In no specific order, HUGE thanks to...
This guide would not have been possible if it weren’t for your patience/guidance. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my questions as I learned the ropes of HC theorycrafting.
And shoutout to:
And without further ado…ARE YOU READY TO RUUUUMBLEEEE?
^Screenshot of Revenant + Poenix set-up
GT (Revenant + Phoenix): <— More DPS
GT (Targo + Phoenix): <— Unkillable iron giant
YT ( 3min ravager of the minds kill):
YT (~7:45 naked crucible with extra spawn):
YT ( 4x HC 170 clears; naked/extra spawns):
YT ( SR 75 - 79 with full aggro):
YT ( SR 75 - 80 with full aggro):
everything was done without the use of pharma. Minor component/augment changes were made to the spec for the ravager kill (I was also testing DG over shield wall here).
Naked runs can be done with 100% consistency with GOOD piloting. To all HC players - consider yourself warned.
To really demonstrate the viability of this spec in HC naked/extra Cr, I dropped shieldwall and phoenix for anvil/affliction.
I wanted to do 3x consecutive SR 80 runs with full aggro, but GD kept crashing. While I believe that it’s techincally possible to do this consistently, I would NOT recommend trying it if you play HC. At least not without pharma, and without aggro-abuse. It’s too easy to make a piloting error in SR, especially with arcane mobs.
How the build works defensively
Aeon’s + CDR + shield based defence.
The spec boasts incredible uptime on absolution/OG with 100% block recovery/chance when both are active.
Ghoul/resilience act as phenomenal circuit breakers during any window of vulnerability when both OG/Absolution are down, with ghoul being the strongest possible defensive pick-up on the spec due to its interaction with aeon’s.
How the build works offensively
CDR + Aeon's + perfect conversion on CSWith CS on a 0.2s CD, YUHU tears through enemies. This is further bolstered by permascension + permabsolution courtesy of CDR & Aeon’s.
Alternative itemisation
Creeping rings with relevant resists/stats are a phenomenal (albeit less offensive) alternative to the current pair used in the GT.
Those favoring defence can always opt for perdition gloves as it offers much better armor stats. The effective +1% CDR it offers also allows for better uptime on all procs.
Suffixes on the shield
The only necessary prefix here is chronomancer’s, or supercharged. The suffix honestly doesn’t matter.
This is NOT a friendly build to play. Expect to constantly hammer away at all your skills because they are constantly being reset by aeon’s.
My advice is to place Absolution, OG, Ascension, and Judgment side-by-side on your keyboard so that you can activate the former 3 before resetting them via judgment.
The reason why I chose to bind judgment to aeon’s (and not war cry) is because heart of wrath can also proc aeon’s.
This gives you a 3s buffer should you mistime your aeon’s reset.
- All testing was done in SC
- I was going to level up a legit/self-found spec in HC, but testing took way too long, and I’m really burnt out with this spec.
- Feedback on HC viability was given predominantly by @contragor. Thanks so much for the help here, mate. It really saved me a LOT of hassle.
Also…just for the lolz
Hope ya’ll liked the guide!
P.S: Spec is called YUHU 'coz…Y U HIT URSELF?