1h sword and board non caster tank build!

Welcome to the forum!

As others have already said: Leveling with S&B is quite a dull experience…

My advice is to level up a Warlord. For leveling, you could e.g. follow malawiglenn’s “Beginner Spinner” build.

When you got some gear, you can switch to S&B playstyle.

The strongest S&B builds are currently retaliation builds, like these:
YUHU by sir_spanksalot
Retal Warlord by AlkamosHater
Caution: To make retaliation work, you need the gear for it. So these are rather “future prospects”.

If you want “classic” S&B, IMHO the “Carrot Lord by veretragna” still rules.

OFC you can play S&B with different classes, but Warlord is probably your best bet as a first character. Inherently strong, lots of good endgame builds. Perfect for a good start.