[] Beronath's Death Herald: 4:30m Crucible 150-170, SR 90, Celestials Melee Death Knight (+bonus Warlord build) [c+][sr+]

Hello, guys, new player here. Can you explain wheres all the active health leech\gain in Warlord video coming from? I dont get it

How do you dual wiled with warlord?

Attack damage converted to health.

There are some items that grants dual wielding, in particular medals and relics. This build uses the Direwolf crest medal.

Oh. How do level warlord without that %converted? flasks? =)


I have two beginner friendly guides for Warlord ā˜„ Collection of malawiglenn's Beginner Friendly builds

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I meant, that I dont have life gain source. Ty for begginer guides, will go read now!

There are devotions, nodes, components and items that can grant you attack damage converted to health. In particular Ghoul that gives a huge ton of this life steal when you get low on health

How does this dual wield warlord fare in the newest patch
Can he do crucible 170ā€¦?

My aether death knight barely made it through gladiator crucible 170, even with all four crucible buffs. Really hard!

I havenā€™t tested it but I think Warlord should be fine. I might test Death Knight tho, since itā€™s a bit less tankier of the two.

Great! Iā€™m going to make him. Thanks for your wonderful guides by the way - super entertaining!

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I have updated Warlordā€™s Grimtools and played with it for a bit. Around 7-7:30 minute build. Wave 169 should be approached with great caution (better take out Anasteria first).

How??? I tried this build and it can desintegrate everything except Grava and Celestials in main campaign. But SR is too hard with it. There is no blessing nor banners there. Being killed 3 times on shard 20-23 and dropped attempts. Even DPS looks so painfully low.

Unfortunately, it COULD do that back when it was conceived. But Crucible/Shards got a lot harder since then especially for melee with little to no aoe. Not only that, but build has been nerfed as a side effect of Soldier/EoR nerfs. So yeah, it is no longer good, itā€™s ironic how Crate abandoned their favourite archetype: Cadence Soldier.

Pierce Cadence BM with SR set and dual Reavers is fine I think, at least it can easily farm SR 65-66, but physical damage seems to be in bad shape in general nowadays.

the buff to Ulcama in 1.1.5 is awesome for Physical dam actually. Even better when you use belt 100% vitality convert to physical dam, then you got a huge life steal with Tip of Scales, and bonus it has flat RR for 3 seconds. I have a very similar Witchblade like madlee build (https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnbmM8N), and farming SR7x with cadence physical is quite consistent, only take longer than other caster due to lack AOE. So i think physical cadence is still ok with this patch.

Pierce Cadence BM with SR set and dual Reavers is a whole different beast and is one of the strongest melee builds in the game. You can go as high as Shard 90 with it and as fast as 5:40 in Crucible if you assemble it right. Physical is not even in the vicinity, lol.

itā€™s ok but not a top-tier build material. Loses to every known autoattacker out there unfortunately.

Well, afaik Crate tried to buff physical build a lot recently. Light of Empyryon and Ulcama devotion are a few changes really benefit for physical cadence, since all effectively physical build need more ADCTH and using belt with 100% vitality converted to physical. I really surprise that now Ulcama is the main reason for my WB or Warlord cadence very tanky and both have very good life leech. As a fan of cadence soldier, iā€™m happy with all these change, even when they are not among top tier builds Update

Decided to adapt this build to the current patch. Took quite a bit of reinventing to make it consistent in current Crucible. It is still slow because Crate refuses to take a proper look at Warborn Cadence meta, but at least itā€™s tanky. Good news: it can now farm 75-76 somewhat reliably.

Videos are still uploading.

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All right, here is one of the faster runs with a new spec:

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Did test it after latest buff to Warborn set (10% crit damage to Oleronā€™s Rage). Same shit. 7-7:30 runs. Sigh.

Psychoanalytical question: How do you feel about it?

Filled with rage? :smile:

But other feedback threads that werenā€™t closed were implemented by Z.