[] Phantasmal Paradox: 5m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, SR 75-76 beastly vitality PB-caster Dervish [c+][sr+][vid] Update

So this build was target nerfed in patch. Changed shoulders in grimtools link. From Crucible runs build’s power dropped by 10-15%, but can’t say how much of it is buffed Crucible and how much of it nerfs to the build. Uploaded new screenshots. New videos coming soon.



Build is still god-tier the way I built it. So proud, I guess :slight_smile:

But honestly, after testing few more builds, I am certain that Crucible has become tougher, like 20-30 seconds tougher on average.

I am too busy to figuring out my own stuff that got patch changes…
What changes did nerf this build in 1.1.4 ?

According to patch notes cruci wasn’t buffed. Or is it included on the general mob buff on campaign?

Quite a few. Phantasmal Blades were nerfed. Demonslayer set was nerfed. Blightlord Shoulders are now useless for PB builds without conversion. Ascension %damage has been nerfed. Mark of Consumption adtch mod to PB has been nerfed (from 6% to 4%). Resist Reduction and radius on Guardians of Empyrion has been nerfed.

Yes. A lot of monsters have quite a bit more hp and damage in Crucible. Also, somehow monsters getting stuck at spawns problem is back. So expect to lose 20-30 seconds or more of your Crucible timers.

  • Frenetic Throw: increased % Weapon damage penalty to -55%

Ah now I see :slight_smile:

Mine/Spanks budget PB reaper gained about 15% dps from the flat vit dmg on Harbinger of souls so I did not notice the change in Frenetic throw

Yep; and the %physRes from Demonslayers Amu has been nerfed.
Not that drastic if you ask me - considering the incredible overpowerdness of the build; or more like Demonslayer (I play a witch hunter variant and he has more sustain than my acid dervish).

I am pretty sure Dervish is still in another league when it comes to Demonslayer. WH is worse for few reasons: lack of monster cdr (so no permanent hungering void), no permanent ascension with huge OA and cc-res, can’t go tripple tier 3 devotion route because WH got no mana, no second teleport/movement skill and most importantly, no passive RR.

Did update those, look at the stat screen, char is now sitting 77% bleed res with average bleed rolls on gear.

I want to try Reaper version. I have the feeling of HoS change can outset nerfs. I doubt is better than Dervish, but it’s probably even better defensively. Also want to test different devotions, like Wendigo.

Anyway Dervish is very strong combo and this build proves it.

I think CDR alone is hard to beat on Dervish. Now add permanent Ascension on top of that and most importantly huge passive energy regeneration, it definitely makes a strong for one of the strongest archetypes in the game. That’s one of the reasons melee Venomblade Dervishes are so insane - they have access to CDR.

BTW, flat damage from HoS would not be noticeable imo.

Yes Dervish it looks way ahead for Demonslayer.

HoS, you’re right ofc. Interesting the melee Ritualist like my Dark One version should be better! Also my cold Reaper, unless it’s removed vit to Cold conversion.

@Nery nope conversion is still there and +1 nightblade skills

Damn, this was off-topic sorry madie

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Dark One Ritualist should be more or less immortal, very interesting to see it in action. Cold melee reaper in Deathmarked set with new green gargoyle belt can be a monster potentially.

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In the current patch, with demonslayer set. Would you recomend dervish or reaper?

I would say both are fine. Dervish got one of the powerhouse stats in the game - cooldown reduction. Also Ascension with Aeon is basically permanent. But Reaper have Mark of torment, damage reduction from Ravenous Earth, Spectral line is good. So you can’t go wrong.

Dervish is a bit stronger due to insane amount of synergy it has in Demonslayer setups. Reaper’s strong side is being less susceptible to nerfs :crazy_face:

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Thanks Nery and mad_lee!

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I’d say:

  1. Dervish
  2. Witch hunter
  3. Reaper

Thanks again! Love it so far. How hard was the nerf from the recent patch? Still viable for SR/Crucible?