[] Top Gun - 6,5 seconds Mad Queen, 5:45m Crucible, SR 75-76 resilient no greens Valdun's Purifier

Oh, I meant to make a Purifier. I just like that it uses ranged guns. And although I have had this game from the beginning, yes, I do think I’m basically a beginner. This game looks simple, but it is so very complicated under the surface. I realized that very quickly after getting into the 60s and could not finish Ashes of Malmouth. It took me until I reached 70 before I could do that - with a few mobs (I call things mobs from my Everquest days) still unkilled.

Would you recommend going through Veteran before jumping to elite, in the hopes of good drops?

And thank you for the kind welcome. I thought I had registered on the old forums, but maybe not. Or maybe the login didn’t transfer.

Kudos for your help and suggestions!


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I would recommend trying and optimize your leveling build in a way that Elite is not a problem anymore. I would do all acts on Veteran, just vanilla acts on Elite, maybe level/farm a bit in Bastion of Chaos on Elite and then jump to Ultimate. The key is always having your resists capped (as well as some kind of phys res/armor) and having synergetic build in terms of damage. But I can’t go into details because I don’t do levelling builds, that’s why I recommended checking them on these forums. Leveling with Purifier should be relatively easy tho.

This build, however, only works as advertised after you have the exact same gear at character level 100 and copy all the skills/devotions from gt-link in the op, I can’t stress this enough.

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Sounds good. I’m having fun with it. I played on Veteran to Grieg and he keeps killing me, though, so I may need to worry about just getting some levels and worrying about this all later.

I have all the parts to this build EXCEPT for the rings. Do you think it would be playable without them?

It would definitely be playable, but it won’t be at its full strength. So before you get the rings just stick to the lower end of endgame farming like SR 65-66 for example.

hi, i am very interested in your build…can u please give us a leveling guide? which skills to prioritize?


Please do, this is the endgame build, it works like that only after you equip all those items at level 94 or better 100 (with same skills/devotions/everything). For leveling I recommend checking a specialized guide because leveling build is usually much different from the endgame one.

in that case,can u give a guide on the leveling part? which leveling guide to follow?

A Purifier’s one. Just search this forum, mate, there is plenty of information, I’ve seen some kick-ass leveling guides here, but I don’t have them bookmarked.

Black Water Cocktail with transmuter, Thermite mines = win

Played this build a bit in Shards. Sketchy sometimes but still gets thru with couple of deaths. Slathzar is an absolute cancer boss to have in Shards tho. SR 75-76 10:52 run (few deaths) SR 75-76 13:30 run (few deaths) SR 75-76 11:27 run (few deaths)

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With the addition of Disruption resist to Arcane Spark I have decided to drop Arcane Harmony pants in favour of beefy Mageguards. Build is more consistent than ever.


Is 30% Disruption enough now to survive/run away or maybe one of blessings provides some more Disruption resist?

You still get disrupted (unlike when wearing Arcane Harmony) but it’s much less deadly and more of an inconvinience than a real risk. Blessings don’t provide that cc res unfortunately (would’ve been nice if they did).

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Hello. Thanks for your build and I have a question before trying.

There is an item skill - Fragmenting Round - in Valdun’s rifle and you don’t seem to use it. Is it useless? I think it could boost overall dps and want to hear your opinion.

The Animation is rather slow, so it’s normally a DPS loss, as you get 2 normal attacks in the same time, that can proc all your WPS and Devotions.

Basically what @DarkStyx said. It’s kind of useless on full Valdun.You are much better off auto-attacking and proccing your WPS - it’s much more damage and thus more survivability (thru adtch) that way.

Thanks for the reply. The idea why using Fragmenting Round is the replacement of valdun’s clip when triggering Blades of Wraiths devotion. Since the skill, Fragmenting Round, shoots 8 bullets, I think the chance of triggering the devotion would be increased.

Regarding the loss of DPS, we need to test the trade-off in the game.

Good idea, but you are much better off binding it to Inquisitor Seal or to Valdun’s wps or to Storm rounds.

I got you there, mate, I have tested it: tried playing with this skill on the skill panel but it was just all around worse than without it. It’s also a bit dangerous to stop auto-attacking to use that skill since your adtch is gonna drop and in intense battles that might trigger your fail-safes too early or even lead to an untimely death.

Okay, got it. Much appreciate for your involvement and testing with it :grinning:

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