[] Wind Izel - 6:00 Cruc. 150-170, Shard 75 in SR, no greens caster Vindicator [vid][c+][g3]

That’s very impressive time! And I would say it’s one of the better casters, considering less piloting requirements compared to Spirit Sorceress or Mortar SB.

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I just reviewed this build again. Some micro-feedback/questions about the very details:

Wouldn’t Glyph of the Storm Witch be better that the Coven blue ring? I’m talking less da but more just about everything (oa, flat, proc, heals, totems, useful res, electrocute duration, stronger Spear of the Heavens, etc.).

Would Typhoon Powder be better as an augment than Forgefire? Added %electrocute and health should make up for 6-7 lightning flat that’s only used in procs.

Is it worth it to put points in Vigor over 6/10 instead of Oak Skin? Oak Skin seams so good now with the added aether res…

Also, what do you think about this devo setup: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zmYqjN (i didn’t shuffle res augments but should be more res than before)

I keep forgetting to update it with my actual spec, Forgefire was there before regen was changed to flat on it. Here is my actual in-game spec. In-game DA is around 2980 mark. As you see ~4% DA from Coven Ring is needed. On the other hand, I can switch around augments and use Glyph of the Storm Witch as you suggested..

Hmm, gotta test it, glyph should be superior here

Ye, obvious change towards tankiness. I will consider it once I test the build in a new patch. If it’s consistent enough without Revenant, I will stick to Elemental Storm since it’s a bit more damage.

About Oak Skin, build got enough Pierce and Aether res already.

I agree that on an elemental non-spam caster Elemental Storm is better than Revenant. It’s not an auto-pick like with melee. However… that adcth and racial never hurt anyone. You could go about losing that Restless Remains for another Ugden Leather, maybe?

Pierce and aether are fine but you still got augments for pierce and aether that you could maybe switch for more acid.

I’m just theorizing, ofc. Never played it. BTW were the nerfs to the Box damage noticeable?

I would guess , the box nerf damages actually more affected its sister build from @thejabrixone , where you spam the skill:
[] The Lightning (Mc)Queen - Allagast+Cyclone Lightning Caster Vindicator


The increase in flat aether for the set kind of mitigated it a bit, but only if you have high conversion from the storm sheppard and glyph.

That build is indeed need to have 90% aether>lightning conversion to be most effective. Haven’t mess with it again, maybe after patch.

After arcanist buff, I will definitely revisit allagast magehunter though.

I will test it in the new patch. If it stops being consistent with Rhowan’s Crown then I will switch to Revenant. Storm Box nerfs didn’t affect it since Storm Box is more of a DA debuff spell and a proccer here rather than actual damage spell.

It depends on what you mean by “noticeable”. They were significant for any non-Allagast build at ultimate ranks, but you shouldn’t be able to e.g. notice differences in the clearing times of a Cyclone Vindicator, as mad_lee already pointed out.

Not really: Allagast’s storm box damage was left (nearly) untouched by the changes. At maximum rank, a Vindicator with the cookie-cutter 75% aether-to-lightning conversion retained the same lightning damage to the digit. (Although I don’t have exact numbers, at rank 24 it might have even gained lightning damage, depending on how it scaled.)

The only thing that can’t be recovered is a tiny bit of electrocute, but the final difference is in the realm of bean-counting.

I’m asking because I remember dropping Kephlats for Storm Witches and maxing Box elevated Light Defender Stormreaver to another level last time I played around with it. Same with Ludrigan. Or pretty much any strong lightning Vindicator. Box was all the rage last patch, dubbed the last bastion of inquisitor oupiedness :wink:

Then the nerfs came and I didn’t really check if Box is still worth dropping everything else.

What about Maelstrom nerfs? Is it worth more than 1p on Light Defender that only has 2.5 Devils?

Just as a related qustion. Allagast magehunter convert all to aether or aether to elemental? Maybe i will try my first theory build myself :slight_smile:

I think I like allagast more as lightning set. I dunno, I never really like aether Inquisitor because of low QoL and how pricy word of pain will be as an RR skill.

Aether on Allagast is kinda discriminated. The mod to Deadly Aim does not support aether, only lightning (why?). Besides +10% total dmg on the Box modifier does not in way make up for the fact that aether has no DoTs (and aether Allagast will struggle with ranks).

…is not so great. Nothing ever gives bonuses to Word of Agony. 0.3m radius per point is extremely pricey (in comparison CoF gives 0.8-0.9m), and playing with 4m radius is a pain and agony (pun intended).

I never understood why Word of Agony has the radius bonus instead of pain. Is it related to hos CoF is such a good RR skill that they intentionally made word of pain pale in comparison?

I think it’s because WoR damage is quite good. However the plus skills are really rare.
It’s decent for AoE in elemental build, but very bad as debuff.

For what it’s worth, going full-on lightning on my (numerous) Allagast mage hunter tests produced only unremarkable improvements, somewhat to my surprise.

Ultimately I feel that the Arcanist modifiers need some work to be competitive with Vindicator/Apostate/Purifier, and I don’t have much hope that general buffs to the mastery will change that. This is an example of something that would work, but skipping lightning DoTs for e.g. a further additional shard would also be feasible. I’m waiting to see before bringing up the subject again.

I go “why” at the Deadly Aim support in the first place, to be honest. CDR with partial uptime? More global buffs to the Inquisitor side of the set, which already plays so well with other masteries?

Yes, it’s especially an issue on point-starved Allagast. Personally I’d consider moving the radius modifier to Death Sentence for those who use WoP as a debuff and concentrating damage on the first two nodes. Update

Reworked this spec a little bit. Thanks to @ya1 suggestion, started using Glyph of the Storm Witch - much better ring than Coven’s one overall. And thanks to @thejabrixone who seemed to be the first one on this forum to figure it out - I am now using Bane relic since Ignaffar was nerfed and Bane provides us with much safer gameplay with similiar damage output. Here is the current spec. Added a video of 5:49 Crucible run.

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Bane, huh? Very good caster relic. I even felt like using it on the elementalist.

That’s should be almost similar with my build if run with banner.
Sigh, with box nerfed, it seems not favorable to do allagast setup compare to this.

Need to test some more variation to see if box setup can increase his damage more.

Over Eye of storm? No need for that. But I use Bane for FW Commando for some reason.