Dunno how I actually came up with the idea of this build. I was looking through the new MIs and thought where I could fit in Naren Kur’s sword. So … I tried chaos Witchblade multiple times but only now it seems pretty good to me.
I don’t think so. w/o Fang of Cthton we lose a huge amount of lifesteal (that is crucial) and extra RR, which is important too.
and generally, the idea behind the build was to see how good or bad is chaos Cadence.
and as for ToC, better leave it for WH
I would put 1 point in Zolhans Revenge. One point will lead to 8 ( with boni). This will lead ro roughly 200 % Weapon damage which should be more than an default auto attack with both hands. Also the Activation chance is 24 % , which will lead to nearly 100 % wps, without interfering with the rest of the wps.
As far as i know, default attacks have only a chance to attack with both hands. L =Lefthand damage R = Right hand damage
So the default attack is 0,25 x L + 0,25 x R + 0,5 ×(L+R)
If i say that L =R that combines to 1,5 x L.
Zolhans Revenge is 2 x L . So a net gain of 33%. Its still bad compared to a dual wield wps, but better than the default attack.
I have a similar one but no Cadence, using Touch of Chaos as default attack replacer and using Doom Bolt, as well. I’d like some comments for improvement. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/M2gAp4OZ
I’m not familiar with building Chaos and built this without looking up any guides, so my question is Guardian’s Gaze proc better than Flame Torrent proc in this case?
I can’t afford myself dropping Fang as it provides too much vital stats like ADctH, RR and +1 to Occ.
But I tried t with 1 Servitor’s cleaver and results were ± the sa,e, or a bit worse.
I’d say, with Cleaver the Cadence itself hits harder, with Naren Kur’s sword basic attacks are better.
it is. GG has higher flat damage value and also has lifeleech on every projectile, that is super-solid.
Hi, have you been experimenting with chaos Witchblade lately? The weapon choice remains an uncertainty here for me personally. Naren kur is quite obvious, but not sure wether to pair it with servitor corruptor and go chaos cadence, or go ToC and use fang of chthon as second weapon. We have skill points enough so I’d lean more into servitor, although that means sacrificing %RR on ToC/Fang (although those dont stack). My main goal is SR btw