[] YUHU the acid retal warlord - (HC, SR 80 with full aggro, ~7:45 Naked Cr with extra spawns, 3 min Ravager of the mind kill)

Finally posted!
This is my most favorite build of yours, spanks! I really like that you makes counter strike shine so much.

I might explore counter strike build also for the future, because of this.

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This means a HUGE amount coming from you jabby! <3

But I gotta give credit where credit’s due - @superfluff was the first visionary to explore CS with the blood knight.

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forgot to congratulate you on this one too. So congrats :smiley:

Conter Strike is without a doubt one of the best skills for retal. Better than my beloved Heart of wrath, but hey we can have both :smiley:

This Mi shield is pretty amazing. It has also become my main on phys retal instead of Zolhan or Last stand. It’s just too good and you get phys res to boot too.

Edit: might retry a lightning CS retal now since i haven’t tried that set since vanilla. I don’t think it’s as strong though


Yeah, CS is really amazing for sure. As for HoW, I think it’s a fantastic devotion proccer, but is the damage that great for retal?

Well a 10 -14% rata in 4-5 m around you can’t hurt right?

It’s worth at least 1 pt for retal. Sadly fire retal is almost irrelevant and you need to have multiple types of retal damage on a “fire” build to have it work, or just convert it. So not quite fire retal.

Burn retal is nothing. And items like blazing seal epic ring lost the 1K burn retal it had :frowning:

Yeah…that’s the thing which hurts dreegal’nore the most imo.

18% rta to judgment is what…6% rta a second?

ring of sethris offers double that amount via a proc.

If the 18% rta could be moved to HoW…it’d be a different story

EDIT: Even 1 point aegis with transmutor does more work than dreegal’nore judgment


I made an ok build. Like a second rate sentinel set sentinel that is squyshier

Ironically the “buff” to dreegal got me worse rolls than i had before.

imo it should need another mod to another skill for rta. Like most stand alone retal items have

what would be nice is to see retal DEE in action.

Bramblevine is nice and all, but the single target nature of untransmuted DEE is just god awful.

i’d even go for 2h retal swinging, even though we only have 1x wps.

Might try a noxious scion RF build. I love necrotic edge animation

Why not try stoneguard with bramblevine + okaloth’s helm?

just use RF transmutor

I had this idea couple of weeks ago but bramble retal is…

I mean you get the RF mod and mess out on 2.5K flat retal.

I’ve tried Okal with Stonguard set and really i didn’t feel anything. Rf dmg was kinda same and everything else suffered cause calla is globally better and has phys retal

6% to RTA is pretty big imo, it’s like what…30% dps increase?

EDIT: You can also run 3 piece sentinel! I was considering making a DW rta RF spec with stoneguard and sentinel

still 2400 flat retal on shield and possibly a WPS mod.

I mean I would only try it for an acid build. IDK let’s try everything :crazy_face:

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Brambelvine adds CD to DEE so you can’t go untransmuted. But shield looks decent for RF/DEE Sentinel.

No point in taking the transmutor though, since total damage modifiers don’t benefit retal.

So you’re basically adding 5s to DEEs CD for some very inconsistent AoE damage which averages to about 10% rta a second.

That’s really underwhelming when you see that RF can apply 30+% rta per hit with the right mods

So retal DEE with bramblevine is a bust either way you look at it

Are you ready to rumble? Triggered some lost memories for me:

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S.E. Hinton - a great author.

RIP ponyboy

just noticed either your character has one of the wrong rings equiped when you loaded from grimtools, or you picked the lower level on when putting on grimtools. I noticed one of the ring procs is lower than the other :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Is there a way to counter mutation combos (e.g. high recovery + slow attack speed) that just doesn’t die to a retal build but easily decimates all other builds? Is resetting the run the only way?

I was basing this on a situation I’ve experienced in a multiplayer Crucible party where a lightning retal warder was the only one left in the group. While he himself doesn’t die and can comfortably tank the mob, they just kept recovering to 100% as soon as they drop around 50% health. Was it because he didn’t have enough retal damage?


With YUHU, all sources of damage can trigger counter strike. Meaning, I can stand in Kuba’s blood pool and trigger CS 5 times a second

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