[] War Druid of Cairn - Bleeding Druid SR 75

Thank you.

I don´t think, Big Z has any plans to make Bleeding Arcanist items but who knows. :joy:
For Acid/Poison Druid, there is already Mythical Bramblevine, so perhaps Conjurer might be an option…but I don´t know.

Don´t let the numbers fool you. As I said, this build has enormous Energy Leech and therefore no problems with Energy. If you test it at Dummy though, you can count backwards: 1, 2, 3, …empty.

Bleeding Arcanist, now I am not certain any of my builds can be classified as memes :smile:

Energy leech is good after recent changes, you’re right. But also almost 100% absorb from enemies spells helps too. And still Druid…

@Rhylthar Great build here - definitely surprised to see it work!

Question: Is it worthwhile to drop Maiven’s to 1 point since you have Absorption from Primal Bond and put it to use elsewhere? Such as Elemental Balance or some other skills?

I don´t really know. I think they stack (somehow), so this makes the build quite tanky. And to lower it for “only” +22 % Crit Damage (Elemental Balance)? And I wouldn´t really know where to put the points other than in Shaman for more Damage, but perhaps survivability will suffer.

Maiven and Primal Bond damage absorb stacks multiplicatively.

Yup, per this thread it seems both at max rank would be about 23% Absorption: Maiven Sphere + Primal Bond pointless?

My math knowledge is leaving me…how much absorb do I have now? :rofl:

20 % Maiven and 17 % Primal Bond is…(my calculation is 34 %, but I am not sure at all…).

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33,6%, to be exact

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Thanks, that was my math, too. :joy:

Well, quite good and only a little bit lower as additive.

If you want some math task completed in GD forum ask a Swede. Malawiglenn isn’t at the forum, so… :wink:

Added Save-File if someone wants to try it. :slight_smile:

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More than I was thinking it was! Should help a bit even if it comes last in the order of defense, correct?

Always appreciated when people do this sort of thing!

When seeing the thread name:
“WAAAT?! Who would even play something like this?!” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Checking who’s the author:
“Oh, right” :rofl:

Well, actually you’re not the first :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh, didn´t know about that build. Then credits go to Chthon. :partying_face:

Yep, no great armor at this build, Physical Resistance is decent and Health could be more. So it surely helps.

This is meme-build police, stay where you are!


This is the beginning of Rhylthar becoming tbe Maya of bleed builds. Excited for bleed warlock!

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For example I will. :wink:

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It already happened with the Vindicator. Maya is the Rhyltar for pets :smile:

Now add Blade Arc Warlord, Blademaster, Death Knight etc.

Feedback is always appreciated. :slight_smile:

Don´t think it´s possible…but next thing to think about: Elementalist. :wink: