Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

I haven’t submitted my builds for a while so let me go from the newest ones:

  • [Caster] [] (g5) (c+) (sr+) (vid) Allagast/LD vindicator (ya1)

    • Damage: Lightning (with some minor aether)
    • Active Skills: Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Word of Renewal, Inqusitor Seal, Chain Lightning, Aether Corruption, Will of the Fallen Kings
    • Passive Skills: Deadly Aim, Aura of Censure, Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller Aura
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] Cyclomentalist (Crucible Max) - Cyclone elementalist (ya1)

    • Damage: Lightning (with some minor fire)
    • Active Skills: Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Stormfire, Aether Corruption, Will of the Fallen Kings
    • Passive Skills: Mogdrogen’s Pact, Stormcaller Pact, Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame, Blast Shield, Stormcaller Aura
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] Pyrapyraboomboomboom! - Max DMG No-Green Pyran SB (crucible 4:50) - Pyran shieldbreaker (ya1)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Mortar Trap, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blazing Eruption, Stormfire, Displacement
    • Passive Skills: Flame Touched, Vindictive Flame, Blast Shield, Presence of Virtue, Divine Mandate, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Resilience, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: None
  • [Melee/Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] Silvie the Squish - RoH/Melee Hybrid Infiltrator (c5:17) (sr75) - Silver Sentinel/Chillhearts infiltrator (ya1)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Rune of Hagarrad, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Beronath’s Fury, Amatok’s Breath
    • Passive Skills: Veil of Shadows, Blade Spirit, Aura of Censure, Deadly Aim,
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Whirling Death, Execution
  • [Melee] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] Cookie Dervish (SR80, Naked Crucible, C+) - Shattered Guardian/Mad Queen Claws dervish (ya1)

    • Damage: Acid & Poison
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector
    • Passive Skills: Presence of Virtue, Path of the Three, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Resilience, Veil of Shadows, Eldrich Ruminations, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Amarasta’s Quick Cut, Whirling Death, Execution, Smite
  • [Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] Devoid Of Soul, In Need Of Buff - Voidsoul FoI/Aegis Paladin (c+) (sr+) - Voidsoul paladin (ya1)

    • Damage: Chaos (with some vitality)
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Solael’s Flame, Blazing Charge
    • Passive Skills: Presence of Virtue, Resilience, Aura of Conviction, Deadly Aim, Whirling Blades
    • WPS Skills: none
  • [Caster] [] (g3) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [] FOIBOI - Retal FoI Paladin (c+) (sr+) - fire retaliation FoI paladin (ya1)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Will of the Fallen Kings
    • Passive Skills: Presence of Virtue, Resilience, Aura of Censure, Deadly Aim, Whirling Blades, Presence of Might
    • WPS Skills: none

Also please update:

  • [Melee/Caster] [] (g3-5) (c+) (sr+) (vid) [ -] Dreeg's Acid Fisting - Venomblade Dervish - Caster/Melee Hybrid High Dmg Setups (c+) (sr75) - Venomblade dervish (ya1)
    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector
    • Passive Skills: Veil of Shadows, Presence of Virtue, Path of the Three, Envenomed Weapons
    • WPS Skills: Belgothian’s Shears, Amarasta’s Quick Cut, Whirling Death, Execution, Smite