Hi guys!
Fire? Forcewawe? WUT?
After the Pyran week, i decided to check Justice set.
First, thx to Shar’Zul to support this. I couldn’t have done it without him.
I am not that good pilote and has an old computer, but as u can see with better piloting and computer it can be doable the c+.
Lvling: Forcewawe.
Gear: Ensure you get as much stun resist crafts on items.
Rings: So far u have 3 choice.
- Mythical lifegiver signet.
- Mythical Seal of the Light’s Oath.
- Mythical Signet of the Damned.
First i speak in main and SR spec, no cruci. In Curic, u will see Orange numbers, thx to the OA.
Commando: i choose the rings cause he don’t relly need any more OA.
Warlord: He needs OA, so i drop combustion.
Witcblade: He needs the most the OA, so i had to “sacrafice” the lifegiver rings, but u gain +2 wasting and ADCTH still.
Gameplay: Cast ur debuffs and smash everything.
Warlord: Rotation: After fighting spirit is expired, use ascension, after ascension expired, fighting spirit is back. This gives u a “permanent” OA buff all the time.
For cruci: U can change Oleron to Mandante.
SR: I didn’t tested, since if u get the desert map u begin 3 meter ahead and noway u can defeat 4 nemesis, bosses, but it capeable, after the fix i will test it.
How physical to fire works?
First more than 60% physical dmg converted to fire thx to the weapon and amulet, that means internal trauma bacame burn.
Second the whole Forcewawe line became fire and burn. -
Why is pierce not overcapped?
In game i have 15% more. So it is 84% (15%). Anyway the stonetread always on you, so u won’t feel anything. Further forcewawe is a range attack so the duration can be permanent. If u lucky it can be permanent. Before expire it can recharge. -
Why Doom/Doomforce, Bear King/Bear Claw?
These proc thx to weapon more than 60% of the dmg became fire and burn. -
Why not Chausses of Barbaros pants?
I need the resist, slow resist, OA, spirit from tranquil. -
Why not Blood Sigil of Ch’Thon?
Still after the conversation the dmg is better of the Bear King, than Ch’thon. -
What about Warder?
I tested, but he was the weakest and he died 2 in row, so i dropped. -
Why not Kraken?
Kraken is the best 2H devotion, but Blind Sage gives everything that i need for these builds. The only downside, the 8% cast speed on warlod and witchblade.
Cruci: Parameters with permanent buffs.
With flashbang OA 3500.
With Judgement OA 3750, that’s why u don’t need Oleron in cruci. If fighting spirit proc too in the same time than higher, but as i said above use as Rotation OA.
With fight spirit OA 3500. Thx to Bloody Pox/Wasting OA debuff, the enemy OA will be much lower.
Conclusion: These are amazons, if u faced them, u will die in seconds. In cruci even nemesis has 70 - 75% chance to hit u. I didn’t sweat in cruci. We already know fire devo is full of OA. Poor octavius is need to be like this…