[] Physical Spin2win EoR Warlord. 150-170, SR 75 viable, no greens

Random drop

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Loving this build, thx for sharing. Just wondering about the retal dmg node on the obelisk, why take that over the extra armor and da node…? Thanks!

It’s just Nery not keeping up with the patches :scorv: - Obelisk nodes were changed in 1.1.9.

Here’s updated version for current patch: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxRMleN

You sure about that? :smiling_imp:


Hey Nery, or anyone else that might be willing to lend a hand, could you help me abit? Currently lacking:

Mythical version of Beronath.
Korvaak’s Brand
Gladiator Belt
Windshear Greaves
Eternal Band

Current build looks like this: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V0mxEyZ

What changes would you make until I complete the build? So far I’ve managed to clear SR25 with this, but it feels scary sometimes. FYI, I’m running Hardcore.

Feels like I’ve hit a brick wall at the moment, should I use the Warborn Gavel with some off-hand choice or stick to the current 2H I’m using? What Off-hand would you suggest if Gavel is the case?

Best Regards

Do you have Mythical Leviathan by any chance?
Has Phys res and Vit to Physical
Another option is a more defensive devo with Ghoul https://www.grimtools.com/calc/b28ObvzN temporarily since you don’t have healing from Scales.

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Yeah actually I do, equipped it now, but EoR dps goes from max 26933 to max 16770, isn’t that quite a big loss? Overall DPS increased by about 400 though.

Should I also get Ghoul?

Also, got my first Kaisan kill this morning and got an amulet drop, seems like a pretty lit one, isn’t it better than the Lapis Lupus?

Weird, seems like too big of a loss but maybe. You measured with augment, component and everything? Also you might compare dummy kill time. Maybe just get Ghoul if the damage is too low.

I don’t really know what are you doing there and how you play. I just said how to imo best get more defense / sustain temporarily because you said you needed it. I personally cannot tell you how much you need. You may not change anything and play it safe till you get Vit to Phy belt. Also some HC players are welcomed to chime in. You can also ask more players on Grim Dawn Discord.

Hi everyone, I am new to the game and so far I absolutely love it! I am trying to follow the guide but I am a bit lost with the devotion points. Can anyone suggest the order in which I should pick the constellations? I am following the 1.1.9 version of this guide which the author posted in the comments: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/4VxRMleN

Thanks a lot!

Hey you will need to add the lion for a sec to get scales then remove lion again. An easy 3 pt yellow. That is what I did because I had seen it done in other builds. After that it should be straight forward.

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GRIM TOOLS :arrow_right: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZo55Eo2


GD Physical EoR Warlord 150-170 4:48 - YouTube

GD Physical EoR Warlord Crucible naked+extra spawns - YouTube

GD Physical EoR Warlord SR 85 boss chunk - YouTube


Nery, you are the the best.

Every few months i come back to GD for a while to play something, i always end up making this build.
Been playin this build for 2 years lol.
Thanks for keeping it updated.

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Sweet update! I’m wondering however,why vires instead of blitz?that DA reduction not worth?

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Glad you’re enjoying it! It’s also one of my personal favourites.

Either both of them or just Vire. Blitz DA reduction is nice but knockdown is unwanted effect on this build. Plus I need reliable procer on Bear and VM’s trail can proc it well enough. If you use only Blitz, you’ll need Judgement on Bear and interrupt EoR flow. Bear on Guardians won’t heal you, so it’s not an option.


I suspected that the reason was the fire trail helps with activation yeah,but good to know that bear on guardian doesnt heal,i didnt know thats how it works,i guess i can sacrifice the bliz da,im sitting on 3500+ oa anyways,using the soldier buff not oath

but i asume if bear procs off vire trail the heal is pretty low anyways,the big blitz hits heal a lot i would guess

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nice build!.
what do u think of vire - bear / eor - assasin blade → eor - bear / vire - assasin blade?
sorry for a noob question but blade RR doesnt stack and eor can proc bear like a rap god.

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Sure, it’s possible. But usually the rule of thumb is to bind your RR skill to main attack. I think EoR is way more reliable procer for Assassin’s mark, since it triggers on critical and EoR hits multiple times per second. While in the meantime VM hits once and trail is ticking but not to the same rate and on top of that enemies might not step in it but you can constantly hit them with EoR.

Completely different idea is to set EoR on Bear, VM on Oleron and Guardians on Ass. But this will require micro management with pet attack command and to me better QoL is always better than minor potential gains.

ty for the detail information now i understand the concept :slight_smile:

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@Nery My hero. My champion. I spin to win to this DAY to this build.
I need me some dream triple Rares if you can think of any, I will perfect this thing into infinity and beyond, I don’t care if it takes another 1k hours. You always know how to make builds, I always know… how to follow them. xD

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Thanks! :blush:

As for triple rare potential items, I will skip the Kaisan since you made a thread already but MI pants for +3 Celestial Presence with Formidable prefix and useful suffix or Gargabol ring too but realistically in current meta this is one of the few builds, which can still function very well without any green items.