[] Ulzuin's Barrelsmith - Skyfire grenadier reborn (6min buffed/bannered clear; 9min naked)

^Totally unaware of this, so I can’t comment. Also, you may not need stormfire what with blazing eruption and about 50% WPS coming from barrelsmith.

Ahh, how good will it be if bonemonger got innate Pierce or vitality > elemental conversion

BTW spanks, Interesting build! Though I am not sure about korvaak Devo as your weapon damage is not that good. I would like also to suggest bane relic for even safer setup and high OA.

How does he supermax explosives+Ulzuin’s chosen with that, though? :confused:


Edit: yeah, nevermind, CS is pretty terrible, here, anyways :smiley:

^What alternative would you suggest? I took it mostly for the DA/OA shred, and the huge OA on it. Also eldritch sun hits a single target like 10 times very quickly, allowing you to lifesteal back to full under ghoul

I might try this. It has more relevant %damage too. But +1 to demo goes a looooong way in this build. Slow/trap res on korvaak’s deception, and the ability to hardcap high impact without using green pants makes me reluctant to give it up.

EDIT: Korvaak’s deception also has more or less the same amount of OA as compared to bane, and high DA. It also gives another nuke which gets converted to lightning. That’s my rationale at least

%WD from procs

I hava a harra Sabo that can do approx 6:30 iirc. Using PB and SJ.

Imo CD PB needs some love

Probably squishy as hell though, right?

Yeah. Valinov was suggesting big jacks and PB spam to me a few months back.

Is the damage coming mostly from PB in your case? Because if so, it still warrants some buffs to SJ imo.

What does your empirical knowledge say

Very likely, yeah. At least in my version of the build it pretty much just felt like mad_lee’s cold PB spellbreaker – just with terrible demo defensive options (I’m sure that fluffs build is much more polished than mine, though).

I’m still voting for adding %AdctH to SJ on Harra’s.

Viable cold Flip Jacks would just be so friggin’ cool

I did both PB CD with SJ spam and vice versa. Spam PB was easier simple because of Sustain. CD SJ would burst pretty well.

But it’s not supposed to be Spam PB. you have Frigus and speaker mods that reduce CD. That’s the part that needs improving. It’s all twisted

Visually, it’s very cool (pun not intended)

Exactly! :stuck_out_tongue:

And I believe dmg would be pretty decent, too, if only we could gear a little more towards offense (thus the life leech mod suggestion).

Ok, it might need a better weapon option than Crescent Moon, too (maybe add %cold to Rune of Elgoloth?)

Frigus works well here as you can go for CB + big jacks spam. In fact, I think giving +points to ulzuin’s chosen on this set would be very nice.

As for the offhand, unless you’re doing PB nuke like fluff, I think tome of arcane waste is BiS, as you have resolved your need for flat RR.

With arcane frigus, you can get both levithian and attak seru in your devotions. The latter is especially powerful if you can fit in fire/cold conversion as well.

Good point. Maybe going more for a CT/PB hybrid might be better here for overall dps…

Fire>Cold conversion shouldn’t really be an issue with the new demo belt, after all.

But this still doesn’t solve the issue of the terrible sabo sustain/defense we have to deal with here :confused:

It is. Good luck finding healthy OA/DA without greeeeens. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s also a blue medal with fire/cold conversion jsyk.

As for defence, it’s a DoT kiter. You’re supposed to stay alive by running away.

Speaker all the way,


First. CoF RR. Don’t care if they reduce all CoF chaos mods to 10% for that and if they remove the bleed RR. Next, Chaos runes. After general rune buff of course. Third, if the second isn’t what crate wants then voidsoul FoI should be buffed to total usability. But CoF really needs Chaos RR. Chaos Demo IMO is okay, with BWC and Fire Strike having decent support for it. It just can’t carry chaos by itself cause it’s not a chaos class.

Ummm. CT + Devastation. That’s how the old OP agrivixes lived and that’s still how it works now. Not as fast as before but the new Arcanist buffs really helped, most notably Maiven.

Anyway, I still haven’t commented on the original build. Nice one!

What about small targets? I find devastation crappy on them. Do you happent o have a dummy killtime?

I don’t. I imagine dummy to be painful. But dummy won’t be representative for single target against small targets in cruci. Most important small guys in cruci are humans or aetherials or both, which are all covered by racial damage bonuses. Also, current meta for casters is to stack as much %modifiers as possible. That binder IIRC had 2600+% aether with my rolls.

Not if it’s a Quick Jacks spam caster, it isn’t… Those play basically like melee builds (unless you want to sacrifice, like, 80% of your damage due to SJ’s tiny shotgun sweetspot) :confused:

which demo belt converts fire to cold?

pretty cool item btw (although it’s lacking in terms of OA/DA as spanks said before)