[] Beronath's Death Herald: 4:30m Crucible 150-170, SR 90, Celestials Melee Death Knight (+bonus Warlord build) [c+][sr+]

It’s easy, just remember that you can remove devotions at special NPC (one that helps you with skill points reallocation). And also, that devotion can support itself, i.e. if Hawk requires 3 green points and gives 3 green points, it can support itself. But you have to invest into other green affinity devotion first, then add Hawk, then you can remove that green affinity devotion at NPC.

Hi Mad, so glad to see your build, as Mindwarp is not dropping and I am going to switch to pure Physical.

Some questions:
I have Warborn but not the offhand, belt, gloves, boots. Are these critical pieces and what placeholders can I use in the meantime?

Should I use a shield?


Warborn is the core, but Beronath Sword is also the main item here since it converts elemental and chaos into Physical. It’s a craftable sword, so ask someone to craft it for you. Belt is also important, because it converts Vitality into Physical. For boots and gloves you can use whatever placeholders you have.

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So its OK for the million builds here to be created in a cheat tool, but not ok for someone to admit to creating them in it?

I’d personally give him a +3!

Played both the DK and oathbreaker versions of this build. Playing the oathkeeper now and gotta say its pretty OP compared to the DK version. Really i think that DK needs some love because its really been left in the dust in FG. The warborn spec is really nice but thats probably the best dps version that DK has atm, even the shield specs are underpar now compared to whats out there.

I found DK to be better in latest patches to be honest.

Updated Warlord’s spec. Added a video of 7 minute Crucible run. Both specs can do 6:30-7 minute runs consistently on a good PC.

each to their own :slight_smile: i found the that the death knight version has slightly better dps, i think mainly because it had higher OA and higher base damage with soul harvest and deadly momentum. Warlord variation feels tons more durable. I had a really hard time in shattered realm on the DK, even with 20-30% overcapped resists I was randomly taking huge damage and occasionally getting 2 shotted by average mobs on shard 60+ and it didnt take DoT’s well. Both specs are nice though.

I just feel like DK doesnt have many options anymore, even krieg setup feels pretty lacklustre. Markovians I couldnt get to work well because of the awful energy and self healing issues. Vitality DK was meh because oh the low vitality RR and that vitality is so heavily resisted, plus hard to get resists right. I feel like warborn is the only setup now which can perform adequately.

You might be right but I don’t think that Krieg DK is doing too bad this days. Shielded spec can probabl made tanky enough to tackly celestials and DW-spec can probably do sub-7 minute Crucible timers easily.

Hi Mad, the offhand weapon just dropped for me :slight_smile:

Noob question about skills: do I have to cast Might of Beronath and Bone Harvest?

You have to cast Bone Harvest once in 5 seconds for Soul Harvest buff. Might of Beronath is an aura, you cast it once, kind of like Field Command or Oleron’s Rage or Presence of Might.

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Hi madlee,
I am trying your build as warlord.
But i wonder why not putting at least 1 point in Zoltan technic (having extra AOE why not?) or maybe it reduce the chance of markovian advantage to proc by proc-ing itself ? in that case i understand if not can you explain me ?
Btw Great build D

Zolhan hits only with main hand and attack of that particular WPS is slow, so on DW builds is DPS loss.

ok but is it dps gain for 2H ?
and any thoughts of this devo tree for more dps and more lifesteal ?

I wouldn’t recommend going for 2h Cadence build - it won’t be reliable. Markovian Advantage is good dual-wielders but bad for two-handers and vice versa with Zolhan, it has to do with weird animation issues and the fact that Zolhan only hits with one hand.
About 2h devo tree, check out my “The Big Bad” build, I found a pretty efficient devo tree there.

But why you say marko is bad for 2H it give me + 125% to ALL damage on rank 12/12
And you say zolhan is bad for dual and good for 2H why not putting points in zolhan in big bad build ?
sorry but just trying to understand

Markovian’s Advantage has a weird animation issue with two-handers if I recall correctly that results in a damage loss when using it. Zolhan is on the other hand what the doctor ordered for two-handed auto-attackers.
Reason why Big Bad doesn’t use Zolhan or any wps is simple, it’s because it doesn’t use auto-attack (Cadence in that case). It uses Blade Arc, which is not an auto-attack replacer. WPS do not work with Blade Arc (kind of like they don’t work with Primal Strike spam from Shaman mastery).

nice i understand tanks

Hello, sorry I also am struggling with the devotion route, here is what I managed to do so far: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2Bpq7BZ
Can you see a simple fix for it? I cannot remove Scarab or Scepter and had to pull one from Jackal to get the Light of Empyrion.
It would help so much if you could explain the exact route for the build.
I did have the gloves drop today but do not really see the benefit of switching them just yet, I quite like the 2 set bonus from Krieg gloves and boots until I can get the boots also.

You’re almost there. Remove one more point from Jackal to complete Assassin, then remove Scepter and use its points to Obelisk, Jackal and Empty Throne. I’m also playing this build and found Bull more useful than Stag https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4YJK52.

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Oops, I completely missed that last point in Assassin. Thanks a lot!