[][HC] I am Three - Insanity - The strongest build in Cairn ;)

There were builds like this in the past but the weapon choice is the most counterintuitive one. It’s only obvious in hindsight but it’s something that looks stupid if you haven’t tried it yet. I had attempts to for a grimtools on this in the past, same with @thejabrixone but never had the balls to actually finish it and test. Until @sir_spanksalot spilled the beans to me which confirmed that it works. One of the most creative builds (that works) posted in here.


Good on you, Contragor, for sharing these concepts.

It’s not really a secret concept, but with changes to SoT it probably got better for acid. Jaxxons :man_shrugging: I had forgotten about this interaction.

Jaxxon rings and 100% pass through. … core to quite a few builds that I’ve seen iirc. Stormspread for combos without inquis and stormspread x2 for those with inquis. The interacton with either Brimstone or rta +Retribution is insane.

Stormspread is one of those build-defining skills that never goes over 7point investment . (feels inquis rant coming on…) and ultimately you have tons of points to put in FS/Brimstone or - in the case of point-lite RF (specifically Retribution with tons of +bonuses on so many items) - everything else.

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For sure, it’s not the fastest Crucible or deep SR performer, but that was not the benchmark used to gauge its performance. Our group had consistently tested it against all top results found in the “Fastest Cleaners” thread. Things like fastest Mad Queen, Dummy reset, Callagadra, Ravager, Mog, etc. It was leading in pretty much every one of these tests.

Right. I wanted him to test it inside out, to see if it’s possible to improve the build in any way. It was a thrill having one of the top builders question every skill choice, devotion, augment.

Can you post videos of those kills at least? Along with some Crucible and SR videos. Except dummy reset, I think it’s the most useless metric in the game. We (in our builders group) had a build that was absolutely destroying dummy but was utter SHIT in everything else.

Does this build kill MQ faster than @banana_peel glassified Rah’Zin Witch Hunter? Or kill Cala faster than retaliation Witchblade with Fevered Rage? I am very curious to see.

Not so sure. I never tried tweaking this or any other build for a specific test. So my 3.5sec Mad Queen was done using the same setup I normally use to run HC, - more focused on survivability. But let me dig up some vids…


Lol, while looking for those vids, here’s what I found - my first ever Morgoneth kill. But check out the class!

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Yes. This build can output around 76% retal damage per attack on average. So with the attack speed on the GT link, you get around 253% retal damage pet second. Compare this to stuff like zucc retal DE in my build I estimate only 70% retal damage per second. @mad_lee grasping vines build also outputs around 70% per second. Pre nerf turrion bwc (16% RtA) gets 256% per second at 12/12 bwc but that needs time to stack bwc pools. Usual RF retal melee does something from 36 to 90% per second.

Looking at that data above this build has the highest single target dps among most retal builds (hellborne does better in terms of percentage but your retal sucks cause no shield) and maybe even among most builds including top melee builds. The only reason why this build does not do well (relative to other well known top builds) in cruci and SR is because this build goes all in on two broken mechanics (RtA and passthrough WPS) but misses out on everything else, mainly lifesteal and the fact that it fumbles.


It’s been confirmed since like 1 month after FG release. It’s this specific setup that’s new (to the public).

I didn’t test full set but I just tested this exact concept on sentinel (the class) yesterday and it was nowhere near paladin on cruci. Tho I did some math and turns out paladin wins even with sentinel’s RR.

Interesting build, I was playing some shotter retal paladin in past too but physical version.
I gave a test with your setup, great single target damage but it’s not so tanky, I couldn’t reach 2nd Ravager phase with pharma (didn’t use any short duration consumables, maybe that’s why). Callagadra without kiting may be kinda hard because of her fumble, at least I had troubles with making damage on her with physical version even if I could facetank her.

@arcane_undo I’ve tested physical version, single target damage is nice if you use high conversion acid-phys soldier belt and Targo helmet (39sec Ravager WB with FR), I’ve seen already guy pushing sr 120 with physical warlord, 4 parts of the set too. I would say 4 parts > 3 parts but I didn’t testing it very long.

:point_up_2::point_up_2::point_down::point_down::point_left::point_right::point_left::point_right::b::a: Start Select, Win?

Dying to try this out omg.
Solid work man, truly.

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Hi Contragor

I am busy levelling your EoR Retal Warlord ( havnt chosen a 2nd class yet ) and was wondering if I should rather continue to build this beast that you have posted here ?

I am not sure if this build will work ok, without the exact items since I am playing self found.

Thanx again for sharing all of your build group and your own hard work and testing with the community, the same shout out to all the builders and theorycrafters out there.

You guys are the reason that certain games just keep on going, “forcing” the game developers to make constant changes and add-ons…as a side note, I love the new monster totems, they make levelling through campaign exciting again.


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Thank you for your kind words!

Gearing wise, this build is not more demanding than the EoR Warlord. If anything, it’s easier to gear up. You only need the jaxxon’s lucky rings to get started. The non-mythical version can easily be obtained at level 75 by gambling with Etram Fald - the celestial blacksmith at Tyrant Hold. You do need a decent amount of hearts/blood/brain though. Still, it’s quite doable. Levelling wise, you have a lot of options. For speed, you can go either EoR or Word of Pain.

Didnt know there was a hardcore community that had this build. I have been running variations of this build since… a few versions back as well…In any case the physical/fire retal version was nerfed rather hard early which prompted the change to acid… which kept on getting buffed. Retaliation added to attack not affected by %weapon damage from wps skills means that chilling rounds, storm spread, Jaxxons all come up with multiple applications of retaliation damage in a single attack. While basically taking a bunch of defensive options that come with retal and shield builds.

Personally I hope they never fix this interaction. I’m a huge ranged build player (almost exclusively play weapon ranged builds, so basically this, purifiers, vindicators, some strange ranged retal warlord build), and the only thing really letting range weapons build stay relevant in the top tier is the combination of pass through and multi-hit WPS interactions with default attacks (in terms of either %WD like for firestrike’s explosive/brimstone or retaliation added to attack).

I guess i got lucky that i lucked into this build because i was busy finding a use for all those Jaxxons that keep on dropping for me for some reason. This build been around for so long that I had taken more than half a year of hiatus and came back. I cant even remember if the last time i posted on retal-jaxxon interaction was in the old forums or the current one.

For Callagadra, I find the OA is sometimes not enough to really keep deadly aim up permanently together with the low cdr as well. But i guess there’s ways to build around it that I kind of didnt bother to do.


I hope so too. And speaking of fun ranged builds, here’s a warlord gunslinger, just because we can :wink:
It has more base retal damage and toughness but less procs, so the damage is lower, yet it feels more tanky.

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I’m pretty certain the percentage per attack is higher than 76% considering both Jaxxons and Storm spread output 8 bullets, twice the amount written in the skill. That brings per attack on a single jaxxons/storm spread proc to 216%. My last calculation came up to about 121% Retal added to attack

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Oh yeah right. I forgot about that.

Hi, I’ve seen a lot of these Retal builds lately and they seem very strong, but I have no idea how to level them.
Do you just pick any skill and only switch to retal at around lvl 94? Is there absolutely no way to level up as retal as early as possible, that seems like it would be pretty fun.

It is possible to level up as retal but not as fast as other levelling builds. It could be fun though. You just focus on the greens with retal bonuses at first, then upon reaching level 75 lots of good options open up. Jaxxon’s lucky rings can be acquired at 75. The perdition set is available as early as 40 and gets stronger at 65 and very strong at 94.

Hello guys (total noob here, discovered grim dawn like a month ago).
Are the okaloth’s visage(helm) and stoneguard ward (amulet) the only items that actually add % Retal damage to righteous fervor (main attack) or is there another source?
My understanding is they are mandatory for the build to work.
Just trying to understand how that damage gets added to the attack.
EDIT sry just found that retribution also adds retal to R Fervor

Thank you i didn’t know i can search items like that in grim tools.
So just to make it clear retribution and said items are the things that make it work there are no other hidden mechanics or something?
Again sry for noob questions.

Plus the rings and inquisitor’s skills (like stormspread). Basically, anything that can proc righteous fervor. Even components can do that.