Overall Spellbinder is one of the top classes in Grim Dawn.Right now Agrivix Callidor Tempest is the king,but is it possible to build decent build,if you dont have top tier set?Malwiglenn created very good guide for begginers-
and the next logical step is to try build around Krieg set,because it is easy and fast to obtain it.Of course there are some issues like low cast speed,small regen and small amount of resistances.Still i try to cover the minuses with the items form my shared stash.
weapon,off hand
Code of Lies+Wrath of Ascendant combo is very good.Any aether off hand can do it,for example Vanity is nice.For weapon option is Warpfire.
Rings are flexible.Albrecht duality for conversion and crafted Eternal Haunt seems BiS.Blue Magelord are good too.I use two Albrecht,but i have some problems with rr.Amulet is Callidors Shard for fire to aether,but other blue items like Arcane eclipse and Essence of beronath are good too.Medal is crafted,jut like helmet.
Relic is Haunt.Cheap and usefull,plus spammable skill for rr.
Belt is mythical Cord of violent decay.Non mythical is good too.Pants are hard to be replaced,maybe Barbaros will fit.
Nothing crazy here.Hourglass,Dying god and Spear.Aeon reset mirror,MoT and Devastation
Grim calc
This build can clear fast and reliable Gladiator 100-150.My time is around
20 minutes on 2 buffs.Only hard enemy is Mad Queen.Higher waves are different story.Build have outsanding aoe,but subpar single target damage.Reaper is hardest nemesist.Alex is slow,but with nullification posses no threat,Grava is dangerous,but has small health.Kuba dies quick too.My clear times are slower than top players due to my mediocre skills and lag,My recording is with wrong skill activator for Aoen9forgot about Krieg’s wrath
If you want to play CT build,try Agrivix.Krieg binder can be used to farm Crucilbe on 100-150 for better pieces without random drop set or crazy Mi greens and is decent build
Build is updated for FG.Can do 3 runs in Crucible.Binders are not currently suited for SR.CT damage was nerfed,but buff to Krieg’s Wrath compensate,build is strongr than before
Changes in build are minor, invest in overload for OA and aether res, also Bat instead of Fiend for better sustain.