[] Conjurer. Dark One is Gift. Full game content. 100 SR. Callagadra, Ravager, Avatar, Crate of Entertainment, Lokarr, Bourbon clones, Mad Queen and 150-170 crucible extra spawn without buffs and banners

Hi all. Updated the build on the Dark One is Gift set. Since this set in the old patch was severely reduced efficiency, and the build itself is very much affected. It’s time to reanimate this build. Made an emphasis on the physical resistance and sigils. The results have met expectations. All videos from the current patch below.


GT: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator



Crate of Entertainment

90 SR

[] GT

Дар тёмного 80 физ реза.PNG

100 SR full run.




Crate of Entertainment


Bourbon clones

Mad queen

150-170 crucible extra spawn without buffs and banners

Hi, everybody. I want to show my version of conjurer in the Dark One is Gift set. The build is very strong and durable. Passes full game content: 100 SR, Callagadra, Ravager, Avatar, Crate of Entertainment, Lokarr, Bourbon clones, Mad Queen and 150-170 crucible extra spawn without buffs and banners. All results are shown in the video below.

P.S. I remember the 100 SR fight with Kubacabra, a real swing(back and forth) :skull::zantai:

[] GT: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

GT: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator


150-170 crucible extra spawn without buffs and banners

Callagadra 4m 12s

Ravager 3m 18s

Avatar 2m 39s

Crate of Entertainment


Bourbon clones

Mad queen

SR 100:



Kaisan in 100 SR

Valdaran in 100 SR

Zantarin in 100 SR


Nothing too mind blowing, but very well done ofc!

That Kuba fight had my laughing so hard :joy:

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Conjurer is such a great combo. Pets, Vits, oh my! Cool build!

Nice One! I was planning to do something similar as I dropped the Nightbringer Early after My recent restart. Kinda obvious build.

Why no Storm Totem. Better dmg than Pox and the best proccer.

Yes, I agree with you. Many take in such builds totem. I didn’t take it for a number of reasons: 1) it would be 18/16 -this is a bad indicator for totem in my opinion, so I used free skills in other places. 2) the extra button. KS in the build is not so much and still +1 button, for me it is inconvenient. 3) Damage in the build in my opinion is enough. AOE damage too, Because all the game content was closed. The crucible on time, I do not play, especially here it is not necessary, since buffs and banners are not used. I hope Yandex translator did not distort the meaning of the phrases. :slightly_smiling_face:

Depends of the definition of viable. The one hand version (Nery’s one) still works. Not the fastest killer but very sturdy. I’ve done the whole campaign and killed Ravager of Mind and Mogdronen with it. See here for my feedback on the build. Nery’s build is a beginner one, mad_lee’s end game version will likely work sensibly better thanks to sensibly higher OA/DA.

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GT: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator



Crate of Entertainment

90 SR

Very nice build! I have been playing a variation of my own and added the Celestial stone of Halakor from seeing your build. It is sad that even on a bloody pox focused set, it is better to focus on Sigils/Totems than invest points in Pox.

Do you feel the Wendigo/Scales of Ulcama devotion route is still optimal here though? Wendigo lost the phys res and so much leech seems unnecessary. I switched to a different devotion setup and found it a bit tankier. Like this with Revenant for better RR uptime and Turtle defense Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Hi, I already updated and changed the build a lot, after the beta, as there were a lot of new things, including weapons. The final version looks like this. The devotion set leads to the maximum collection of physical resistance, which is extremely important for these tanks. Yes, it’s a shame to lose physical resistance with wendigo, but nevertheless, it’s still a great constellation for vitality damage.