[] Avatar, Keeper of the Balance - Nex & Ortus Cold & Fire Shadow Strike Infiltrator

Mind sharing your spellbreaker grimtools? Cause my spellbreaker (tested with Iskandra’s, belgothian and scourge relic) does 7min runs where as the infiltrator does 6min runs. Or are you using stupidly rare rolled loxmere daggers?

Hi, thanks for your build! I 'm a newbie here and enjoyed this game alot. I’ve found all gear for this build except the rare boots I can’t find good rare boots like yours. I crafted maybe 120 boots but can’t find “of arcane winds” suffix Does it have any alternative?:(:frowning:

P/s Srr for my bad English, i’m Japanese…

Hi Ghostdevil! Glad you enjoyed it.
It’s ok, I’m Indonesian myself.

The resist is hard to cap because we use elemental balance ring. I suggest you to use any stonehide boots first. Arcane winds prefix because we only want its slow resist. You could cover the slow resist with ring augments also, the clear time will be a bit slower but it should be ok. Aim for at least 50% slow resist or close to it for good crucible performance.

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I lost count at 10k. I still don’t have these ones.

BTW, Jabrix, it’s not pure autoattack or a spam caster or a kiting DoT, so slow doesn’t affect your DPS or survival that much, does it? I’d take Kings or Insight here over Arcane Winds. Now, pls explain why I’d be wrong to do that…:wink:

Myphical Final March. Bettet that 99,9% of Stoneplate boots you can legitely craft. Slow res, aether res , phyz res and up to 120DA on boots slot. All along with +2 Steel resolve.

D2pDz112 Spellbreaker
Still working on it. (more points in int?devotion…)
Two M.Is are rare+magic prefix/suffix combo.

nZonzaEV Infiltrator
I think that’s it.

These are the DW auto-attack BD I played. Not shadow strike BD…
In addition, I’m not a skillful player and I play 170ex with 3 blessings and 1 banner.

You maybe right, but I just like 50% slow res because it makes the run much smoother and increase QoL. I think it’s just a player preference. Some player can have 0 slow res and they do fine. If it were me, I don’t feel comfortable.

Maybe at least aim for 30% slow res. 18% from sailor’s guide devo and one ring augment.

Final March is one thing I first tried and I still cannot cover the resistances.
The build need Pierce and acid res badly…

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Fateweaver raiment + different shoulder. You gain nothing from Runebinder in first plate, dunno why did you put it here .

Fuck Me you are right:

Defensively better, sacrifice a bit of offense for no green.

I use two piece of runebinder because I want to achieve +2000% cold and +1500% fire damage. :smiley:

First post updated for Mercymaker’s run, no green version, and typo fixing!

Oh, i thought you were talking about SS builds.

So in the latest GT you brought seal back.

Thoughts on with/without it?

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thejabrixone uses seal, i’m the one that doesn’t use seal cause imo the build doesn’t need it, it feels much more fluid and mobile without it. That said, if you plan on farming lokarr with the build, definitely use seal since it helps out alot on him. So it’s completely up to you if you want to use seal or not, build performs great with and without it either way :slight_smile:

How about https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YVWJaJr2 this version? Looks better on paper =)

What mercy said.
Basically used anything you comfortable with. This thread presented the concept and working build. You can use it as reference to work on your own and / or modify the build as you like.

Hmm, In my build, I tried to makes it so there is no damage wasted. Fire damage in your build seems a bit wasted though. It will be interesting if you can do a test and see if it works better, Ptiro.

EDIT: also, you don’t really need silver sent shoulder. Nex&Ortus already convert acid to fire and cold.

BTW, I am surprised you didn’t linked a build that is full blown offensive. :smiley:

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Biggest worry from glance is losing the 22% against beasts, meaning kuba will take even longer to kill

4 seconds instead of 3 ? :eek:

I don’t think so Ptiro. It should be more than that. Because your build losing significance in fire damage, which also contribute in killing kuba faster.

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5 instead of 3? Dunno, last time I`played runefiltrator I dropped Chuppa in 4 runes. That’s 5 seconds. :eek: Most of the times he die to collateral dmg due to huge hitbox and braindead pathfinding.
BTW how about Silver Sentinel SS+RoH? https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26vd0v2 Looks tasty

I’ve already done it here :D:

Yeah it’s good. But low QoL because silver sentinel pieces provide no flat energy regen. I actually prefer ABB+RoH for silver sentinel based infiltrator (that thread provide 2 silver sentinel build)

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Oh missed that one :eek: . Mana pite, yeah, even breackers need to drink bottles on CD to fuel SS. Should be worse with RoH. I would spec intro Harp for this build.