Eye of Reckoning is whirlwind type of attack skill. It’s cool but I hate to disrupt it to use other skills. Physical EoR Warlord have the luxury of minimal interference from other skill, while it’s still doing the job both in terms of damage and defense. Build was changed quite dramatically, since original post but core idea is the same - creating of solid build and no greens (hate to change the title)
- Standard buffs + Warborn proc, no Ascension and attakc procs. DPS for Eye of Reckoning.
Same items like previous version, except Sandreaver gloves, since they were added mod to EoR. Also some different components/augments, Divine Mandate for exclusive skill - easy slow resistance on top of crit damage.
Devotion map is brand new. Since converted damage won’t bypass armor anymore, added Maul devotion assigned to Vire. And Oleron for T3 devotion. Also Scales sustaining both energy and healing. New videos.
Crucible naked extra spawns:
SR 85 boss chunk: no consumables, stupid crystals costed me timer.
Older versions
Big credit for the update to @grey-maybe.
Again lot’s of changes, I think build is better than ever. And I stick to to my original idea of no greens and Oleron’s rage for exclusive skill.
- Added Lapis Lupus blue amulet, Gladiator’s belt and Eternal Band as itemization. Amulet have nice proc, belt to convert Scales and Band for RR proc, disrupt and +skills to Soulfire. Also new mythical Obsidian Grasp for gloves.
Crafted items are two with slow resistance and one with Stun.
You can select offensive relic like Sacrifice or Deathstalker. Also an option is to change one weapon’s component to Seal of Blades for better life steal.
- Some changes in the devotions map, added Scales and Bull.
Video from Gladiator - 5:12:
GRIM TOOLS Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
So build is changed a lot. Picked more and more damage. It’s really fluid in Crucible, but energy sustain isn’t really enough for campaign, needs slight changes. Also resistances are little bit tight.
- I used amulet dropped from Crate of Entertainment for +1 all skills. Option is Kaisan Eye or Ascension conduit. Devotions are greedy, going for Ulzaad, Azraaka and Empyrion all at the same time. Oleron’s Rage is the go to exclusive skill. Crafts are for % physique, to allow huge cunning dump.
Video Gladiator 5:46-
Original Build
Credit for this build to @sir_spanksalot. He made this type of build in early FG days. I created this build during days when GT was down, so I wanted to have fresh perspective and do something differently.
I wanted to create something easy to follow, so decided not to use Ascension conduit. Conduits are tough and expensive to craft and usually roll something useless. Here’s super common blue amulet.In Spanks build conduit cover the resistances hole, but here I had different ideas how to do it. Coven rings are vendor one and gives relevant stats. Relic is Serenity +skills and extra defensive layer. Biggest hesitation is to boots, this or Ill omen ones, which allows me to cap Soulfire. But mine have physical resistance, valuable stat, so decide to use them. And ofc slow is vital for EoR builds. Medal allows me to dual wield, have bonus to Soulfire and convertible flat lightning.
Went Azraaka+Ulzaad combo, also decided to take Revenant for speed, Life steal and racial bonus to undead. Azraaka is proced by EoR, while Assasin’s mark by Guardians.
Video Gladiator-
Video SR-