This is my first new build since the re-roll.
Saboteur is one of the weakest classes in the game.This class combo offers very little protection,almost no valuable resistances,little health,mines are always hated,but this char has some nice item support available for dual wield melee.John Smith put on map Sabo in 7.1 patch and I am going to try to make it regain some of the lost glory.John’s build took more defensive stance,while I go to offensive route.N&O allows player to chart crazy devotion routs,so here it is.
Here’s my latest version. Super offensive devotion map but also with Bat and enough defense to feel tanky.
Update GT
Here’s video from Crucible 150-170 -6:40!
Changed the build to match the current state of GD. Build is very safe now clear rate with this version is 100 % 9 out of 9 in my playthrough. Crucible times are all solid under 7.40, fastest is 7.05. Only way you can go over 8 minutes is if you are not concentrated like me and forget to trigger Blade Spirits and they proc Ultos
Still you need to be careful in 169 and not stand still in middle of the arena!
Very good passive defenses can help you, AdctH, Blast Shield, Prismatic Diamond, Ghoul, Serenity and ofc Pneumatic burst.
In SR build is not safe enough for high shards, though in that configuration. Still can beat 75 in easy boss combo!
- permanent buffs only, DPS should be higher if you are not stupid like me and use Searing Strike
YouTube from 150-170
YouTube from SR 75
GT link
If you feel DA is low and dont’t have good rolls on items,put more points in Temper.Usual idea of Sabo is to boost only wps,but here I used Fire strike to deal more damage as well.Conversion from head and belt push dps to over 150 k.Rimetongue set is at home and Mageslayer RR is crucial for succes.Devotion route-idea is to get Ultos,Amatok and Yugol.Yugol is good here,because of N&O conversions.
Crucible time is actually not bad.I can do 3 runs in same buff duration,if I manage to survive and this Sabo after all.Actually I am not sure what’s build potential.I am bad pilot and have severe lag on my old laptop,I think this build have potential to go under 7 minutes for sure.Kuba is PITA for cold builds,double Reaper can burst you in seconds,Kymon DA debuff is dangerous,kill Kaisan before poison crystals kills you:p
>>>>>Final words<<<<<
Actually comparing builds my times with Sabo are not that far behind Deathmarked BM and this is certainly not meme build.Plus cold FS with Nightblade wps is fun to play with!