[] OL' REAVER (vindicator remake)

grubnar? is there a link to grim monsterdb? just died being overconfident in temple of the three. those riftspawn sure crazy? i already have overcapped poison… not really sure what kills me though. armor isn’t that bad at 2.8K with 100% absorption.

You should not be dying in main game at all. As long as you stay in the Seal and hit things with Savagery you should be immortal in main game. Maybe you were standing on those green rifts?

Imma just plug my lightning dw trickster here

thanks mad_lee!. it has been eons ago i played a trickster. finally a new SR set that does justice to a trickster!. 2.9 OA/DA trickster build is just nice!

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how are you building for this current patch

No changes were made to anything here. Box was nerfed but I wouldn’t be going about dropping it.

excuse me, now with the changes to the conduit does something change or are we better than before?

Check out @ya1 profile. He posted an update to this but on a different thread.

Spoilers: nothing about that conduit change made the build better lmao

Aether Conduit was good for one patch. That was an unintended effect of the engine. Now it’s probably the worst item you can put there.

Search forums for “five Totems in a box” for the update.