[] Shattered Sorcerer 5:12 CR/110 SR/Celestials/75-76 farmer

I was on the chinese GD forum last night. Apparently HP regen is quite the rage there.

Saw a chaos DB spamming pyro with Giant’s blood, ToL, and vindictive flame conduit doing high shards.

Was very surprised.

Then I thought to myself…spell “HP regen” backwards and what do you get?

“WEAK DPS” that’s what :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for that clarification. Also, this highest crit was probably done with shard buff I’m guessing yes?

Well, I have no idea how it was made :smile:

However I am afraid a little about future performance vs some nemesises like Valadaran and Iron Maiden because there is coming HUGE rework for monsters resistances and RR, reffering to Adoomsgood words in discord.

The way I look at it is that its kinda like life. Nothing lasts forever, and the only thing that can be known with certainty is the fact that everything ends.

So if Z redoes GD in a way which kills all my builds, so be it.

What can you do about it?

On the plus side, it must mean there’s a whole new puzzle to now try and solve.

Doom was talking about a mod he is working on, not official changes.

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That’s right, I am up for changes anyway, reworks/buffs anyway, more challange to creating characters and solve some issues. Because of new waystones I can and I will just fish for better runs like in D3 times.

Well, I rarely go to discord so it’s must be my misunderstanding because of context and language barrier. Thanks for explanation.

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Look up this thread: Klick

Powbam, ABCbarbecue and me have posted a few GrimTools-LInks.

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Apparently HP regen is quite the rage there.

We path of exile now.

Never played it :stuck_out_tongue:

Added author of the first concept (health regen + canister), found him on chinese forum. I have tweaked camera agro abuse too. Because monsters relly on our vision sight -> just zoom camera on your character :laughing:

Still no agro.

If they agro, just walk away with zoomed camera, they will lost interest very fast, easy to reposition them on map however I want to if I have to. Red dot is Fabius, invisible on map, lost interest immediately.

i was ok with the aggro abuse but this is taking it to another level where you can aggro abuse specific bosses. Surely this is a bug and not intended??? :face_with_monocle:

It’s not a bug, it’s how this game is made. Vision range depends of monster type (like Kuba got very high, Zantarin very low) but also about your so zoomed camera = less vision from you, less from them. I think Zantai know about it. I have no idea about programming but I guess correcting it would require more changes in code and it would screw something, making all bosses attack you at once even.
People were using camera abuse before by walking near the wall, they just didn’t know about it, me either.

At this point it really defeats the purpose of multi-boss in SR, you might as well combine them into one for a better experience :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t think it’s that bad feature. More builds are able to climb or just farm with consistency. You can play something like mind game with bosses, make space for fight, learn their patterns, make a little slap in realm’s rng :stuck_out_tongue: Tryharding like that with camera on normal farming is not necessary, for maximum push it’s necessary to fool monsters a little. Lacrimosa did 111 shard in 1.1.2 (with snapshotting but it’s still impressive) with infiltrator, he was dying often to reposition monsters and find good opportunity to execute them. Was it pure RNG and patience? For 36 shards with insane difficulty and scaling so high that every nemesis was just superboss? Some mechanics, even unfair are needed, delete them and there is no point for challange anymore, too much dependency of RNG, even for farming for majority of builds. If it’s intended game feature, it’s ok. Zantai would change it before FG release if it’s bug, he knows how it works.

我就想问下 你是国区哪位朋友 23333

I don’t know chinese but translator says “where are you from” or something like that? Poland, I don’t know chinese, too hard to learn :sweat_smile:

Sorry my bad. I always had this feeling you are from our community. :crazy_face:


haha no, just I like playing characters tweaked for realms more :smile:

that’s a brother talking!!:love_you_gesture:

SR is way more profitable than crucible. This a hack N slash game. Gear-looting is key of everything.

Edit1: that’s the reason why our community make it a rule to build alll BDs around SR than crucible.

I like SR more mostly because of randomness, it’s more fun to play on changed maps and being forced to adapt.

Gearlooting seems better too but at this time I’m messing with GD stash a little, last 700 hours was farmfiesta, I need a break :sweat_smile: It’s less popular tool in your community I heard?

In our commnunity there is a strict rule for those join in.
1 GD stash can only be used for two types of players, BD therocrafters and those who want to beat the system and have less patience for the game.
2 Both of them are not allowed to join gear trade in the community.

That’s our way to help to regulate the trading market and pursuade people to play the game with love and heart.

Edit: Anything thing that’s not original function is deemed as cheating in our community.
But sometimes BD therocrafters would have to use these type of tools otherwise their BD might never come alive.