[] The Burn Ward - 5m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, SR 75-76 no greens caster Shieldbreaker [c+][g3][sr+]

Crucible have merits. Gladiator 1-150 takes less than 40 minutes even on non fully geared characters. Plus if you play legit, you don’t have more than 2 or 3 farmers. And unlocking 75 for first time is tougher than Gladiator. Plus higher waves even in lower Crucible difficulties is more rewarding than lower SR chunks. Ultimately if I started end game now and play legit, I will still pick Crucible.

Interesting…what about elite SR 65 though?

I haven’t played it on lower difficulty, perhaps it’s worth it and my theory have holes but still it’s my personal viewpoint. Game will be immensely lamer if all players prefer only SR or Crucible for farming.

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I have a max level vindicator (light defender with allagasts) and It’s one of my favorites too.
Do you have a guide/grimtools for one with stormreaver? What makes stormreaver better?

[] OL' REAVER (vindicator remake) is one possible setup. Do spirit dump and it can rival the fastest of the Allagasts in clear speed (can’t do much of that spirit dump though because it’s heavy armor). One advantage is that it has melee for sustain. But this can also be a disadvantage sometimes.

Another thing is full LD set is way tankier than Allagast. Allagast is a pure offense set. But LD/Stormreaver has no cdr which makes it kinda retarded a caster.

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A lot easier than Ultimate and loot isn’t bad either. Definitely a possible alternative, if you can’t clear 65/66 on Ultimate.

BTW, Challenger Crucible around 150 also isn’t bad for farming. TBH, I did that a lot as a new player. It’s even better if you got a build that can do Challenger naked or with only one buff. This way, you don’t loose so many tributes if you fail. I often did something like 150-160, 140-160, 140-150 with one buff (in most cases Amatok’s or - if I ante more safety - Empyrion’s).

Another question regarding the build, what exactly makes Grim Fate better than Warpfire?
Warpfire provides 15% more RR, 100-150% burn damage and more burn damage duration (which makes your burns stack up higher?).

I don’t see grim fate offering that much, the proc seems nice for cruci and some more damage to thermite mine sure, but how is it better?

And what about fiend vs ghoul? Is the ghouls defensive proc that good/needed that it’s worth to give up the additional damage you’d get from fiend?

Single target RR

Exactly this. AoE is king in Cr speed runs.

Yes. It’s a great safety net.

Okay, but the radius is fairly small and the reduced burn damage/duration would make nemesis bosses take longer. I guess I’ll just have to try it out.

I mean, you spend most of the time in Cr fighting non nems, which is why AoE is king

Two things: Thermite Mines mod and CDR. Both are extremely powerful. Thermites mines at 26-16 with added radius and added flat damage are monsters, you can notice how fast they burn thru any foe in the videos. CDR is just a king of all stats, it speeds up everything in this build: Ascension, devotion procs, BWC, Blast Shield. RR mod on Warpfire is single target and often procs somewhere you don’t need it to proc.

Ghoul is another defensive layer that this build needs. It has more than enough damage to just skip Fiend, but it needs circuit-breakers to kill before it gets killed.

Hey. Let us not leave this unmentioned: IK got a debuff on the helm in Damn, I liked that build. Judgment especially. I really wonder how powerful toons could be if there has never been a single build posted on this forum.

Fortunately that didn’t affect this build in the slightest. If anything, it got a bit tankier due to a health buff on Infernal Champion.

To be fair I have not tested it, yet. But the Item Skill modifier for Judgement was cut down to (not by, but TO) less than a 3rd. I cannot see how this not impacting DPS.
Hardcore players get furious when the tick rate of Lightning Tether is reduced by 10%. The IK debuff looks quite more severe on paper.

I can tell you how. Judgment is like a third damage dealer here, more of a support damage than anything. And IK mod to Judgment is roughly 1/6th of total Judgment damage. So even if you remove this mod completely your Judgment (your third damage dealer) is going to lose less than 20% of its Burn dps.

I will record couple of runs today to see how it is.

Wouldn’t it be more reliable to bind Twin Fangs to Storm Fire instead of Vire? Why did you pick Vire for that?

honestly I have tried everything and nothing is really trully reliable like Storm Box or Storm Totem. But I found Vire’s Might proccing ability to be “the lesser of evils”.


So did three runs with 3 blessings + 1 Vanguard Banner. First run I was getting used to the spec, so was a bit slow - 5:51 or something. Second run I caught two armored mutators (huge luck for elemental build) and no Iron Maidens and bam, 5:26 run.

Third run just one “Armored” mutator and two damn Iron Maidens and… 5:16 run. So build is as strong as it was before. Here are the videos, will add them to the op:

5:26 run
5:17 run

@blingi You can see how Bat + Vire works on that build there.

And tried 4 Blessings + 3 level 1 Storm banners setup and managed 5:13 run.

Oh sure it works, but you seem to often go long times without using it where stormfire spam would procc it.
Also it’s a way lazier option cause I wouldn’t have to bother with using Vire’s which lower my dps and is another button to press.
I dropped Vire’s entirely for now and bound it to stormfire and will see how it goes.