Tag another not so strong build. After all what can one expect from very weak class combo like Warlock(expect Trozan) and chaos damage which is under performing as usually. To make matters worse neither class have RR and also set gives just one proc with RR and no passive boost to CoF, unlike WoP for some reason… So as one can imagine MH is stronger class than the lock. Nevertheless it’s not that hard to build it. It’s one of my old builds which I don’t feel satisfied with it. But it’s good to enriched further the Albrecht Aether Ray family.
Idea is to spam AAR, stand in set granted seal. For defense you have also life steal from amulet, bat, Sigil and of course ton of physical resistance. You have mirror as panic button and Blood of Dreeg as heal.
Key is this set, but other options are,
Amulet-used this one with life steal than Conduit. Both should work well.
Rings- here for RR procs
Relic- Again RR is irreplaceable, so Combustion is BiS
Gloves and medal boosts my AAR
Boots are excellent, chaos damage, slow res and physical. Only thing that lacks is DA or OA bonus
Chest is very good, I can’t turn another source of physical res and energy regen.
Pants are standard Barbaros, since there is only one pair of legendary chaos pants and they suck. Belt +1 Occultist and racial bonus, yes please! Also forgot to put bone in chest like I should for racial Devotions:
DG is must for all chaos casters. Also used Healing rain to sustain the huge energy cost of AAR.
Build requires some skills in Crucible, but it’s very safe and it’s tough to be killed. Times are not impressive because of low RR- 9 minutes and above. I managed to comlete SR 65 with it in some old patch, probably can comlete it now, too. But it’s recommend to craft item with stun.
Solael is just unreliable source of RR and also it interrupts casting AAR. One can use(forgot about) Sanctified bone for racial against chtonics though.
The Occulist mastery having alot of chaos damage but no chaos RR continues to be a massive issue for many, many builds. Theres a few enemies in the game with 118% chaos res and reaper is 98% chaos res. Throw a corrupted modifier and you can get up to a whopping 133% chaos res on enemies. I think you need every chaos RR you can get really. Maths wise 10% RR nets you alot more value when the enemy is highly resistant and the flame last 8 seconds.
Crate is scared giving occulist RR because the niche chaos pet build being absurd but honestly putting chaos RR on sigil of consumption would be pretty great since no pet build will ever use it.