[] The Big Bad: 5:45 Crucible Gladiator 150-170/SR 75-76 farmer no greens 2h-melee Physical/Bleeding Witchblade [c+][sr+][vid]

Hello everyone.There is what i use atm for my WB.I am not good builder and have to learn some stuffs, but for now results are not so bad at all.
Its not typical build but i like how it works with devotions skill combinations etc.The main problem imo is DA ofc not only this but mainly.With devotion procs OA/DA is about 3.3k/2.7k
How i can min-max this setup with some devotion changes augments or item components?Have some extra options for rings and belts with better DA but low OA and crit dmg.

Hey, man.

Just follow GT link in the op. If you don’t have all those items yet - it’s fine, you can make do with the ones you got. Just change components and augments and Physique/Cunning distribution the way it’s in my build. I recommend getting blue ring from Coven till you find Menhirian.

You also need Bloodrager set, so farm it or trade it asap.

Thank you for your fast answare.I have bloodrager blueprint but for 75 lvl (meh) and one Menhirian.The gutsmasher is also available.I will distribute some physic to cunning attributes.But if i copy/paste devotions fron the top of the list should this work well for warborn while i farm bloodragers one?Btw Inspiration devotion skill is a very good solution for energy regeneration problem on this build.

yep, I think they are fairly optimizied. Don’t forget to change components as well.

Yeah, i am impressed how good balance is.Leveling up Azrkaas devotion now and on low lvl i can feel its amazing procs.I sill use warborn until i found bloodrager and blade arc with transmuter.Crits are about 600k and dot fter it 120-150k per tick for the first 3 ticks then slowly decreased.Tested dmg on mad queen and she dies in 12-14 sec depends on rng crits.

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Decided to refresh the spec and try and adapt to a new “Bleeding as a support damage to Pierce/Physical” meta. Results are pretty astounding, build became the fastest physical build currently and probably the fastest one ever. Credit to @banana_peel for coming up with this idea to use Bleeding as support damage for a Pierce two-handed Tactician - I am using it on a second build (this time it’s physical) and it’s pretty awesome. Credit to @Shoot2033 for his idea to use Deathstalker. Credit to @Superfluff for convincing me to try Scales of Ulcama devotion on a physical build with Gladiator’s Distinction belt - it works really really well (and sorry for taking the title of the fastest Blade Arc build away from you, Fluff :stuck_out_tongue:).

Here is a pretty impressive 5:13 run @banana_peel did on his laptop with half-dead GPU )))

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I;m honestly glad you have taken a liking to the devotion. However just a few words below

Me posting this build had nothing to do with claiming any titles. I had no idea of any other BA build beforehand, not even playing GD in general. I just had fun with it

But you seem to care a bit. My initial reply was longer but i don’t wanna get into that because i don’t think it will do any good. Let’s just wait for the next patch :stuck_out_tongue: It will be easier to talk about stuff then


I am just having fun too, but yours was indeed the fastest. It prompted me to revamp this one. Your advice about scales was spot on! I can’t believe that I am saying it but here it’s much better than Ghoul!

Yeah, other builders’ builds usually inspire me to do something as good or better! So thanks for that! It’s all friendly competition tho (OR IS IT :smiling_imp:)

Gladly any friendly competition. But in these case there is no competition. Not because yours is worse or mine is better. They are completely different approaches. Mine has over 20% more total flat dmg when it peaks and yours has more dots total.

The main reason why these days, at least in my mind, some builds can’t compete with others in what seems to be the crucible meta can more easily be debated once the patch hits as there are a couple of important changes that, for most builds…tip the scales :sweat_smile:

Yeah, mixing it with Bleed makes it much stronger.

Yeah, new season is going to hit and I have a feeling am going to have to reinvent quite a few of my builds. I wonder if this one remains untouched, there is really nothing to nerf there. And if Crate was to nerf RR on Storm Beacons (seems like it’s a logical thing for them to do atm) it wouldn’t affect this one much imo.

Personally, for my own taste i wouldn’t switch places. The swipe feel you get with the raw dmg and especially Fury bound to it is exhilarating to me :drop_of_blood: . But that;s all subjective and my own Oleron fantasy :nerd_face:

Also i feel the raw dmg version has an easier time at SR 80+

I’m afraid it would. Perhaps not dramatically. But it would

Ever since me and Valinov flagged the beacon powers a few month ago before it took off on forum i’ve never ever used them in any recorded run (only maybe 1x T3…maybe), because they were obviously way too strong, and at really cheap price. That power imo should cost a lot more, and not with that insane AoE.

Anyway. We will see then. It’s not the only change after all

Yeah, obviously more direct damage that way. And you have the ability to equip Avenger’s amulet (+Warborn’s cd on warcry) so deeper shards would be indeed easier with your version (I am not even sure this one can comfortably farm 75-76, but gonna try it later).

well, shit. I hope Vanguard Banner gets some of its power back then. There is a reason builders stop using it besides Storm Beacons having more aoe - and the reason is that it’s not strong anymore after crit damage on it got nerfed. I hope other banners got looked at as well and it’s not just another nerf fiesta based on the very best builds piloted by the very best pilots.

Nothing dramatic in general. There are also changes in devos to consider and gear etc.

I understand the convenience of beacons but compared to anything else they were kamehameha lvl of power and I figured if I used them like this with 3x towers, one way or another on day that run will become less relevant cause it was too powerful. And it’s not just the rr that helps. A tiny bit with dmg and aggro too…for so little tribute

And aside from this, maybe some other underused towers need a buff too no? :face_with_monocle:

Definitely! Please communicate that to Z., if you can :slight_smile:. I have tried using fully leveled Inferno tower on a physical build and results were pretty awful: range on that tower is super tiny so basically I haven’t felt any effect from its armor shred at all. And I don’t even know what ice beacons do. And Vanguard got castrated. It pretty much forced players into Storm Beacons.

I know, I’ve been testing inferno these days as well.

Since the Ba build can do 2 buffs (Amatok+Ulo) only i tried T3 Vanguard + T2 Inferno.

Basically the AoE was a bit too small. If you would catch mobs right were vanguard and inferno overlapped, yes you could feel it. But that’s difficult to make use of, unlike storm beacon who just zaps around wherever it wants.

So yeah, AoE and a bit better armor shred. Feedback has already been given days ago :stuck_out_tongue: By Valinov as well

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I wonder if the devs understand that the main power of beacons is solving the game bug of monsters stuck in the spawn area.

Their damage is really small especially for non-ele builds. It does help to clear trash, so nerfing the dmg will get some 5-7 secs off the best timers. Their RR is also really good. But a lot of builds have innate flat RR or at leat a possibility to pick it up. At worst they’ll take Revenant back, which is still a good devotion.

So my question is this: if drawing aggro is SO strong in the gamemode where you shouldn’t have aggro problems by the definition of it, maybe some things have to be looked at?

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it’s not just that come on :slightly_smiling_face: In an AoE centric map you have instant RR all across the map , that is pretty high and cheap

Let’s be real they are french cheese with the price of cheeseburger cheese

If we are to be real the aggro problem should be fixed first. Or it’s going to be another global nerf where nothing is given in return. Vanguard banner was made obsolete exactly like this. Flat RR is not the main attraction of those beacons.

that’s a deeper issue that’s been plaguing crucible for a long time and it affects all of us

How so? I use it and am satisfied with it. I got good runs with it. Again you can’t decide such things for everyone

May not be the main but it’s sure as hell bonkers to have 18 flat rr reduced passively on the entire map like that and for spare change. It doesn’t matter if your build already has revenant or elemental storm. The beacon is far more effective at giving you an instant advantage over a huge area

I’m genuinely surprised that the community did not call this out but flag Op builds and make memes out them all the while these banners are like king memes

It’s a big bonus, yes, it deserves a nerf. And one might think it’s gamebreaking given how the endgame is built around stacking RR.

But when you actually test different builds you understand that the clearing power of beacons comes from aggro.

I have several builds with built in RR. For instance this one has 25 flat RR applied to everything it touches. My times were closer to 7 minutes on it.
Then i switched to beacons and beat 6 minutes with ease. Yes, i became a little better pilot since then. And Explosive Strike got a revamp in 1.1.5 for better consistency (not huge to this build, ES is only capped on it). So the timer was expected to be better. Not a minute better though.

It’s the aggro, Fluff. The ability to group up all the mobs on one spot is what is pushing times on builds closer to 5 minutes, not the dmg bonus from RR.

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