[] Gloria Jailbird | DW Ranged Purifier | Deviltongue Fire Strike | Celestials | SR 85 | CR 170

Hi again,

Ive had a lot of fun with this build, it literately blows through normal game. I made some adaptations of the build though.

Unfortunatelly, I recently have faced my first celestial, Lokarr, and there is no way I can defeat him. I’ve tried like 20 times with no success. I got a lot of fire res as well as other reccomended pots, but he always kills me. In the video of @omnitrio agains Lokarr it looks so easy, you just tank him and hes gone within 6 seconds. When I try to do so, I deal much less damag to him, his life drops much more slowly than in your video, and after like 30 seconds, he 1 hit KO me. I have also tried to shoot and kite, kill clones first, ignore clones, all the tactics ive been avble to read in internet. However, I always fail.

Here there is a link of my current build:

I’d appreciate if you could tell me what to change in order to face Lokarr with success (dev points are a bit different than yours, also some pieces of gear, or components, dont know whats more important).

Thanks for the feedback.


your build is different from mine
but I think even your setup can kill Lokarr

  1. always stay in Inq Seal
  2. throw a Flash
  3. try to keep Lokarr under mines

try use this

you don’t need to take Revenant and Rhowan’s Crown both
only something one

Thanks for the reply, ill try this devotion setup.

One question, why you say my build is different from yours? I think are both pretty alike.

hi omnitrio coul you advice me, and give me some tips about my build https://www.grimtools.com/calc/r2Bqv3KN im new in this game trying to get the same items and components ty for you contenent

Devotions quite different

you forgot components on helm and chest
use this calc https://www.grimtools.com/calc/p25kY1EZ
before you can repeat my

don’t forget to use Flash and Mines

https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eZPqPAGN here is an update ty for your help

I switched over to this build after giving up on Dreadscorcher. It’s a pleasure after having so much frustration with that rifle; I maxed attack speed, stacked ADctH out the wazoo, even used the same Bonemonger set as this build. The sheet DPS was high but it still had big issues with survival.

This build is beautiful, just so smooth and natural. Kill speed isn’t as fast but the healing from Deviltongue is obscene.

Omni do you change the points on WPS now since they adjusted the scaling?

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The profit is too low for invested points

Still the best working setup in 1.1.7?

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Are these items BiS or are there any stronger but maybe rarer options? Thanks.

there are a lot of green items that are better than blue or purple

Hi I started this today and wow its great to play. one thing Should I keep adding my points in the Inquisitor skills before going back to Demolitionist ?
And what skills are best priority? are there caps to skills ?
Sorry for the heap of questions.

Hey Guys,
are the Build still viable with current version? if yes, need the build adjustments?
Maybe there is a better version of Purifier?


I like this one:

There are a few others up-to-date as well.

Is this build still viable?