[] The Vulture - Bonemonger Based, Proc-fiesta Tri-Elemental Apostate

The Build

with all permanent buff + Word of Renewal, Soul Harvest, Deadly Aim, and sitting on Inquisitor Seal.
DPS shown is Beronath’s Fury.

Build Feature

  • Contain Inquisitor
  • Mix Damage
  • Fun and Unique but still fluid Gameplay
  • Contain Necromancer
  • Not warlord
  • No retal

Build Overview
Is this the same apostate concept valinov build? Nope

So Valinov as a praetorian has explored this set for supporting aether damage. I see this set differently. As soon as this set announced in GT, I immediately attracted to its proc, the “Wake of Bones”. It has quite a lot flat damage, high leech, decent mechanic, and super short CD (0.3 sec) that activate on 30% chance of crits. As I really love proc, I want to build an apostate that shows the true characteristics of the set which is its proc. This build is the results!

To utilize the proc fully, we need good OA, converting it to similar damage that can have good RR, and reliable attack that continuously trigger at a high speed.

The Proc consists of 3 damage type: pierce, cold, and aether. Elemental may be easy to be converted to aether, but Pierce? Not so much. The only way is to use Ascended Shoulderplates MI which cannot be done as shoulder slot is already taken. Then what can we do? Converting it all to elemental of course! We have so many options to convert pierce to one of elemental now. What about converting aether? Patch brought a plethora of conversions. Converting aether to one of elemental is highly possible. While the set is converting vitality > Aether and giving so much flat aether damage, it also supporting tri-elemental damage in all of its pieces and also giving -30% Elemental RR. Thus, tri-elemental bonemonger build is highly possible

Then we need reliable attack skill with low low ticks. Channeling skill is the answer. It scaled on cast speed and can deal damage every <0.3s. FoI or drain essence then? Nope. Inquisitor has a mobile channeling skill in form of lightning tether (storm box skill line). Incidentally, storm box also gives DA debuff, which help us crits more, which help trigger Wake of Bones more!

That’s the concept for equipment and skill setup.

What about Devo then? In this build, I tried to explore the least used tri-elemental devo procs. The build used The new Hyrian’s Glare, Elemental Seeker, and Arcane Currents. The last one is interesting because I really hate that proc in the past. However, in this build, arcane currents is really crazy! it proc in low CD, and it shoot enemy in a really high frequency. We also have converted its flat aether to elemental which deal a really good damage. On other procs, Elemental seeker is as good as ever. Hyrian’s glare is only decent, the nodes are quite good though. Going to the tri-elemental devo proc is also logical as our item setup only gives +%damage to tri elemental but not their DoT.

That’s that for the build concept. Defensively, bonemonger only provide defensive properties from its leeching proc. It has no % armor, no energy regen, no +max res, and no phys res on its pieces. It gives quite a lot points to inquisitor seal which give us high damage absorb though. In addition, we have a really good lifesteal from procs and auto-attack, effectively 3600 DA, nice +20% healing increased, ghoul proc, mark of torment, and nicely overcapped res.

Equipment Choices
Craft all equipment at Arngrim and try to get +% armor or +%Phys as completion bonus. Get 100% Aether > Elemental conversion, and get as close as 90% for Pierce > Element conversion.

Core Items:
Bonemonger Set.
Main+Off Hand: 2x Mythical Spelldrinker. +400% Elemental Damage, solving energy issues, convert Aether > Elemental. PERFECT FIT
Gloves: Mythical Chilling Grip of Hagarrad. converting pierce > cold, high attack speed
Rings: 2x Mythical Light’s Oath. Converting pierce > fire, high OA, +% healing, nice res, nice proc.
Relic: Ignaffar’s Combustion. Perfect Fit, get +aura of censure for completion bonus
Medal: Mythical Direwolf Crest. Enabling dual-wielding melee. Also give nice res, racial damage to beast, also super high OA

Supporting Items:
Pants: Mythical Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind. I need OA, movement speed, and a good res.
Boots: Mythical Final March. Super nice defensive boots. Also we desperately need that phys res.
Belt: Mythical Cord of Deception. One of the three +inquisitor belt, this is the more defensive one with good res, DA, and dodge.
Movement Rune: Use what you like, I use glyph of disorder currently. Still the best for this build.

Tri-Elemental Devo Setup

Elemental Storm > Inquisitor Seal
Hyrian’s Glare > to Whatever permanent buff
Elemental Seeker > to Beronath’s Fury
Arcane Currents > to Storm Box of Elgoloth
Ghoulish Hunger > to Whatever permanent buff

LMB: Beronath’s Fury
RMB: Storm Box of Elgoloth
Mouse scroll up/down: Bone Harvest
Middle Mouse: Mark of Torment
Keyboard 1: Word of Renewal
Keyboard 2: Siphon Souls
Keyboard 3: Inquisitor Seal
Keyboard 4: Movement Rune

Standard procedure:
Press to activate Word of Renewal. Ensure it to always be active and/or save it for heal.
Scroll up/down to cast Bone harvest, trigger soul harvest buff.
Cast storm box to enemy for triggering continuous arcane currents. Always cast it when it’s cooldown.
Teleport in
Cast Inquisitor Seal below you
Cast siphon souls to apply OA debuff and RR
Then auto-attack with beronath’s fury for triggering continuous elemental seeker.

Position your char well. As bonemonger’s and hyrian’s proc are always attack enemies directly in front of you, position yourself and round the enemy so all of them is in front of you.

Also some trick with this set, you can stack multiple inquisitor seal below you and the enemy to increase single target damage. Treat this like sigil of consumption, basically.

Cast Mark of Torment if surrounded by high-risk boss or nemesis.

Build Performance
Video with 4 buff without banner:

7:15 clear time! My current record on FG. The build is consistent around that timer.

All Enemy is easy enough to be swiftly killed by this build as no enemy (in cruci) resist all three elemental.

Shattered Realm:
Shall be updated later.

Boy, I had so much fun polishing this build!

Attachment: Bonemonger.jpg
Attachment: BonemongerPane_crop.jpg

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Few notes from the deleted thread due to forum rollback:

  • I have tested 4 points on RoH line + artifact handling. Doesn’t change much and make the build slower. It’s just make the build clunkier. Storm box DA debuff is enough.
  • Aetherfire for additional proc is interesting, but I lack of additional proc machine.
  • The build need to be close to enemy for the main proc to be working (wake of bones) so ranged weapon or chillspikes is no no. Tested it and got horrible result. Well, maybe it’s a matter of playstyle.

Other Elemental Build Variant of Bonemonger:

Even more Proc, Tri-Elemental Bonemonger Apostate:
Using cyclone effigy + cindertouch for 2 cinderwind procs. Theoretically should be more powerful. Tested it and the clear time (no banner) only reduced by 5-10 sec. It may have more impact in bannered run though. It is more unstable and more prone to grava fumble.

151-170 Cruci Video Performance (4 buff no banner):

7:10 clear times.

Bonemonger X Arcanor, Fire/Tri-Elemental Forcewave Tactician:
Forcewave+Many Procs and fully converted pierce damage. Quite nice but need to take care on casting inquisitor seal or arcane devastation too much as it will deplete energy quickly.

151-170 Cruci Video Performance (4 buff no banner):

7:50 clear times.

Bonemonger X Nex&Ortus, Cold WPS/Proc Infiltrator:
Bonemonger + the former king of procs. Due to nightblade, the build is then focused to cold damage. Really tanky and comfortable to play with AA playstyle and WPS.

151-170 Cruci Video Performance (4 buff no banner):

7:20 clear times.

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What do you think about the 30% ele to aether that will be added to Bonemonger?

It isn’t going to be added after all.

Dodged a bullet there.

Needless to say, it will kill this build and other possible elemental bonemonger if that change goes through.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

  • Added cruci video of Super-Proc Bonemonger.
  • Added Forcewave Arcanor bonemonger Tactician + Vid
  • Added N&O Bonemonger Infiltrator + Vid

All build can do 3 cruci in a single set of buff (without banner).

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Why are you recording without a banner, man? 3 blessings + 1 Vanguard banner have been a standard for quite some time now. Builds look really cool but I can’t understand how exactly strong they are watching 4 buffs/no banners runs :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have tried, but I am not really comfortable with it, and the difference in my clear time is only about 30 sec. I cannot achieve the same crazy results like Mercymaker or john_smith.

So that’s why I still do 4 buff, but I always post builds that can do 3 run with only buff. Because based on our experiences with mercymaker test, his banner run can even cut 2 minutes of my clear times. I am still learning to do it and will post videos with banner after I am comfortable.

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Yeah, gameplay with banner is a bit different, I agree. Gotta play more aggro and maximise your aoe in the banner area.