoulders, Relic, Boots, Amulet so as you can see i still need a few things. I should be getting Head/Hood, pants and belt later when the guy who haves it gets on so i can trade him for it. So after that i would just need the 2 rings and medal.

I suppose the medal can still be bought from the secret vendor in blood grove? (according to wiki) I have tried for over 2hours now and still no luck getting the right one :stuck_out_tongue: