- The theme of this build build is pretty clear.
You want to play a lazy build? Your logical choice is to play retal tank or pet build with few active skills. But what if you want lazy DW melee or caster. This is the build to use.
No active attacking skill, just movement rune and healing skill, which are mostly for buffs. And even they can be programmed with @tqFan script to be activated automatically. So only movement run and maybe not stand in ground pools. Blade Spirits and procs will take care of the rest. I haven’t used Blade Barrier in video, but is on the hotbar.
DISCLAIMER: That’s not the most efficient way to build Chillwhishper Infiltrator.
- pic with permanent buffs. Sheet DPS is low, cause is for the movement rune (what else )
GRIM TOOLS https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4LgGxN
Chillwhisper set is making the build pretty cool with the damage and life steal mods to Blade Spirits. Other items are open for debate.
Weapon 1, Winter Wind have nice proc on hit, sold.
Relic, Nidalla guess what proc.
Gloves, damage to Veil’s passive aura and pierce to cold conversion, nice.
Rings, Elemental Balance, maybe Alkamos are better. Proc have hidden mechanic and you need attack with WD (I think) to trigger them.
Medal, Dark Dreams, boost to Veil of Shadow.
Amulet, GarDal, OA and aura.
Boots, Fiendfliesh are pet boots, suited for lazy builds too. Nice absorb proc.
Belt, mandatory for vitality to cold conversion.
Pants, Stun and Physical resistances+Blade Spirits bonus and proc on top of that.
Yugol+Scales+Ghoul= for defense. Also Amatok for some damage. This build as you see, don’t have many skills for procing.
In campaign is pretty ROFL build, you don’t need even health potions.
For Crucible requires some positioning but is easy build for 150-170. Some combos like Kuba and bad mutators are pure cancer and might force you to kite outside of the blood pools. Also Grava is pretty tough. Times vary a lot, average is perhaps around 6:45, my fastest is quick 6:09, video:
Did few tries in SR 75, it’s easy unless you aggro multiple enemies at once. Luckily this build have room for maneuver and you can kite. You don’t have to of course. Just stand still and let the enemies be crushed by procs and spirits. Some walking is needed, ugh.
Video from SR 75, full shard: