[] Budget physical Forcewave Warlord

yeah if reputation is met.

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soon will rework the gear :smiley:

EDIT: cannot figure out how you got the yellow affinity for the scales :frowning:

I am going with the Kraken version.

Just get Lion as temporary devotion, then when scales of ulcama is completed, refund Lion at spirit guide.


you are right, as always! lion in and now out :smiley:

just got the scales and azraaka :smiley:

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Poor Lion, 99% of the cases it only serves as step to get another devotion :stuck_out_tongue:


Hope you also find these gloves too soon @Jacko



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THESE are really nice :smiley:

Envy you :wink:

Btw, I have TONS of blue items - shall I keep all of them or just a few? is there a list of useful blues or something like that…?

Blue items you will find loads of, just save those you will need for your current build imo. Except level 84-94 rings, amulet and medals. Because they have smaller drop chance

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mental life saving tip :wink:


I took in OK Vire / Volcanic / Tectonic at 1/1/1 for mobility and attached Shifting sands to it.

will shifting sand be procced just once from Vire or a few times each second as Volcanic ticks every second as it leaves this trail, right?

Volanic stride can proc it too.

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then on paper it looks strong :smiley:

well, yet another problem, try as I might I cannot get devotion tree to work out - your setup with Kraken :frowning:

I am lacking points, 1 or 2…i am at 55/55 now.

upload and post build, otherwise hard to help

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OK, figured it out:

  1. subtracted a point from azraaka (no point in head node)

  2. oleron not full (6/7; no point in head node)

  3. 2 headless figures, but works now. i wrongly assumed Oleron and Azraaka were all full.

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yeah, it is not optimal - 2 points together cannot be not taken - you can make both headless but different options are also possible, e.g. in the demo setup I decide to the take Olerons proc, but left out the arm from Azrakaa

just dropped:

its decent but can not beat a well rolled green ugdenbog girdle

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the belt u mention will have to wait - need to farm rep.


Farm more? or this one is ok? maybe it shall be superior for that flat phys dmg?

Runecaster is pretty joozy, especially if you are in areas with many chtonics and aetherials

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