I’m expecting somewhat worse results after 2 heavily nerfed changes, but anyway GJ
There you are, Maestro! Thank you kindly!
_Marentalist.zip (414.1 KB) In case you’re bored.
This would’ve been even stronger than the one from I don’t know why I didn’t think of Dying God before.
4:32 run (In general, good run but with very bad 170 wave, i.e. in best condition possibly achieve 4:20 - 4:25)
You’re a magician. This one would’ve been better than the one before the nerfs, right?
Slightly worse , due to lack mines rr mod(around +8-10 sec. with DG vs unnerfed Cyclone)
No, I get it. But if you played THIS setup before the nerfs, it would have been better than the one I made before, right?
Yes, DG in latest setup much better than aeon
Nice to see the use of a classic lightning devotion (i.e. DG)!
And phenomenal piloting by @Shoot2033
Maybe stop posting in this thread, guys. Maybe there’s still a chance Zantai didn’t see this…
In your drreams. That all-seeing eye sees EVERYTHING.
- Know what’s Z’s point on 5 minutes build
- Post 5m build hoping it won’t get nerfed
- Get it nerfed
- Cry
4:09 — Elementalist with Caniister (not so good 170 wave , so possible achieve around 4 minutes in best condition)
- Mines still OP, especially with Cyclone’s modes, so maybe reduce base damage skill by 10-12%(~25-30% to cyclone’s mods)
- Reduce RR on arcane bomb to 30%(Reason : (Lightning>fire and cold) ~30% better than other elemental damages(better gear,better devotions,better items)
- Aether corruption very powerful curse both in terms on damage and RR, so maybe reduce a bit too.
Can i get the file of this monster please? I wanna give it a try too :D.
- You go full offence by sacrificing lots of viable stats
- Mines are supergood when you can facetank enemies (what is possible only in Cruci). In difficult SR fights you need to move around a lot, losing most of the mines damage
That’s why it shouldn’t be the reason to nerf mines. At least not in the current state, when retal builds does 3 consistent runs in 25 min NACKED.
Fire is fine now and needs a ninja improvements on some gear, however cold is underperforming except a couple of builds.
@Shoot2033 I was about to test Stormseer Saphire on this. If you don’t care for resistances might be worth a try.
Good to see Cyclone keeping at it. Still top 3!
Pretty sure it can outclass my binder without doubts!
Yeah, I just watched the vid. Only one time Tainted and one time Exposed - no other good mutators. And at 170 Moose and Zantarin didn’t go out.
_Marentalist.zip (435.9 KB) if you want to test @ya1 @romanN1
Thank you! Will come back as soon as i test it!
Though curageous tincture . I agree with 4 beacons + 3 buffs instead of the revert, but tinctures are too much.
Agreed. Arcane bomb is also the most unreliable of the 3 ele RR’s.
perhaps a better nerf to mines would be to remove the %fire/burn damage on hellfire mine? (Give it %chaos damage instead!!!)
What do you guys think?