Hello. Today, I would like to share yet another interesting build with you.
Who said, that Wildblood set is for Conjurers and Ritualists? Warders are simply amazing with this set! Decent damage combined with absurd ADCtH and soldier’s sustainability, all together those form an immortal deathmachine, that is able to annihilate Crucible without even noticing it.
The Build
*all perma buffs and Savagery up
Grimtools updated. Changed Voidheart to the Mythical Cursebearer (thanks to ya_ for the tip), changed a few augments and moved skills around a bit.
Gear and Skills
The Wildheart Vanguard set is, of course, the core set for the build. Two Blood Knight pieces are chosen, because they give some decent skill bonuses and stats. Barbaros - for the amazing proc, The Counduit of Wild Whispers with the Grasping Vines prefix - to be able to stack even more Vines. The Conduit doesn’t need to have aether resistance on it, but it’s preferable. For the rings I chose the Mythical Signet of the Fallen and the Mythical Cursebearer for their nice rr procs. The gloves are simply chosen because they give some nice physical res to our exclusive skill, but those can be changed for something else, I think. The Golemborn Greaves - for the armor. Try to get +% armor on all craftables as always.
Another core item of this build is the Haunt relic. Not only does it give us some nice rr that we need on a non-Necromancer/Occultist Wildblood build, but it also lowers the enemy resistance to life leech!
So, with the Devouring Swarm mod, Rattosh and Haunt we get -21%(!) life leech rr. Add in Ghoul, Haunted Steel component, Menhir’s Will and the Wendigo Totem - you get a recipe for immortality.
Skills are pretty obvious here. Focus on Grasping Vines with soldier’s and shaman’s support passives/abilities. The Exclusive Skill in this build is Primal Bond. Just adds some damage absorption to this already immortal beast. -20% damage from animals turns Reaper into a joke.
Some may say, that Warder isn’t a very good choice for a vitality build, because it doesn’t have enough rr. That’s not true. This build has -130% vitality rr +28 flat from Manticore. That’s enough to deal with any resistant enemy.
Just stack up your Grasping Vines, put rr on enemies and facetank. No one can kill you (although I haven’t tried the Super Bosses yet, but I think Mogdrogen isn’t a problem.). Totem, War Cry and Bloodthirster to be even more safe.
This build isn’t the fastest crucible clearer, but it’s defenitly one of the safest. The avarage 170 crucible clear time for both the old and the new set-up is about 10 minutes, I think it can easily reach 9 minutes on less laggy PC and with better piloting and about 8 minutes with 3 buffs and a banner. In any case you can do two easy 150-170 runs in a row.
In my videos I wasn’t trying to get the fastest time possible, but rather was trying to show how tanky this build is. It doesn’t really care where to stand, doesn’t care about dodging the meteors and doesn’t need to kite the famous 169 crucible wave. It can facetank even the nastiest Nemesis combos with horrible mutators. Your lifesteal and procs are there to make sure you don’t die.
Older Voidheart set-up (https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZonY7dV):
Video 1 - 149-150 no buffs
Video 2 - 170, 4 buffs, ~9:30 minutes
Video 3 - Mad Queen facetank, no hp bottles
New set-up:
https://youtu.be/jYt2TvN3n5s -1st new set-up 170 clear (~9:50 minutes)
https://youtu.be/yPHRwkWhaNo -2nd new set-up 170 clear (~10:30 minutes)
The reason for slower new set-up runs is pure luck. It can be done faster if you get better mutators and don’t get more than 1 Kuba.