Original concept by:
PlagueMirth: Unimaginative Grenado + Canister Bomb Spam Purifier
@Adam_bomb: [] Ultos and Ulzuin's Chosen: Hybrid Lightning Bomber Elementalist, 8min Crucible 170, SR76+
Sorry mates, didn’t mean to not credit either one of you, I just didn’t know a similar build had already been done
Shoutout to:
- Nery for brainstorming with me. Your suggestions led me to think of different augments to fix energy issues
- Crate for the letting us 20/10 ulzuin’s chosen in a very natural manner
- Mad_lee for suggesting bat
^Before all procs, buffs, and banners
Original GT (buffed/bannered): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/nZo61J9V <-- 5:50 clear with input from mad_lee
Recommended buffed/bannered GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN438rYZ <-- ~6:05 clear
GT (naked): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPOedGV
YT (3 + 1): https://youtu.be/MFEOWzN5CLM
YT (naked): https://youtu.be/H_DY3E75EmE
YT demonstrating spammability of explosives: https://youtu.be/iaJNuvyk8No
This is one of my few builds which isn’t designed to run naked crucible. Of my 20+ attempts, I succeeded once.
Now naked viable. However, I still wouldn’t recommend it. The -25% HP mutator makes it a nightmare because I was forced to give up typhoon powder augments for arcanum dust.
As for buffed/bannered runs…the build is designed to stack CC res, and have high overcaps on resistances naturally so that you can bypass Ulo’s buff, and use ulzuin’s buff. Why did I design it this way?
- We are muhfucken ulzuin’s chosen, of course.
- To compensate for OA loss from taking 3x typhoon powders. I’ll explain the rationale for this below
- For better energy sustain so we can get better weapon augments. (For MC, use dreeg’s foresight instead).
LOL. Inquisitor with no seal and 11/12 deadly aim?
- Without sufficient plus points to inqui mastery, seal is kinda worthless. Furthermore, needing to stop and cast it every few seconds decreases DPS. This spec is also meant to be a a glass cannon. You aren’t staying in one place for long to justify seal’s skill point investment.
- 11/12 deadly aim because I can’t help myself but want to hardcap all my other skills. Feel free to take points away from flametouched, vigor, or thermite mines if you really want to 12/12 deadly aim.
Why not use another mastery then?
- Because of word of renewal. I really like the on demand heal.
- That being said, I think a pyromancer may work equally well (if not better) here. I might test this one day.
- Offensively, eldritch sun was the key piece to solving this puzzle. Juicy HP gain, huge OA, 90% to all damage, and DA/OA shred? Was definitely worth giving up 17 more RR by going crown.
- Defensively, mad_lee perfected the build by suggesting I take bat of giant’s blood, which in turn allowed me to get ghoul. The combination of the 2 results in absurd sustain.
Gloves: Gauntlets of Ignaffar again really shines here. It allows you to hard cap both high impact and shattering blast.
Relic/rings/pants: The goal here is to 22/12 high impact. BiS would be a korvaak’s deception with +1 to high impact so you can use the items displayed in the GT above. Alternatively, you can…
a. swap out stormwitch ring for reign of ice and fire.
b. Roll with a green Kuba pants with +3 to high impact. -
Medal: Kymon’s medal is clearly BiS here. You don’t need the affixes that I have. The only reason why I chose them was for energy, OA, and casting speed. That being said, I think ‘of the gildam arcanum’ is BiS simply because you have that 5% chance of 70% CDR. I’m not sure how it interacts with ulzuin’s chosen, but I figured it couldn’t hurt. That being said, after some testing, the difference (if any) isn’t very noticeable, so any decent affix works well here too.
Ring augments: Personally, I feel people gravitate towards skyshard’s excessively. Typhoon powder (imo) is HUGE for casters with no (or very low) %WD skills. It gives the same amount of %lightning damage, 70 DA, 350 hp. That’s a massive 1050 HP just from augments alone. Doing this fixes the biggest weakness of this build - getting oneshotted without allowing blastshield to proc.
Stat point distribution
- Personally, I invested in physique just to meet the 1035 requirement for pants. Everything else was dumped into spirit for damage and energy.
- That being said, going for a full physique dump might be more practical.
Piloting tips
It plays like a classic hit-'n-run spec. The goal here is to unleash death and destruction before bailing. You should never be in the same spot for more than a few seconds.
- Thermite mines/aether corruption/FB
- Hammer away at the hotkeys for grenado/CB
- blink out when they both enter their cooldowns
- Use blazing eruption, while kiting
- Rinse and repeat
Closing words
I did a quick search in the forum looking for a similar build, but didn’t come across one. So apologies in advance if this is a rehash of a previously done concept. I’ll gladly credit the original author in this post if there’s one.